Sunday 1 April 2012

The Pirates & The Wrath of the Titans

Hello lovelies.  I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend and enjoying some fantastic weather wherever you happen to be in the world.  Well, I’ve not got much to report on today (I always say that and when I start to write, stuff just comes flooding out!) so I thought I’d give you a couple of quick film reviews.

On Friday afternoon, after a crazy busy week, I decided on a whim to take myself off to the movies.  I really wanted to see two new films, The Pirates: Band of Misfits and The Wrath of the Titans and whilst I was only intending to watch one (then get back home and carry on working) I ended up watching both.  ‘Extremely indulgent’ you’re probably thinking and I did beat myself up about it for a bit, however, I’ve been working late into the night pretty much every day for the last 2 weeks, without a day off so thought, “To hell with it!”

Firstly, I watched The Pirates which is another Aardman animated creation (you know, the guys who created the marvellous Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run ... I love Wallace and Gromit and no matter how many times I watch them, I still laugh).  Staring Hugh Grant, Selma Hayek and Martin Freeman, the Pirate Captain (Grant) sets out on a mission to defeat his rivals Black Bellamy and Cutlass Liz (Hayek) to win the coveted Pirate of the year Award. The quest takes Captain and his motley crew from the shores of Blood Island to the foggy streets of Victorian London.  Along the way they do battle with the pirate-hating Queen Victoria (Imelda Staunton) and team up with a young Charles Darwin (David Tennant - who has a chimp, left over from earlier experiments, who acts as his man-servant).

All in all, it was absolutely brilliant.  Really funny and an equally good watch whatever age you are and with the Easter Holidays upon us, I can’t think of anything better to take the whole family to see.  When I was doing a little bit of research for this post I came across the official website for the film and it’s actually really good ... your kids will love it as it’s really interactive.  Check it out for yourself by clicking this link.  Here are a couple of trailers in case you’ve been living in a cupboard and haven’t seen them:

Next, Wrath of the Titans which is the sequel to Clash of the Titans (it always makes me laugh when I hear “Release the Kraken” – I remember having a drink with some friends once when a particularly beauty challenged woman walked in the pub and my friend’s husband whispered, “Release the Kraken” ... still cracks me up now!).  This film is set 10 years after the last and Perseus (Sam Worthington) the demigod son of Zeus is attempting to live a quieter life as the sole parent of his 10 year old soon Helius.

Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans.  Dangerously weakened by humanity’s lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their leader Kronos.    Perseus enlists the help of warrior Queen Andromedia and Posseidon’s demigod son to embark on a quest into the underworld to rescue Zeus (Liam Neeson – love him) from Hades (Ralph Fiennes – love him too), overthrow the Titans and save mankind.  Phew!

Another brilliantly entertaining film and I think it beats the original, Clash of the Titans, hands down.  It’s full of adventure, mythical creatures and heroism. What more could you ask for in a film?  Definitely another family must see, but for older children, younger ones might find it a bit scary.  Here are a couple of trailers for you:

Well that’s me for today, I’m currently tending the biggest pot of homemade chicken soup you ever did see ... it’s gonna be gorge, whilst catching up on this week’s omnibus episode of Eastenders.  Might just get my backside in gear and go for a run in a bit!

Whatever you’re up to this beautiful Sunday, I hope you’re having fun.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


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