Tuesday 20 December 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Well my lovelies, I’m just about to sign off for the holidays (how very American of me!) and couldn’t go without:

Wishing you all a Wonderful Christmas and a Fabulous New Year!

You’ve been totally amazing this year and again, I really appreciate every single one of you and the support you’ve given to me.

I hope you all have THE most wonderful time with your friends and family ... but just on one small, rather more serious note, if you do have any single friends, especially ones who’ve been single for a while (new singles tend to get tonnes of support, whilst people get used those who have been single for a while and sometimes don't realise that they need just as much love and potentially even more support) please remember to include them/check in on them.  It could be just a small thing that would make a whole world of difference.

Until next time lovely people, be good, have fun and look after each other ... oh and remember, BE FABULOUS!

Lots of Love


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