Thursday 5 January 2012

Happy New Year Lovelies!

I hope you had the most wonderful Christmas and New Year and hopefully, you haven’t broken too many of your New Year’s resolutions!
Well, as you’ve probably guessed, after around 25 hours of travelling (I’m so tired!), I’m back from my holiday ... two weeks, all inclusive on the beautiful Spice Island of Grenada in the Caribbean and what do I find when I come back ... my blog has now gone way over the 1000 hits mark!  What a fantastic Welcome Back/Christmas/New Year present!!!!  I couldn’t ask for more ... I love you guys.  Thank you so, so much!

I had a really lovely, somewhat relaxing holiday, with some rather colourful characters (I went on a singles holiday and it’s really weird being thrown together with a group of people, some of whom you wouldn’t want to spend an hour with in the ‘real’ world, let alone two weeks!  Plus some really wonderful people who you get along with instantly and hopefully remain good friends with afterwards) and have so much to tell you all about, I’m almost at bursting point! 

Our beautiful Grenadian beach!
This time while I was away, I decided to keep a mini diary – I’ve got a lousy memory and probably would have forgotten most of what happened if I hadn’t written it down, especially after the amount of Rum Punch I drank, which happened to be the drink of the Holiday!  In fact, I think you’ll probably get tired of hearing about it far before I run out of things to tell you.  At least it will keep me busy for a while.

Apologies that this is just a quickie post, but I wanted to check in and let you know that I haven’t forgotten about you all ... but I really need some sleep now, cos I’m seeing double! 
I’ll start writing up my experiences tomorrow when I’m a bit more alert, so keep tuned, my lovelies ... I’ve got lots to tell you about.  Until then, be fabulous!
Lots of Love

PS ... thanks again for your continued support!!!!!

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