Monday 2 April 2012

Dark Shadows, Total Recall, Men in Black 3

Well lovelies, I’ve had a hugely positive day ... wish I could share, but no work stuff here!

This is gonna probably be the shortest post I’ve ever left, as I don’t have any gossip/news to tell you about, but I just had to share this with you ... I think it’s one of the most gross (not to mention funny), vomit inducing pictures I’ve ever seen.  I pinched it from my friend Emma’s Facebook status so I have to give her all the credit for it. 

"Look mum, no hands!"

It really makes you think when they tell you that you should use hand sanitiser when you’re on the Tube (Underground)!   Last time I was on the Tube in London, I ended up with full blown Swine Flu – I hate to think what you might end up with after touching where that ass has been!  *Shudder*

On a lighter note, there’s a fabulous Bank Holiday weekend coming and mine’s shaping up pretty well, with ... wait for it .... ‘Champagne Saturday!’ with my lovely Friend Justine.  It’s been a while and she’s been on holiday so I’m dying to hear all the gossip.  So hopefully I’ll have tonnes to talk about by the weekend.

Back to my love of films, I’ve only just seen today that they are re-making Arnie’s 1990 hit ‘Total Recall’ with Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel and judging by the trailer it’s going to be a hum dinger of a film.  I loved the original so can’t wait to see this one.  See what you think...

... And we thought the original had good graphics!  The film is out on 3 August in the US – so shouldn’t be long after that for it to hit UK screens.

Another film that I’m looking forward to seeing is the new Tim Burton film, Dark Shadows.  This trailer is playing incessantly in movie theatres at the moment, but it does look really good (I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Tim Burton film that wasn’t) and the gorgeous Johnny Depp plays a suitably weird, comedic vampire.  The story goes that his character is cursed by a jealous ex-lover (a witch) in 1752, turned into a vampire and buried for over 200 years.  When he’s inadvertently freed from his tomb he emerges into a very different world of 1972! Here’s the trailer...

Ohhhhh love it!  That’s out in the UK on 11 May – so not too long to wait for that one.

Finally, Men in Black 3! Yay!  I love those films and this looks equally as good.  Will Smith travels back in time in order to save the world and has to deal with a very young Agent K!

A really good reason to not flush goldfish down the loo!  That’s out in the UK on 25 May.

Right well, I didn’t really intend that to turn in to a movie review, but I’m sure it’s kept you out of mischief for a bit.  I’m off to eat a Cadbury’s Cream Egg (how do you eat yours?) and watch this week’s episode of True Blood (God how I love that programme ... so many gorgeous, scantily glad men on one show ... Is that sexist?  Don’t care!).  Life doesn't get much better than this folks.  Until next time, lovely people, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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