Friday 16 December 2011


Oh my goodness ... I’ve just checked the stats and I’ve now had over 900 hits!  So, another huge “Thank You!” to everyone for supporting me ... sorry if this is getting a bit boring now, but I’m genuinely shocked and eternally grateful for your support!

Stats for this week show that I’m getting tonnes of hits from my countrymen and women in the UK, lots from the US, Spain, Germany, Australia and Brazil but surprisingly, No 2 on the reading list is Russia! 

So a huge thank you to all of you (again!) and a special thanks to my Russian readers - Спасибо(I really do hope that the translation software I used for that is right ... I'd be very upset if I thought it was something offensive!)

Don’tya just love the internet ... opens the whole world wide up!

Not much has happened since my last post ... other than me doing 3 hours of ironing today (that’s really not very glamorous is it!) whilst watching Black Swan (OMG how I love that film ... I danced a lot when I was young, ballet etc and it kinda takes me back a bit ... love it, it’s a very moving film and has some really unexpected twists – the dancing is beautiful – it’s definitely one of my favourite films of this year) and Singing in the Rain!  I do love that film, in fact, I love just about anything with Gene Kelly in (he knocked the socks off Fred Astaire ... never really liked him ... a bit wooden for my liking!).
The Wonderful Gene Kelly in 'Singing in the Rain'

I can’t leave though without mentioning the Soaps ... what the hell is going on with Carla and Peter in Corry ... I just can’t bear the slurping sounds they make when they kiss ... do you think the producers have told them to make as much noise as possible???  Ewwwwwww I dunno, but I do know that it knocks me sick listening to them ... I have to swap channels cos it makes me wanna heave!
Ewwwwww - Makes me heave!!!!!

As for Zainab in Eastenders ... What is she thinking!!!!   How has no-one stepped in ... I find myself shouting at the TV whenever she’s on with that creepy Yusef ... he's rank!  I know, I know, they’re only soaps ... they are a bit addictive though aren’t they!
Now THAT'S one HELL of a nose!!!! (Him, not her!)

Lastly, I don’t know if you’ve been watching ‘Masterchef the Professionals’, but I just thought I’d mention that I have a weird crush on Michel Roux Jnr! Lmao ... no clue why ... or why I bothered to mention it, but there you go ....
My Weird Crush - Michel Roux Jnr!

(Mini apology to anyone reading from outside the UK ... you probably won’t understand a word of the last 3 paragraphs!)

I’ve got quite a bit on this weekend, so hopefully will have something a bit more interesting than just a general waffle next time!

Hope you all enjoy your weekends, my lovely readers ... until next time, remember ... be fabulous!

Lots of Love


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