Monday 23 April 2012

Even More Dating Disasters!

Firstly, sorry for the complete lack of posts ... I have had absolutely nothing to write about (believe it or not) ... until now that is! 

I really hate to admit it, but I’ve got even more dating disasters ... I know, I know, I said I was giving it all up, but ever the optimist ... I just couldn’t resist.  So, here goes...

A couple of weeks ago I decided to join a smaller, less obvious dating website to see if I could get some quality, rather than the mad quantity stuff I was getting from the other sites I’d joined.  This site is one where your friend has to write about you, so I thought that if people where gonna go to the hassle of getting their friends to write about them, and then they’d have to be a bit more serious than the other dating sites.  So I paid for one month (no point doing more with my track record) entered my details, got my mate to write a lovely little ‘testimony’ about me and away I went. 

Well, to say I was more than slightly underwhelmed by the response sums it up pretty well.  I registered 2 weeks ago and have had 4 emails and 3 different people (ie not the people who’d mailed me) adding me to their ‘Like’ list (this is in stark contrast to the hundreds of mails and over 3,000 views I had had on the last ‘bulk’ dating site I was on).

Anyway, I was determined that I was going to make this really low key and to at least meet up with anyone I thought was half way decent rather than shortlisting to the ‘enth degree and being left with no-one. 

Of the 3 who ‘Liked’ me, each was not a day under 55, so that wrote them off and that left the 3 who sent me messages:

Guy 1

Was quite rude about what my friend had written about me ... I think he was trying to be funny, but it came across as rude.  I sent him a ‘No thanks’ and deleted him.

Guy 2

Seemed quite promising ...  He was a professional, tall (at least 6’), reasonably good looking (although a bit on the thin side) and quite sporty (just for the record, I’m decidedly NOT sporty ... I go to the gym, yeah ... but ‘sporty’ .... nope!).  However, looking back, his ‘sporty’ was that he played badminton!  Hmmmmm I’m used to rugby players (for my US readers – rugby is like football without the padding) – big chunky rugby players, so I wasn’t really that sure ... however, we exchanged a couple of emails and he suggested meeting up.  I agreed. 

Now, he lives about 45 minutes from me ... he asked me if there was anywhere near me that we could meet – which I thought was a good start ... he was willing to come to me!  I gave him a suggestion, he said he didn’t want to meet there, he wanted to meet at a ‘country pub’ (FFS ... we were only meeting for a coffee!).  I said that there wasn’t anywhere near me like that (there are, but I don’t like taking people to places where I go a lot, just in case they stalk me if it doesn’t work out ... if you read my blog regularly, you’ll understand that one) and that I’d prefer it if we just met where I had originally suggested.

Nope, he wasn’t having that and came back to me with the address of a ‘lovely little country pub’ ... yes, you guessed it, 2 minutes from where he lives.  Seems I wasn’t worth travelling for after all!  So he was expecting me to travel 45 minutes and £20 worth of petrol to meet him.  He didn’t even suggest somewhere half way.

As you can imagine, I didn’t reply and never met up with Guy No 2 nor did he email me again.

Unfortunately lovelies, I've run out of time for today ... tomorrow I'll tell you about Guy 3 (save the best til last).  You're gonna love it ... it's a humdinger!  Until then, enjoy your evening and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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