Sunday 15 April 2012

Legoland & Lottery Win!

Hello lovelies ... sorry for the lack of posts this week, I’ve been rather busy.  It’s not been a great week for news but I did have oodles of fun with my friend’s daughter Devon yesterday.  We had such a busy day:
Legoland – Devon had been pestering me to take her to Legoland for ages, I’d originally said I’d take her for her birthday back in February, but with one thing or another, we just hadn’t managed to get round to it.  However, I got a text from her on Friday saying, “Will you take me to Legoland tomorrow Aunty Jx?” Awwwww how can you resist! 

So the next day, her mum dropped her off at 9.30, I finished my coffee, slicked on my lippy and we were there for about 10.15.  Now, not having kids myself, I’m not really used to that whole ‘Day Out’ thing (unless I’m going shopping or drinking Champagne) and you kind of forget how interesting the little things can be for kids, but also how expensive things are.  It cost £29 for the two of us to get into Legoland and I’ve got to be honest, I thought, ‘Money for old rope’.  There really wasn’t that much to do, but Devon seemed enjoy it.  We stayed for a couple of hours and then she decided we needed MacDonalds.

So off we went for Maccy D’s, chicken nugget Happy Meal for Devon in which she ‘won’ the Dodo toy from The Pirates.  She found great delight in bugging me with for the rest of the day because it had a whistle in it, well I say for the rest of the day, it was in fact until I told her that she had two choices, stop whistling with it or take a trip to A&E whilst she had it surgically removed from the back of her throat (I’m great with kids!), she found that hysterical!  Now before you get all ‘child protection’ on me, I was ONLY JOKING ... sheesh!  I had a Big Mac Meal ... I know, the diet is on again today – I have just eaten 5 Thornton’s Continental Chocolates though while I’ve been writing this, so maybe the healthy eating starts tomorrow – then we had a trip to the Disney Shop, then Build a Bear.  Phew ... exhausting stuff. 

After all that, we still had a few hours to fill before Devon’s mum was due to pick her up, so we decided to watch The Pirates (I didn’t mind seeing it again cos if you remember, I fell asleep last time).  So we headed back home and to our local cinema.  Devon wanted pick n mix (and it would be rude not to join her) so with that, 2 drinks one ticket (I had my pass) and two sets of 3D glasses (I wouldn’t mind, I must have a dozen pairs at home), that was another £22.  How mad is that!  I’ve a new found admiration for all you parents out there.  It really hadn’t occurred to me how expensive it is to take just one child out for the day let alone a whole family!

Having said that though, it was worth every penny, I don’t begrudge it for a second and would do it again in an instant.  Devon is such good company and makes me laugh so much.  We always have a wonderful time.  We’re going to Chester Zoo next time, she wants to see the Elephants and I want to see the Monkeys “cos they remind me of you” I told Devon, which she found highly amusing and did her ‘monkey face’.

When Deb came to pick her up, we had a good old gossip and realised, when it got to 8.00 pm (from 5.00 pm ... oh can we talk) that we hadn’t eaten so ordered a Chinese (very kindly paid for by Deb) and watched a film.  All in all, a very lovely day ... although I’m completed shattered today!   I should have been going on a workshop today in Crewe, but couldn’t get out of bed (again, utter admiration for all you parents out there!).

When I checked my emails this morning, I had one from the Lottery (UK’s Lotto which I do online) telling me that there was news about my ticket.  I always nearly have heart failure when I get those mails because that time between reading the mail and actually logging into your account, you could have won the jackpot!  You wouldn’t believe how much can run through your mind in such a short space of time ... my usual vision is me on a yacht in the Caribbean!)  Anyway, as soon as I read the mail (while I was still in bed) I practically catapulted myself downstairs and logged on.  Well it turns out that I hadn’t exactly won the jackpot, but I had won £49.50 ... which pretty much paid for the previous day’s activities!  How good is that?  I’m pleased as punch!

Well lovelies, that’s it for another day.  As much as I don’t really want to, I have to make it to the gym ... especially after the amount of food I ate yesterday and to try and recover the calories I’ve just consumed from my 5 yummy yummy choccies.  Whatever you’re doing today ... enjoy and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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