Wednesday 4 April 2012

The Beatles Kids to Start a Band!

Oooooooooh I’m so excited ... I’ve just read that 3 of the sons of my most favourite band of all time, The Beatles, are talking about getting a band together!  I was obsessed with The Beatles all through my teens and they still are and always will be my favourite band ever.  I’m also a bit of a Beatles geek ... there’s not too much I don’t know about them and I find it really odd when I read reports from Celebs saying that they’ve ‘recently discovered the Beatles’.  I can’t believe it’s taken them so long ... anyway, I digress.

It seems that Julian Lennon, James McCartney and Dhani Harrison have said that they’d all consider signing up to a ‘New Generation’ band and as they are all accomplished musicians in their own right (actually, I think it would be pretty weird if they weren’t) I can only imagine what their creativity together would be like.  Am I sounding a bit stalkerish and obsessive?  Don’t care!

Here’s what James recently said about it during an interview with the BBC, 'I'd be up for it. Sean seemed to be into it, Dhani seemed to be into it. I'd be happy to do it.'  But he added that Ringo's drummer son Zak wasn't as keen. 'I don't think it's something that Zak wants to do,' he said. 'Maybe Jason [another of Starr's sons and also a drummer] would want to do it.'

Pressed on whether a new band could be in the foreseeable future, James replied: 'Yeah, hopefully, naturally. I don't know, you'd have to wait and see. The will of God, nature's support, I guess. So yeah, maybe.'

OMG ... pick me up off the floor!

James was briefly interviewed on ‘Lorraine’ during the last week and performed one of his songs which he co-produced with his dad.  I’ve only seen pictures of him before and hearing him speak, he’s not only the image of his dad but sounds like him too – although I think he’s not as and takes after his mum on that one.  Anyway, here’s the clip of him playing.  Enjoy...

Well, that really was a quickie ... I just had to share!  Must rush ... see you soon lovely people.  Have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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