Thursday 1 December 2011

Semi Perm Lashes!

Earlier on this year, I had semi perm eyelashes ... these are individual lashes which are glued one by one to your own lashes ... and if done well, look fabulous I must have had them on for about 6 months (you have to have them topped up every 10 days or so cos they come off when you use your natural lash) but had them taken off when I went on holiday. They’re far too much hassle to be bothered with on hols as you can’t get them wet and have to cleanse around them ... not an ideal match with sea, pool and suntan lotion!

Anyway, because they are quite a faff, both managing them daily, having them filled every 10 days and of course let’s not forget the cost, I never got round to having them put on again.  However, I was at the salon last week and the owner mentioned that they had a half price offer on lashes and I should have them done.  I must point out here that the lady who used to do them left (the owner’s daughter actually) ... she was a total expert at them ... amazing, really quick and they were perfect, every time ... it would take her about 40 mins to do a full set and they were magnificent!

Well, despite the fact that the ‘professional’ had left, I thought that half price was a pretty good bargain and as I’d have them taken off for my holidays (in a few weeks), I didn’t mind paying the price or taking the time to have them done.

So last Saturday, 20th I booked in.  Mistake ... big mistake!  When will I ever learn that if something is really cheap in comparison to what everyone else is charging, there’s a reason.  In this case, the reason was that the lady who did them, quite obviously, was a trainee who had been taught by the Salon owner’s daughter before she left ... therefore, not even professionally trained.  Had I known that before, I wouldn’t have bothered.  Now, I know people have to learn how to do things ... they just don’t need to learn how to do them on me, thank you very much!  I’d rather pay full price and have it done properly rather than have something done badly, cheaply. 

I arrived at my appointment at 11.00 am ... guess what time I left?????  1.00 pm!  Two friggin hours! TWO FRIGGIN HOURS!  Who the hell has 2 hours free like that? I certainly don’t.  When I looked at the lashes, disappointment doesn’t become to cover it.   I have two ways of describing what they looked like ... you can choose for yourself which you like best, cos they both sum it up well:

1.   An extremely inebriated spider

2.   A spider on ice

Well, you get the idea ... they were all over the place ... and there were gaps!  Appalling!  When the therapist asked me what I thought, I was so desperate to get outta there, I just said they were ‘nice’ ... threw the money at her and literally ran out!  I was so disappointed ... I went straight to Boots and bought some single lashes to fill in where she’d missed.  When I saw Mehreen a few days later ... her reaction was to laugh and tell me to ‘Get them off’!!!!  Oh dear!  Mehreen is usually incredibly polite so for her to say that, they must have been bad!

So I had to bite the bullet and make an appointment to have them taken off.  I tried to get someone else at the salon to do it, but was told that they all work for themselves and therefore were each responsible for their own mistakes! Believe it or not, I really do hate to complain (I guess it’s a British thing) and would have preferred it if I could have had someone else to take them off and just not gone back to that girl, but that wasn’t going to be possible!

I turned up at the Salon early for my appointment (as usual ... can’t help myself!) and was told that the Therapist (loose use of the word) was running late.  She turned up 20 minutes late – I’d been there 10 minutes early – and didn’t even apologise ... I’m not good with stuff like that.  I’m all about excellent customer service.

The Salon owner looked at my lashes and said she thought they were fine!  I couldn’t believe it ... I said, “You’re kidding, right?” ... nope, she wasn’t kidding.  She said she thought there was nothing wrong with them.  I told her I thought they were appalling, she just blinked ... blinked FFS!!!!  Aggggggggghhhhhhhh  I just knew then that she was protecting her income and there was no way I was going to be offered my money back ... unbelievable ... total lack of any kinda customer satisfaction! 

When the Therapist had said hello to everyone, showed them her nails and had a bit of a gossip, she was ready for me ... another 10 mins ... OMG, I was ready to burst I was getting so angry (not like me, but as I say I just hate to be kept waiting and totally detest bad customer service).  She looked at my lashes and I told her that I thought they were all over the place and that there were lashes she’d missed.  She said that she could fill them in ... I said, “Take em off!”  So another half an hour and two very watery irritated eyes later, the bloody things were off!  One saving grace ... she didn’t charge me ... actually, I’d loved to have seen her try ... I’d have gone berserk!

So it’s back to normal lashes again, at least until after my hols ... or unless I’m going out and I’ll put strip ones on.  Ho Hum ... and today’s lesson, if something seems too good to be true ... it usually is!

Until next time, take care lovely people and be fabulous!

Lots of Love


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