Thursday 12 April 2012

Rihanna's Movie Debut - Battleship

Wow, yesterday’s post certainly was controversial.  I do have to point out though that what I put in my post was actually a snowflake on the tip of an iceberg regarding my giving – I barely touched the surface because I didn’t want to upset anyone.  It seems that there are a lot of you out there who also do the ‘give give give’ thing that I do and overwhelmingly the feedback was that you too have drawn a line under your excessive giving and have made a conscious decision to be more conservative with your spending on others.  I’m not saying that you shouldn’t give or I won’t give in future (far from it) I just won’t be so quick to put my hand in my pocket and quite so deeply!

Right, enough of that ... I’ve been far too serious about it all.  Yesterday, I went to see another new film that actually was only released yesterday, ‘Battleship’ and I have to say that on the whole, I loved it.  There were a few cheesy cliché moments, it has to be said and also I wasn’t blown over by the lead Taylor Kitsch, although he was much better than he was in ‘John Carter’, he still wasn’t brilliant in this.  I think Alexander Skarsgard (whom I LOVE – he’s brilliant as a gorgeous vampire in my most favourite TV show, True Blood) would have been much better as the main man rather than being the support.

Liam Neeson was also in it (love him, but his part of the script was a bit cheesy) and Rihanna gave her debut film performance and was actually surprisingly good.  OK, so in case you don’t know what the films about, here’s a synopsis:

A planet is found deep in our solar system which has the capacity for ‘life’ to exist.  Some bright scientist decides to send a signal to said planet which attracts aliens to our planet.  Just as that occurs, there happens to be a military navel training manoeuvre (I think that’s what you call it) going on around Hawaii which just happens to be where the Aliens land (strange that isn’t it?).  There’s then a full on battle between the US Navy and the Aliens.  Like I say, it was cheesy in some places, but one the whole it was fun, action packed and kept you on the edge of your seat.  Here’s the trailer so you can see for yourself:

The only issue I did have (and it wasn’t with the film) was that I forgot that the kids are still off school so the cinema was packed full of noisy little people (not dwarfs) rustling sweet bags, opening cans of pop, phones going off left right and centre and a constant stream going backwards and forwards to the toilet.  I just took a deep breath (I’m not good with that stuff) and tried to ignore it.

One thing I couldn’t ignore however was the stinky BO man that was sitting in front of me.  Each time he moved I got a good old whiff of deodorant free, blokey smelliness.  I ended up with my scarf over my nose and mouth ... as you can imagine, with a packed theatre full of bustling kids, it didn’t take long for it to get quite warm!  Ewwwwwwww

The other ‘theatre smell’ that I find quite sickening is when a go to a matinee where I know there’ll be lots of lady OAPs (like when I watched ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’) then you get that funny, powdery stale perfume smell that older ladies somehow seem to really like.  Its like they’ve sprayed themselves all over with a 40 year old bottle of Tweed!  It smells a bit like gone off baby powder and can be really overpowering.  Forgive me if I’ve mentioned it before!

Right that was a quickie.  I’ve got lots of meetings today, so must rush.  Enjoy yourself whatever you’re doing and be fabulous while you’re doing it!

Lots of love


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