Tuesday 24 April 2012

Even More Dating Disasters - Part 2

Following on from yesterday's blog ...

Guy 3

Now, he looked really promising ... 6’3” (perfect with my heels) does bodybuilding (I love big men), had a professional job, really looked after himself by the sounds of it, not the best looking of chaps, but you can overlook that if there’s something else that you find attractive (and they have a good body!).  We swapped a couple of emails and he said let’s meet up. 

He lives in Stafford which is about 55 miles from me and I was a little bit put out when he suggested that we meet somewhere half way.  Now, I’ve gotta be honest, I was actually more than bit disappointed about this ... I would have preferred if he’d been a gentleman and said that he’d come to me, but in the interest of being a bit modern and trying to compromise a bit (not my favourite word that, ‘compromise’ in fact, it makes me shudder!) I thought I’d go along with the ‘half way’ thing.  I asked where, he mentioned a particular town that was much, much nearer him than me.  I wrote back very politely and said, I’m sorry, but that’s not half way at all, can you find somewhere nearer to me please.

FYI, he’d left me his number in his last mail, so I included mine.  About an hour or so after sending my last mail, I got a call from him ... however, I was on my way out (well it was Friday night), so just texted him and said I was going out and could we speak in the morning ... NB I didn’t tell him where I was going or who I was going with.   That night at about 12.30 I got a text from him saying, “Are you having a good night?”  Now is that weird or is it just me?  I've never spoken to the guy and he's texting me at 12.30 asking if I'm having a good night?  Seemed a bit controlling (remember the guy who texted me 50 times in one night?), so I actually chose to ignore it.

In the morning I texted him and said sorry I didn’t reply but I didn’t check my phone before I went to bed.  Next minute, he rang me.  We actually had a really nice chat and seemed to have quite a lot in common (which I thought was encouraging and actually made a nice change).  The only thing that we were miles apart on was camping.  He actually loves to camp ... however, as far as I’m concerned long as God made 5* hotels you will NEVER EVER catch me camping ... I didn’t tell him that though in case I put him off!

We chatted for about half an hour and then I said I had to go (he sounded a bit put out about that ... I've found that men really do not like you to finish the conversation first!) cos my dad was coming round.  He said that he’d found somewhere for us to meet and mentioned the town, which was (I thought) slap bang in the middle of where we both lived (how wrong can you be?) and I asked him to text me the details and the postcode (Zip code). 

He asked if we could meet early 6/6.30 because he said he had a good feeling about this and would like the opportunity to have dinner if we were getting on.  I agreed ... I have to be honest, I was actually feeling quite excited (I can’t even remember when that happened last ... I usually have a quiet feeling of dread when I’m arranging to meet someone, but I just override it!).  We said our goodbyes, each saying how we were looking forward to meeting tomorrow.

Now, the next day, before I trotted off to the gym (I’ve been every day for the past week and a half!  Yay me ... but that's another story and another post), I thought that I’d better double check where we were due to meet.  So I brought up AA Autoroute and low and behold the b*****d had only given me the details of somewhere that would have taken him 10 minutes to get to and me an hour and a quarter!!!!!  (Not to mention at least £35 in petrol).  So, let’s sum up here ... in my email two days before, I’d asked him to find somewhere that was an equal distance for us both to travel, he completely ignores that and finds somewhere even nearer to him!  Not only was he unwilling to travel ‘all the way’ to mine, but he was expecting me to pretty much travel all the way to him!

OMG, I thought I was going to faint I was so angry.  First off I texted him and said, “Can’t you find somewhere that’s equal distance?” then I rang my dad and told him what had happened and he went a bit mental it has to be said.  The conversation went something like this...

“Dad, you know that guy I was telling you about, the one I like?”


“Well I thought we’d agreed to meet somewhere where we’d have to travel an equal distance”

“What, he can’t be bothered coming to you?”

“Erm, well, no ... it’s actually worse than that ...”

“What can be worse than that?  No man decent man would ever expect you to travel anywhere on a first date”

“Well actually ...” (and I relayed the story to him)

“So, what you're saying is that you’re not good enough for someone to travel to?  Love, I know you like him, but that is absolutely not the kind of man you want.  You’d asked him politely to arrange somewhere in between – which let’s face it, you shouldn’t have needed to do anyway because he should be coming to you – and this joker comes back with somewhere even nearer to him?”

“Yes dad”

“Oh no [I could hear the anger in his voice!]... Forget it love. I know you’re disappointed but he’s a waster and I can’t stand to see you with another of those.  You get back on to him and tell him you won’t be going anywhere.”

“Thanks Dad”

“You’re welcome love ... you're worth better”

So that’s that.  I texted him back and said, “Second thoughts, I’m cancelling.  I want someone with manners and it seems you don’t have any” He sent me something equally as snotty back which I didn’t even read ... I just deleted.

When I reflected on it I began to wonder if I was being too sensitive and whether my Dad was the right person to ask, however, after talking to all my friends subsequently, they all said that they wouldn’t have even entertained the guy from the moment he said to meet half way!  My membership of that dating site is only good for another 2 weeks, so I’ve cancelled it so that it doesn’t automatically renew.   Ho hum.  Onward and upward. 

I’ve been to see a few films lately, so I’ll do a couple of reviews about those in the next couple of days.  Until then lovely people, be fabulous.

Lots of love



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