Friday 9 December 2011

I've Got a Kindle!

Well it’s been a bit of a weird week really and nothing of real note has gone off, so I guess this post may be a bit ad hoc! 
So what has happened?  Well, I don’t really know if this is newsworthy, but I finally succumbed to the lure of a Kindle.  I’ve resisted for ages.  The thought of reading a book on a tablet just didn’t do it for me (I love love love books so much, I love the smell of them, the feel of them ... just everything about them!) and despite what everyone who has one tells me ie that they resisted at first but now totally love them, I just couldn’t bring myself to get one.

However, last weekend, I was looking at my book shelves debating which books I was going to take away with me on holiday in a couple of weeks and when I piled them up (I read about 6/8 books when I’m away for 2 weeks) I just thought, “Blimey, that’s ridiculous ... I could fit an extra few pairs of shoes if I didn’t take all those!” plus, I pretty much always have to pay excess baggage (no surprise there then!) and I’m sure a lot of it must be books (“Yeah, right” ... I can hear what you’re thinking, I can read minds ya know!) and although I totally love my books and couldn’t go away without a lot of reading material, the lure of taking more shoes and replacing my books with a Kindle, was just too much for me to bear!  Also, I always run out of books when I’m away and end up swapping with other holidaymakers ... having a Kindle would mean I can take as many as I want and download even more if I did happen to run out.

The only downside that I could really come up with is: Kindle + suntan lotion + pool + sand + sea = an icky mess!  However, I’ve been assured that they are really robust and are designed for all sorts of situations!  So, I bit the bullet and ordered one.  To ease the perceived pain and make the whole experience a bit nicer, I decided to order a nice leopard print skin to go over it (you can never go wrong with a bit of leopard print!) ... well, I have to protect it from the sun tan lotion!!!!

My New Leopard Covered Kindle!

It came on Wednesday and last night I downloaded around 18 books.  I’ve nearly finished one already (The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins), what an amazing book!  I can highly recommend it.  I’d read loads of reviews about it on Amazon and decided that I’d take the trilogy on holiday ... it is every bit as good as the reviews say, and I’m really happy to say that the Kindle, whilst taking a bit of getting used to it hasn’t detracted from the content at all!  In fact, what is good about it, is that sometimes if a book is really thick, they can be difficult to handle and if I’m reading for at least 8 hours a day (like I do on hols) then my hands can hurt after a couple of weeks ... yes, honestly! 
So I’m happy to report, the Kindle is nice and light (in fact it’s incredibly slim and weighs next to nothing), easy to handle, easy to find your way around, easy to download books too and all in all, pretty damn good.  Also, I often carry a book around with me when I go to the hairdressers, dentist, getting nails done etc ie whenever I think I’m gonna be sitting around for a while and it’ll be great for that too as it won’t weigh my bag down!
Although, the true test will be on holiday ... I’m not sure I’ll be able to sit in the pool while I’m reading like I usually do when I get too hot ... dunno how the electronics bit of it works, but I’d hate to electrocute everyone in the pool if I dropped in it by mistake! Lmao (I’m sure the technical bods amongst you will be shaking your heads in dismay now!). 
Despite really liking it and seeing a lot of positives with it, it won’t completely replace books for me ... that would be too awful.  It kinda reminds me of that film, The Time Machine (the original 1960’s one – obviously) when the hero goes into the future and there are no books, they’ve all turned to dust!  That always upset me, even as a child!  Heartbreaking!

So, in summary, if you’ve been debating whether you should get a Kindle ... give it a go.  They aren’t that expensive now and you never know, you might like it!  I’ll let you know how I get on with it on holiday ... should be interesting!

Must rush now lovely people ... well it is Friday and there are bubbles that need to be drunk!  Hopefully I’ll be back with more nonsense tomorrow. 

Until then, be fabulous, as always!
Lots of Love


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