Tuesday 3 April 2012

Julia Roberts - Mirror Mirror

Well I just had to give a quick review of Mirror Mirror which I saw this afternoon.  Not to put to finer point on it ... it was bloody awful.  Again, it was the screenplay that let it down.  It was incredibly uninteresting and ... well ... downright boring!  Julia Roberts, who I’ve loved ever since Pretty Woman, was (I’m sorry to say) diabolical!  She was absolutely dreadful and must have been cringing when she watched the completed film (if she has indeed watched it ... I don’t remember seeing a premier for this film and I can really understand why).

I have no clue what her accent was meant to be – she couldn’t decide whether to be English or American so had a kind of weirdy semi posh transatlantic kind of chirpy chat!  Most odd.  The guy who played the prince (Armie Hammer) was just about the worst choice I could have ever imagined.  He was shocking.

On the positive side (yes there was one ... only one) the costumes where AMAZING!  I can’t remember the last time I saw a film where the costumes were so imaginative and beautiful (the sets weren’t up to much though ... I think they spent the entire budget on the clothes!).  Here’s a clip of the film ... this illustrates clearly what I mean re: the voice and clothes...

Would I recommend it for kids?  Well, I think I’d have to say, ‘Wait for the DVD’ for this one.  There were loads of kids in the theatre today (with it being half term) and they were really restless.  I actually heard one of the kids in front of me say to her mum, “Mum, I’m bored” her mum’s reply “I’ve spent a fortune to bring you three to see this after all your whining.  Now shut up and enjoy it!” lol ... That was actually the best bit of the film!

Right ... back to work. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday lovely people and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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