Tuesday 9 October 2012

My Polly Pocket Date (Part 1)


Well, Sunday night I had another date and to be honest, it didn’t go well (no surprise there then). 
I did break some of my own rules it has to be said, because I had spoken to this guy more than I would usually do before I meet someone and I guess that lulled me into a false sense of security (not in any way that I was at risk though ... I just thought I’d better point that out).  Through our conversations, it was clear that we both had a love of films, so as I was decidedly bored at the weekend and really fancied getting out for a full evening I agreed to meet him for pizza and cinema. 
Now, a couple of things to point out here ... usually, I would only ever meet someone for a quick drink on a first date, that way you can get away quickly if you don’t like them.  Also having a meal with someone is quite personal and I’m really strict on good table manners and can’t bear to eat with someone who is a messy eater ... it’s slightly more bearable if I know the person, but I’m totally intolerant of poor eating habits in someone I don’t know ... it makes me cringe and I’m either transfixed watching them, or can’t bear to watch them at all and avoid eye contact/having to look at them at all costs.  Thirdly, I wouldn’t usually go to the cinema with someone on a first date because how are you going to get to know each other when you can’t talk?
Then there’s the last thing ... you have to sit quite close to someone in the cinema and if you discover you don’t fancy them (but they fancy you) you can spend the whole of the film squished into the corner of your seat trying to get as far away from them as you possibly can (within the confines of a cinema chair!).
So, back to the story ... I met him in Pizza Hut (not my favourite place but I didn’t want to make it into a big thing) at 7.00 pm.  As I was walking up to the reception area, there were two men there and I couldn’t see how it could be either of them.  One was sitting down and looked quite young and on the big side, the other was wearing baggy jeans, a sweatshirt and was tiny!  I strolled into reception and the tiny man said, “Hi!” (in a slightly Munchkin type voice) I looked down and with slight disappointment said, “Oh, you must be John?” “Yes, come on, I’ve been in and I know where we’re sitting.”  He then led me to our table.  I felt like Snow White on a play date. 
You know when you can feel everyone looking at you?  We must have looked quite a sight.  He said on his profile that he was 5’10” which isn’t too bad (I’m 5’6” and always wear at least 5” heels, so I can cope with 5’10”), however, if he was 5’5” I would have been impressed.  He literally came up to my navel.  We sat down and he was overly excited and was unbelievably hyper.  I decided not to say anything about the height thing, but that was enough to put me off.  I have nothing against short men, I just don’t fancy them ... it’s nothing personal, I’m just not attracted to them, but it’s more the fact that these guys lie.  What do they think is going to happen?  Do they think that you’re not going to notice that they’re 5” shorter than they specified on their profile?  After all, they’d have to wear some serious platforms to bring themselves anywhere near their stated height ... it’s just not something you can hide!
I thought, “Well, that serves you right Jx.  This is precisely why you don’t usually meet someone  on a first date for anything other than a quick drink – but you’re here now, so you’ll have to get on with it”  I guess I could have bolted, but really I just couldn’t do that.  So we ordered and then the fun began.  He was one of those that ‘chows down’.  What I mean by that is that he had no table manners, when his pizza came he leaned over with his shoulder hunched and his elbows on the table and literally didn’t come up for air until it was finished, he shovelled it in.  He also spoke with his mouth full, his hands and face were covered in sauce and grease and I just couldn’t watch ... it was like watching a car crash for me *shudder*.
How I got through that I don’t know, but luckily, it didn’t last that long, he then asked for the bill – which I’m happy to say he paid, although he did falter when I said, “Let me pay half” – I think I’ve I’d pushed it, he would have let me (that’s typical for the type of men in my town if I’m honest, and another reason why I try not to go out with someone that lives within a 10 mile radius).  However, (and I think this is a good indication of a person) he left a 70p tip!  OMG ... I’d rather leave nothing than 70p that’s so mean, so on the way out, I slipped the waitress £5 because I was so mortified.
Right lovelies, I need to leave it there for today ... I’ll post part 2 tomorrow.  Until then have a great day and be fabulous.
Lots of Love

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