Saturday 17 December 2011

Спасибо России

I’ve just looked at the stats today and find that since my last post, my Russian lovelies have overtaken every other country in the amount of hits my blog has received.  In honour of them, I’ve attempted a Russian “Thank You” ...

Огромное спасибо всем моим русским читателям за поддержку. Это значит для меня все!

In case that didn’t translate properly, it should read ...

“A huge thank you to all my Russian readers for your support.  It means everything to me!”

You guys ROCK!
I haven’t got an awful lot to do today.  House is clean, ironing/packing is nearly done and Christmas shopping/wrapping is done.  I was thinking that I should go to the gym in a last ditch attempt to get my body in some sort of bikini shape, but short of radical liposuction or completely starving myself, I don’t think anything’s going to work now!

So, I may go and get a quick facial somewhere and then go and watch the new Sherlock Holmes movie ... did you see Robert Downey Jnr and Jude Law on ‘The Graham Norton Show’ ... Yum Yum Yum.  However, that’s bound to lead to a foot long hot dog and M&Ms ... it’s the Law you know when you go to the movies, to have a foot long hot dog and peanut M&Ms!  So maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea after all ...!

Whatever you’re up to today ... have fun and be fabulous!

Lots of Love


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