Tuesday 6 December 2011

I Love Films

I was going to post the second part of my Asian vs Caucasian Dating story today, but I can't find where I've saved it (don't worry - not that you were - it'll turn up) and thought I'd do a quick film review instead!
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned but I absolutely love films.  Love Love Love them and I’m not really that picky about the types of films I watch.  There’s just something wonderful about going to the piccies (movies for my American friends) that’s just so fabulous.  I don’t know whether it’s the fact that nothing else matters whilst you’re in the cinema ... the whole world is blocked out and you get totally absorbed in the film (providing that it’s a good one) ... it’s bordering on magical!  (Is that sad?  Hmmmmmmm I dunno ... and actually don’t really care!)
I’m not particularly bothered about genre (although I’m not a huge fan of war films or, gritty reality type British films – far too real for me, I like a bit of escapism and a really good story) I do love a good old film, in fact all of my most favourite films are real oldies.  In no particular order:

·         Some Like it Hot

·         Alfie (the original, not that crappy version with Jude Law ... that’s just nasty)

·         Breakfast at Tiffanys

·         Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

·         Brief Encounter

·         Now, Voyager

·         Plus a whole raft of Ealing comedies and anything with Peter Sellers in (pre 1970s)

My absolute perfect afternoon is watching an old film at the cinema, like it’s supposed to be seen.  My local cinema used to run old films once a week ... there was just nothing like watching ‘Breakfast at Tiffanys’ and other such oldies on the Big Screen ... loved it.  Sadly, they don’t seem to be doing it anymore and I’m not aware of anywhere else that does ... if you know, please let me know!
So, because I go to the cinema at least once a week, I decided to by an unlimited card - £14.99 per month to watch as many films as you like.  Bargain! I’ve seen 4 this weekend!  On second thoughts, I’m not so sure that it was a good idea ... I may never see daylight again and as I’ve moved on from my love of pick n mix and I’m now totally addicted to Hot Dogs and Peanut M&Ms, there’s a very real chance I’ll end up hugely overweight too!  Oooooo that’ll be a nice look ... my eyes will start to get bigger and I’ll develop big black bags under them (like that girl from that book we all read in the 80’s ... ‘Flowers in the Attic’) and my ass will spread so that I’ll have to take up two seats! Lmao ... don’t think there’s really much chance of that, but hey!

So what’ve I seen this week? 

Hugo – Meant to be a kids film by Martin Scorsese – now I usually really love his films (Gangs of New York is a total classic and I’ll never understand why that was so under rated) but this, whilst cinematically absolutely beautiful, the story just didn’t work and was really tedious in places ... if you’re thinking of taking small children and they don’t have the best attention span, I think they’ll find it quite hard going, I did ... in fact, I don’t know whether it was because I had quite a tough week last week and I was shattered, but I did feel my eyes closing a few times ... if it’s a good film, that never happens, no matter how tired I am! 
The Thing – I believe is a prequel of the 80s film with Kurt Russell (or so the guy who sold me my ticket told me ... I can’t remember it).  Anyway, it was really the typical alien monster tale, you know how it goes ... spaceship is found buried deep in the ice somewhere, alien creature is found buried, is dug out then wreaks havoc.  In my opinion, not very scary, although a bit gory and not a patch on the Alien/Predator films (however, there were 3 teenage boys sitting behind me to screamed like girls a couple of times ... that frightened me more than the film!).  Worth seeing though, although probably wait and see it on DVD.

Dream House – This is the film that Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz apparently met and fell in love on.  Anyway, it’s had lousy reviews (I never take much notice of reviewers - and here I am giving your my views - they slated two of my most favourite films of this year – The Rite and The Priest – so if I fancy something, I’ll make my own mind up!)  I actually quite liked it ... although, don’t see the trailer if you don’t want to know what happens ... they give the biggest part of the film away in the trailer ... mad!  Don’t know why they did that, but there were still quite a few twists in it that I didn’t see coming.  I enjoyed it, worth a look.

My Week with Marilyn – My favourite film for ages.  I really liked it – I’ve been looking forward to seeing it ... I love Marilyn Monroe and am fascinated with her mad life.  Michelle Williams played a really good part and it was actually a quite intelligent film with a good script, some lovely costumes and beautifully shot.  I can highly recommend it.

This weekend I’m looking forward to seeing Puss in Boots (you’ve gotta love the Shrek films, so this is bound to be good) and maybe, New Year’s Eve, although I believe that’s very like Valentine’s Day and I wasn’t a fan of that.  However, as I’ve already got my money back on my ‘Anytime’ card, I might as well check everything out ... God Bless My Waistline!

Until next time, have fun lovely people and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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