Monday 9 April 2012

Champagne Saturday & Mrs Brown's Boys

Well, what a lovely weekend I’ve had!  It’s been quite fab even though I say so myself.  I had a fab time with Justine on regular ‘Champagne Saturday’ jaunt and have a little tale to tell you about that regarding’ Mrs Brown’s Boys’...

I don’t know if you’ve seen it, it’s an Irish sitcom based around Mrs Brown (who happens to be a man in drag) and her Irish Catholic family.  I’ve got to be honest, it’s extremely rude ... I mean VERY VERY rude, but oh so funny.  I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much as I do when I watch that.  It’s hysterical.  Here’s a couple of clips for you ... but be warned they are X-rated (ie you must be over 18 to watch) and contain sexual content and bad language ... that’s the disclaimer done.

Anyway, Justine and I had had our fabulous bottle of champagne in Harvey Nichols (we just have the one now ... we used to have 2 plus regular wine with our meal, but it got to the point that neither of us could remember getting home and that’s never good ... especially when you’re using public transport – yes, you read that right, Public Transport! *shudder*) – in case you don’t know, Harvey Nichols is one the UK’s most exclusive designer department stores and has a lovely Champagne Bar that does the most amazing cocktails.  It’s very lovely ... think Neiman Marcus in the US (God I love that store too) and you’re on the right track.  It’s fantastic for people watching too, not that we really do much of that cos we’re too busy catching up and gossiping!

Champagne & Cocktails Galore at Harvey Nics

After our champers, we hopped (not literally, I was wearing heels after all) to the Living Room – another lovely/trendy bar for some food.    As we ordered and were waiting for our food to arrive, two guys sat down at the table in front of us.  I said to Justine, “Ooooh they’re wearing passes for Mrs Brown’s Boys.  The show must be on in town and they are obviously part of the crew” The fact that their passes had ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys Crew’ was a bit of a dead giveaway and we came to the conclusion that they were probably lighting or sound crew.  We then had quite a discussion about how much we love the show, and in fact, Justine had seen the stage show too – which I was very jealous of. 

Now, when we’d finished our meal and were waiting for the bill, Justine said, “Shall I ask them what they do in the show and tell them how much we love it?”  Of course I say, “Oooooh yeah, go on then” (now you have gotta remember that we were a little tipsy by now, even though we had eaten, it was only early evening about 6.30 and we’d been drinking since 2.00 ... anyway, you get what I mean).  So she trots over and starts telling them how much we love the show and what were their jobs ... “Are you lighting or sound crew?” I heard her say ... I meandered over just in time to hear, “No, I play Deano, Rory’s boyfriend” (Rory is one of Mrs Brown’s sons) “and he plays the Doctor”

OMG, you know when you want the ground to open up!!!  We both did the whole “Oh yeah! Of course! Really sorry!”  and then I did a whole lot of sucky upey grovelling, “Oooh I love the show, it’s the funniest thing ever ... I’ve never seen anything that has ever made me laugh so much” bla bla bla  - cringe!  You could tell they were a little put out that we professed to be such big fans but didn’t recognise them!  Well, as soon as he said that, we couldn’t get out quickly enough.  I looked at Justine and she had a kind of strained look of horror on her face and then we literally ran out!  So funny ... so embarrassing! After that, we laughed pretty much all the way to the train station, completely mortified at our little faux pas!  Awwww you’ve gotta laugh, haven’t you – it keeps you sane.

I’ve got to be honest I was home for 7.30, so I really didn’t have a hangover yesterday.  Last night, I went out with an old friend of mine and we had a right old giggle.  Only thing is, I have a steaming hangover this morning, although it is getting a bit better now I’ve eaten and had a couple of pints of strong black coffee ... I’m actually buzzing a bit now!

I think I need a bit of a detox this week – it’s now 7 weeks to my next holiday and although I’m happy with my weight, I’m definitely not bikini toned ... and if you’re wondering about whether I kept the running up ... nope ... I went twice and it hurt too much and I kept panicking cos I couldn’t get my breath.

Right lovelies, that’s it for another day.  In my next post I’ll tell you about another dodgy date I had that I only remembered when I was catching up with Justine.  So until next time, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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