Saturday 10 December 2011

Christmas Shopping Sucks!

So what else has been going on this week?  Well, Thursday, my current major client didn’t need me to work, so I thought I’d better get my backside in gear and do some Christmas shopping.  The only presents I'd bought so far were for Devon (you’ll remember in an early post when I described our Christmas Dress Shopping Expedition) ... other than that ... nadda!
However, it was harder than usual to get myself going ... my get up and go and definitely got up and gone, for a number of reasons:
1.   I was feeling decidedly crap (I’m so ready for a break ... I think my body’s giving up the ghost!

2.   The weather was disgusting and there were freak weather warnings on the TV

3.   ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ was on TCM!
Excuses, excuses ... finally, after two cups of strong black coffee (I don’t think I’ve mentioned my love of coffee ... not the instant type ... OMG, that’s just rank.  I’ve no clue how anyone can seriously drink that stuff ... it should only be used in dire and I mean dire emergencies!) I managed to prise myself off my decidedly comfy sofa, slapped some slap on and ventured out into what I can only describe as Armageddon!  The wind and driving rain where a total nightmare ... however, needs must an all that.  I would much prefer going into Manchester or Liverpool for my shopping, however, given the weather, thought that the Trafford Centre (Shopping Mall about 30 miles away for those of you who don’t know it or who haven’t read previous posts) would be far more appropriate.

I did worry slightly about the crowds ... I just don’t do queuing (getting in line) or 'shopping crowds', I just can’t bear how distracted people get when they’re shopping, it puts my blood pressure through the roof!  I won’t even go shopping on a Saturday afternoon because I can’t stand the jostling ... which is 10 times worse at Christmas.  These are the types of things I’m talking about:

·         People who you’re walking behind, just stop ... for no apparent reason

·         People wandering aimlessly picking up stuff they’ve no intention of buying

·        Men (sorry to pick on you, guys, but ...) wandering around getting in the way and looking completely lost and embarrassed (you just know their wives have said, “I don’t care if you don’t want to come, YOU’RE COMING.  At least you can carry the bags if nothing else and why should I have to do everything blab la bla”.  The men just have that, “I’m here under duress and am hating every moment of it” rather distressed, hang dog look)

·         There’s never enough staff (back to that ‘poor customer service’ thing again)

·        Children/babies screaming the place down for no apparent reason and their parents seemingly totally oblivious to their ‘little loves’

·         General disregard of people for their fellow shoppers!
I’ve got to be honest, I love to shop ... no, I mean I LOVE to shop and I’m unbelievably good at it, even though I say so myself!  However, I can’t do as a lot of my friends to ... shop all day ... God, I’d rather stick hot pins in my eyes.  I’m a strategic, in and out, no messing around shopper.  I know what I like, I know what suits me and I know what I want.  There’s none of that, ‘spotting something in the first shop, then going to every other shop only to return to buy the first dress you saw in the first shop you went in 8 hours ago’.  I could never get that and on the odd occasion when I’ve happened to go shopping with friends who do that ... my patience runs thin very quickly.  Therefore, unless I can possibly avoid it ... I shop on my own (who needs the extra stress!)

I can stand at the front of a shop and practically scan it from the door and pick out anything of interest.  That’s ‘in and out’ shopping at its best.  Two hours tops is all I can do.  Works for me.  However, the amount of money I can spend in those intense two hours ... well, in case my accountant’s reading this, I’d better leave it there ...

So, Thursday, after 2 good hours shopping, I’d got most of my presents and THE most fab pair of ‘over the knee’ Ugg boots from Selfridges (my all time favourite shop)  Now, you know that I don’t like flats (apart from on holiday), but I do love Uggs ... although I only wear them on a Sunday or when I’m shopping and want to run around quickly without the distraction of sore feet ... my latest purchase makes that my 8th or 9th pair (can’t quite remember) ... love em!
My lovely new 'Over the Knee' Uggs!

When I finally emerged, shopping ladden, the weather was even worse ... a total nightmare.  Not only that, a huge queue (line) had developed to get out of the car park ... it took me half a hour to get out grrrrrrrrrr as if I don’t queue enough getting in and out of Manchester every day!  That was a Thursday, imagine what today would be like ... Shop on line people, shop on line!

Today, I'm still not feeling on top of the world, so I ran out this morning to pick up some bits before the mad Xmas shoppers get out there and have spent the afternoon wrapping presents and watching old films ... can't beat it!

Well, that’s it for another day ... Oh, before I sign off ... I went to the cinema yesterday to see ‘Puss in Boots’.  That was definitely worth watching ... some very funny disgused adult humour in there ... something for everyone ... far better for kids than Hugo.

Until next time lovely people, be fabulous.

Lots of Love

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