Monday 16 April 2012

Cabin in the Woods

Well, I forgot to tell you about this.  I went to watch ‘Cabin in the Woods’ on Friday, and wow, what an amazing film!  It’s had tonnes of varying reviews but I’ve got to be honest, I thought it was brilliant and I’ll be very surprised if it doesn’t become a cult hit.

I went expecting it to be a sort of ‘Wrong Turn’ meets ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ but that was only part of it.  I think the marketing has been really clever because usually they put ALL of the best bits of a film into the trailer ... definitely not the case with this film.  In fact, they put very little regarding what the film is really about, so much so, that it pretty much ended up being a different film to what I was expecting!

It wasn’t really scary, although I did watch most of it through my fingers which were covering up my eyes (just in case!).  It was a bit gory (in fact, now I think back, it was a lot gory) and was ram jam packed with mythical creatures!  It was kind of a mix of the two films I’ve mentioned about plus ‘Thirteen Ghosts’ (love that film) and ‘Hellraiser’ plus a few more.  It was also quite funny in places too, you know the way Dawn of the Dead or the Halloween films are funny, well it was funny like those films.

I’ve thought long and hard about whether I should tell you what happens and give you all the bits that are missing from the trailers but I don’t think I will.  I think you should go and see it for yourselves and I don’t want to spoil it for you.  All in all, what I will say is that it was a really good mix of a few different genres and it kept me wholly entertained throughout the film.  In fact, I’ll go and watch it again this week I’m sure, so that I’ll be able to watch all the bits I missed when I was covering my eyes!

Right lovelies, sorry it’s a quick one, but things to do and people to see.  Have a wonderful week and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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