Thursday 15 December 2011

A Little Bit More Asian Dating!

Hello lovelies, sorry it’s been a few days ... but it’s really been quite a quiet news week.  As I’m sure you can appreciate, that’s not always a bad thing in my life!  On the major upside, I finished for Christmas today and already have the bubbles open ... so if this post seems to slip into confusion towards the end ... I take no responsibility!

So, what have I been up to ... well, I was having a catch up today with one of my single Asian friends, when we inevitably got on to the subject of dating (just for the record ... nothing new on my side.  As I’ve told you previously, my nerves can’t take anymore Internet Dating at the moment ... so I’m giving it a rest in the hope that I’ll be back to full strength in the New Year!)  I asked her how she was getting on and she completely floored me with yet another type of Asian dating ... ‘The Asian Marriage Committee’!!!!!

“The what?!!!!!”

“The Asian Marriage Committee”

“What on earth is that?  OMG I’ve heard it all now ... not only do you have two types of matchmakers, but you’re now telling me that there’s a whole committee!!!!”

 “Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot to tell you about that.  I didn’t even know my mum had put my name down for it until she told me that a boy had rung and he got my number from the Committee”

“Woah woah, slow down tiger ... before you get into the detail of the boy ... tell me about the Committee first” (I’m always on the lookout for interesting stuff to tell you guys, so absolutely had to find the detail of this little gem)

Turns out that you can register your loved one (daughter/son) with the Committee.  As with the other matchmakers, you give them all your child’s details, age, eye colour, height, salary ... in fact, all the other stuff that I’ve told you about in my previous posts and, of course, what you’re looking for in their perfect partner (I was slightly worried at that ... if it’s your parents who put you forward, then wouldn’t it be their view of what you would want in a partner?  Now that’s bloody scary!) together with a recent photo.

The Committee then create a sort of ‘profile’ of you (once you’ve paid them the £10 matching fee ... Bargain I thought!  I joined a dating agency once and that was £600 - I was well ripped off!  I almost forgot about that ... I think I may have told you about it earlier in the year ... I’ll check back.  If I haven’t, I’ll do a post about it sometime soon).  They then proceed to check your details against what you’re looking for in the hope of coming up with a good match.

So, my friend got back from going out (obviously!) and her mum told her that a boy had called and he got her number from the Committee.  That’s the first my friend knew that she’d even been registered.  Classic!  Her mum just shrugged and said she’d forgotten all about it.  How can you forget about something like that! Lol

Now, not only does this Committee find matches for you, but they also have what are called ‘Viewing Events’.  Well, my imagination ran wild at that one ... Me, “So, does that mean that you all stand in a line and the prospective partners walk up and down and ‘view’ you?!!!”  That’s just kinda what I envisaged!  As you can imagine, I was conjuring up all kinds of things (I’ve seen far too many films!)  Apparently not ... Phew!  It’s were you can go and view the profiles of other people.  If you like the look of any, you take their number and call them.  However, should there be anyone there at the same time who is also viewing profiles and they happen to take your fancy, all the better.  You swap numbers there and then. 

You’ve gotta love it ... you can’t say Asians don’t take this marriage stuff seriously!  There’s definitely no half heartedness about it.  I’d love to tell you what’s been going on since my friend spoke to this guy, but I don’t want to break any confidences.  I’ll ask her if I can tell you though ... I don’t mention names as you know, so I’m sure she’d be fine, but I’d rather ask first!

Well lovely people, time for me to sign off again.  Things to do, champagne to drink an’ all that!

Until next time, as always, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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