Thursday 29 March 2012

Another Dodgy Date

I’ve just remembered another dodgy date I forgot to tell you about which happened a few weeks ago.

It was the last guy I’d agreed to meet from that dating site (before I packed it in).  We did the usual email/phone call stuff and agreed to meet at a small country pub not far from where I live (I thought it sounded rather promising as, for once, the guy was happy to meet near me rather than expect me to go all the way to him).

I got there bang on time and he was waiting at a tall table near the bar when I got there ... without a drink (which I clocked as soon as I walked in ... I remember thinking that was a bit odd, but thought he might be waiting for me to get there before he ordered).  He hopped off his bar stool and well, apart from the overpowering cigarette smell (ewwwwwww so gross ... this wasn’t a 20 a day habit smell, this was an ‘oooozing from every pore’ smell ... this was a 60/80 a day smell – he also had a weird kind of ‘depressed’ aura about him ... like someone who doesn’t go out but spends all day every day in a darkened room smoking cig after cig and playing computer games) he was clearly much shorter than the 5’10” he said he was on his profile ... he was 5’8” if that and finally, worse than all of the above put together, he was wearing a P-leather (imitation/plastic leather) jacket!!! OMG kill me now.

I don’t know how many times I need to say this ... IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD A REAL LEATHER JACKET THEN DON’T WEAR ONE AT ALL!!! There are perfectly acceptable non-leather/non-p-leather jackets out there.  It’s fooling no-one and to be honest, it gives me the creeps ... dunno why ... and also, while I’m on the subject, if you’re thinking, “Oh it’s alright for you, you can afford leather instead of Plastic-Leather”, then I have to say, “Never heard of Sales?” or if you can’t even afford a real leather jacket in the sales and you really feel the need to wear something that looks like leather, get a real one off eBay. I’m sure there are tonnes of them and even wearing second hand leather is 100% more acceptable than wearing plastic-leather one.   *And breath* Oh I really do have a problem with P-Leather don’t I!!!! Lol

Now, you may be thinking that I'm over reacting and it's not all that bad, you haven’t heard the best yet ... the barman came over and asked for our order.  When he delivered the drinks, the barman asked if we could pay round the corner of the bar where the till was situated and guess what?  This bloke put his hands in his pockets and pretended not to hear him!  OMG I was stunned, I looked at him and he just did that *head in the air and whistle* thing you see in movies!  I kinda went on autopilot, around the corner of the bar and paid the barman while my ‘date’ stood watching me with him hands in his pockets and a blank expression on his face.  He made no move whatsoever to pay or offer to pay.

Dear God in Heaven Above ... I don’t know how I kept my cool.  Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’d expect the man to pay on a first date (well, actually, that’s a lie ... I’d at least expect him to offer to pay).  No-one I know would ever assume that someone else was going to pay for them, in fact my friends and I usually end up in a bit of a battle as to who’s going to pay – none of us would EVER assume that someone else was going to pay for us.  When I came back to the table, he commented “Oh I get my drink bought for me too ... how nice”  *Ooooohhhhhh deep breath Jx*

I don’t know how I stopped myself saying anything.  In retrospect, I should have just walked out.  I was telling the story to my dad and he said that I should have done just that, my reply was, “you brought me up not to be rude”, his reply, “I brought you up to not be rude, not be a walkover” No answer to that.

This guy proceeded to tell me how much money he had (he was another ‘millionaire’ - yeah right ... in his head), how he’d moved up to Southport from somewhere in the South East where he was a Recruitment Consultant (Estate Agents of the Recruitment World ... not my favourite type of people) and where he lived in a massive house in the country with his dog and horses.  His favourite pass time was Polo, apparently (I’m decidedly NOT a polo person and definitely couldn’t see me fitting in with that crowd at all) and he was working on an idea to sell frozen alcoholic lolly ices (ice lollies/popsicles depending on where you come from) and how he thought he was going to make millions from it.  I was only half listening, I couldn’t get my mind off his rank smell, his wheeze (you can’t smoke that much without a wheezy cough/laugh) and my anger at his not at least offering to buy the drinks.  How anyone can just expect you to pay for them, without offering to pay is way beyond me.

Whilst he was whittling on about himself (it was all about him) he told me about his dog and how after our ‘date’ he was going with his beloved dog to feed his horses.  After about 20 minutes, drinks were finished and he made no attempt to buy another (not that I would have wanted one) and I looked at my watch and did the whole “Oh is that the time?  Must rush” He said, “Oh yeah, I’d better go, I’ve left the dog in the car” “Your dog is in the car?  You brought the dog with you?”  “Yeah, she comes everywhere with me” Now, I love dogs, but...

Awwwww 'another one bites the dust' as the song says.  Ho hum.  Needless to say I didn’t see him again, nor did I hear from him again.  I think my vibes were that withering that he can’t have failed to get the message that I wasn’t interest, that and the way I kept tweaking my nose when I caught a whiff of his smoke ridden fowl breath - ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Well, lovelies, that’s it for another day.  Hope you’re having a fantastic week.  Yay for Friday tomorrow.  I’ve not got much planned this weekend, but will have to get out at some point ... I’m working at home a lot at the moment and am starting to get a bit stare crazy.  I definitely want to see ‘Wrath of the Titans’ and ‘The Pirates’ at some point, so I’ll let you know what they’re like.

Oh, before I go, I started running yesterday (well, I don’t really think you can say it was running ... it was more like a hobbley trot type walk thing!).  I was only out for about 20 minutes and when I got back to the house I couldn’t stop coughing for about an hour!  I also had to have a quick lie down to get my pulse rate back to normal.  That can’t be right, can it?  I’m not going to let it stop me though.  I seem to be keeping of the 7lbs I’ve lost in the last month (despite all that food I ate last weekend ... that’s the power of Paul McKenna that is) but I really need to get my fitness levels up.  I’ll keep you informed of progress.  I’ve had a day off today but am determined to go again tomorrow. 

Right, I’m definitely off this time.  See you soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


PS – there may be more typos than usual in this post ... I don’t charge extra for them!

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