Tuesday 6 December 2011

Eyebrow Tattoo Update


I thought I’d give you a quick update on the eyebrow situation ... as you’ll recall, I was supposed to be going for my follow up appointment last Friday.  However, I got a phone call on Tuesday from the Spa to say that Nilam was unavailable on Friday and could they re-arrange for the New Year!  Very annoying when I’m following her tweets and she’s quite open about where she is and what she’s doing!  Remember how I always bang on about the importance of customer service ...  Well now I have to take another day off in January and as I work for myself I don’t get paid for the days I don’t work – so all in all, that’ll be 3 days lost on eyebrows! ... Arrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh these are turning into the most expensive eyebrows of all time!
My re-arranged appointment is now 16 January ... on the upside, I go on holiday between then and now (Caribbean again baby, yipeeeee) and I’m told they can fade a bit in the sun ...
Until next time lovely people, be fabulous.
Lots of love

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