Thursday 29 March 2012

Another Dodgy Date

I’ve just remembered another dodgy date I forgot to tell you about which happened a few weeks ago.

It was the last guy I’d agreed to meet from that dating site (before I packed it in).  We did the usual email/phone call stuff and agreed to meet at a small country pub not far from where I live (I thought it sounded rather promising as, for once, the guy was happy to meet near me rather than expect me to go all the way to him).

I got there bang on time and he was waiting at a tall table near the bar when I got there ... without a drink (which I clocked as soon as I walked in ... I remember thinking that was a bit odd, but thought he might be waiting for me to get there before he ordered).  He hopped off his bar stool and well, apart from the overpowering cigarette smell (ewwwwwww so gross ... this wasn’t a 20 a day habit smell, this was an ‘oooozing from every pore’ smell ... this was a 60/80 a day smell – he also had a weird kind of ‘depressed’ aura about him ... like someone who doesn’t go out but spends all day every day in a darkened room smoking cig after cig and playing computer games) he was clearly much shorter than the 5’10” he said he was on his profile ... he was 5’8” if that and finally, worse than all of the above put together, he was wearing a P-leather (imitation/plastic leather) jacket!!! OMG kill me now.

I don’t know how many times I need to say this ... IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD A REAL LEATHER JACKET THEN DON’T WEAR ONE AT ALL!!! There are perfectly acceptable non-leather/non-p-leather jackets out there.  It’s fooling no-one and to be honest, it gives me the creeps ... dunno why ... and also, while I’m on the subject, if you’re thinking, “Oh it’s alright for you, you can afford leather instead of Plastic-Leather”, then I have to say, “Never heard of Sales?” or if you can’t even afford a real leather jacket in the sales and you really feel the need to wear something that looks like leather, get a real one off eBay. I’m sure there are tonnes of them and even wearing second hand leather is 100% more acceptable than wearing plastic-leather one.   *And breath* Oh I really do have a problem with P-Leather don’t I!!!! Lol

Now, you may be thinking that I'm over reacting and it's not all that bad, you haven’t heard the best yet ... the barman came over and asked for our order.  When he delivered the drinks, the barman asked if we could pay round the corner of the bar where the till was situated and guess what?  This bloke put his hands in his pockets and pretended not to hear him!  OMG I was stunned, I looked at him and he just did that *head in the air and whistle* thing you see in movies!  I kinda went on autopilot, around the corner of the bar and paid the barman while my ‘date’ stood watching me with him hands in his pockets and a blank expression on his face.  He made no move whatsoever to pay or offer to pay.

Dear God in Heaven Above ... I don’t know how I kept my cool.  Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’d expect the man to pay on a first date (well, actually, that’s a lie ... I’d at least expect him to offer to pay).  No-one I know would ever assume that someone else was going to pay for them, in fact my friends and I usually end up in a bit of a battle as to who’s going to pay – none of us would EVER assume that someone else was going to pay for us.  When I came back to the table, he commented “Oh I get my drink bought for me too ... how nice”  *Ooooohhhhhh deep breath Jx*

I don’t know how I stopped myself saying anything.  In retrospect, I should have just walked out.  I was telling the story to my dad and he said that I should have done just that, my reply was, “you brought me up not to be rude”, his reply, “I brought you up to not be rude, not be a walkover” No answer to that.

This guy proceeded to tell me how much money he had (he was another ‘millionaire’ - yeah right ... in his head), how he’d moved up to Southport from somewhere in the South East where he was a Recruitment Consultant (Estate Agents of the Recruitment World ... not my favourite type of people) and where he lived in a massive house in the country with his dog and horses.  His favourite pass time was Polo, apparently (I’m decidedly NOT a polo person and definitely couldn’t see me fitting in with that crowd at all) and he was working on an idea to sell frozen alcoholic lolly ices (ice lollies/popsicles depending on where you come from) and how he thought he was going to make millions from it.  I was only half listening, I couldn’t get my mind off his rank smell, his wheeze (you can’t smoke that much without a wheezy cough/laugh) and my anger at his not at least offering to buy the drinks.  How anyone can just expect you to pay for them, without offering to pay is way beyond me.

Whilst he was whittling on about himself (it was all about him) he told me about his dog and how after our ‘date’ he was going with his beloved dog to feed his horses.  After about 20 minutes, drinks were finished and he made no attempt to buy another (not that I would have wanted one) and I looked at my watch and did the whole “Oh is that the time?  Must rush” He said, “Oh yeah, I’d better go, I’ve left the dog in the car” “Your dog is in the car?  You brought the dog with you?”  “Yeah, she comes everywhere with me” Now, I love dogs, but...

Awwwww 'another one bites the dust' as the song says.  Ho hum.  Needless to say I didn’t see him again, nor did I hear from him again.  I think my vibes were that withering that he can’t have failed to get the message that I wasn’t interest, that and the way I kept tweaking my nose when I caught a whiff of his smoke ridden fowl breath - ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Well, lovelies, that’s it for another day.  Hope you’re having a fantastic week.  Yay for Friday tomorrow.  I’ve not got much planned this weekend, but will have to get out at some point ... I’m working at home a lot at the moment and am starting to get a bit stare crazy.  I definitely want to see ‘Wrath of the Titans’ and ‘The Pirates’ at some point, so I’ll let you know what they’re like.

Oh, before I go, I started running yesterday (well, I don’t really think you can say it was running ... it was more like a hobbley trot type walk thing!).  I was only out for about 20 minutes and when I got back to the house I couldn’t stop coughing for about an hour!  I also had to have a quick lie down to get my pulse rate back to normal.  That can’t be right, can it?  I’m not going to let it stop me though.  I seem to be keeping of the 7lbs I’ve lost in the last month (despite all that food I ate last weekend ... that’s the power of Paul McKenna that is) but I really need to get my fitness levels up.  I’ll keep you informed of progress.  I’ve had a day off today but am determined to go again tomorrow. 

Right, I’m definitely off this time.  See you soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


PS – there may be more typos than usual in this post ... I don’t charge extra for them!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Rihanna & Ashton, Madonna's Bum, Kardashian's Buying Becks Palace!

Today, I’d thought I’d share the latest celeb gossip - you really do get the most up to date news here you know.  I got Heat magazine today and most of their top stories I’d covered in my blog last week, so where therefore old news to me.  I really spoil you guys!

Ok, here we go ... Rihanna has been seen leaving Aston Kutcher’s house at 4.00 am and according to Demi’s friends, so the Mail Online says, she’s been sent reeling as a result of these latest revelations.  A source close to Demi told Grazia magazine: 'Demi is constantly keeping tabs on Ashton so when these pictures came up she was understandably devastated. Demi's convinced something happened between them and said she felt "sick to her stomach".

My goodness, how much more does this poor woman have to put up with?  I was talking about their breakup with my dad a few months ago when it first happened.  He couldn’t believe that a man would possibly cheat on someone as beautiful and talented as Demi.  My response, men who cheat when they have beautiful, successful women at home usually do it for a few related reasons:

1.   Because they can!

2.   They often feel intimidated (albeit often subconsciously) and so self sabotage

3.   They have low self-esteem/confidence so they end the marriage before the other gets a chance to – even if it’s all in their heads and it hadn’t crossed their other half’s mind!

Well, that’s my penny’s worth anyway!

In other news it seems that reconciliation may be on the cards for Denise Richards and Richie Sambora.  The 41-year-old ex-wife of Charlie Sheen and her daughters Sam, Lola and baby Eloise, was spotted on the sands of Maui with the 52-year-old Bon Jovi guitarist over the weekend (he looks like he’s lost a bit of weight too and looks much better for it).

It seems like the Beckhams are finally giving up their UK life entirely and have put Beckingham Palace (the gorgeous 7 bed home complete with chapel and kid’s adventure playground) on the market for a cool £18m – they bought the house in 1999 for £2m.  Now that’s what I call an investment.  Kim Kardashian is said to have visited it with a view to purchasing it or hiring it as a European base for the Kardashian clan for when they’re over here.  That’s one hell of a lot of money to spend on a bolt hole!

In other Kardashian news, Kris Humphries (Kim's husband of 72 days) has allegedly been offered an undisclosed sum of money in their divorce settlement, however, he is said to be holding out for more.  Allegedly (there's that word again!) he's expecting $8m plus (Kim's offer is said to be considerably less than that).  Apparently, he earns $8m per year and is said to want the same from the disolution of his 72 day wedding to Kim.  Hmmmmmmm.

Lorraine Kelly is taking over the hosting spot on the UK’s Daybreak, which is still vacant following the sharp exit of Adrian Chiles and Christine Blakley, but she won’t start until 7.00 am.  There’s lots of speculation over who will cover the 6-7 am slot with Dan Lobb (love him), Kate Garraway (not keen) and Five news presenter Matt Barbett (who?) being front runners for the ‘red eye’ slot.

Madonna’s been in the news again this week with very unflattering pictures of her droopy bum in fishnet tights and hot pants.  Now, I’m no fan of Madonna (although I admire her hugely), but think she has an amazing body for her age, however, isn’t it time to cover up her ass - especially when it’s clearly not what it once was?  I’ve got to be honest, I don’t really want to be looking at the crotch of a 50 something woman *shudder*.  See what you think, here’s the link.

In other Madonna related news, her daughter Lourdes has been caught smoking on camera.  What a bummer it must be to have all those paps following you round when you’re a famous teenager.  You can’t get away with anything!

Right, that’s it for another day my lovelies.  I hope you’ve been making the most of this beautiful weather.  Catch you soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


Tuesday 27 March 2012

Breaking Dawn 2 New Trailer & Update from Angie’s Right Leg

Good morning lovelies and what another absolutely gawjus day!  Love it.  Makes you feel so good, happy and positive.  Well, this may well be a quick post, but I’ve got a couple of fab things to share with you.  So without further ado...

Yesterday (so this one’s hot of the press) the new Breaking Dawn 2 trailer was released.  It’s really quick, (40 seconds quick), but clearly shows Bella Swan in all her vampire glory complete with burning read eyes.  The end of the clip shows her stalking a deer, so she’s obviously got the taste for blood!  I can’t wait for that film to come out, which I believe is on 2 November.  Is that sad?  I don’t care!

Check it out and see what you think...

Secondly, Angie’s Right Leg’s been in the press again today.  Angie herself was being interviewed by Huffington Post (I don’t know if you’ve ever read that online newspaper, but it really is a good read) and she said that she “didn’t respond to it”.  Here’s what she said:

“I honestly didn’t pay attention to it.  You know what I mean? I don’t watch those TV shows and if I go online and see something about myself, I don’t click on it.  And the people I surround myself with don’t really talk about that kind of stuff. [Laughs]  I heard something, but I didn’t pay any attention.  It’s as simple as being a woman picking a dress you like and having a night, and not really thinking about anything else.”

Yeah right!  Like she hadn’t ‘thought’ about how she was going to stand in that dress in order to gain maximum exposure (see what I did there?).  These people think we’re not very intelligent don’t they?  You can read the full article (although it’s not very long) here.

I heard about the article because I’m following @AngiesRightLeg on Twitter and this is the Tweet in response to the article:

“Big Ang says she doesn't pay attention to me. Considering I'm currently as bushy as a botanical garden, no duh.”

Love it.  It’s so funny.

Well lovelies, sorry it’s another quickie, but I really wanted to share the Breaking Dawn trailer with you as soon as possible.  I’m heading off into a very busy day.  I hope you have fun and there’s plenty of sun where you are.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


Monday 26 March 2012

Update & Jean Claude Van Damme's Hard Underpants & Hard Nipples!

Hello lovelies.  Well, I don’t know what the weather has been like where you are, but the sun shone all weekend and it’s been lovely and warm here in the UK and the weather people are saying that it’s likely continue for the rest of the week (very unlike the UK at this time of year, in fact, this time last year I think it was snowing).  Just to put it in perspective for you, it was 20C/68F at 6.00 pm today (usually it would be around 8C/46F!  How lovely.  We also had the clocks move forward yesterday in readiness for summer so it was still light tonight at 7.30 pm.  *Sigh* I LOVE the summer time.

I’ve had a fabulous weekend, filled with far too much food and tonnes of laughter.  I’ve been fuller than a full thing.  Friday, I told you about in my last post, I went for a Cantonese meal with some lovely friends.  Saturday, I went round to my friend Sarah’s house for dinner with Debi and Devon and Sarah’s friend Sally-Anne (and lovely she is too!  I love meeting new people, especially particularly lovely and courageous ones ... Sal’s one of those).

Sarah (also an amazingly wonderful lady) cooked the biggest meal I think I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much food together in one place outside a wedding buffet!  For starters we had spicy chicken wings, onion rings, garlic bread, prawns and spring rolls ... that was just for starters!

 Then we had a full roast dinner which included chicken, roast and mashed potatoes, cauliflower cheese, sprouts, carrots (though I don’t eat those ... carrots are the food of the Devil), Yorkshire puddings (you’ll have to Google those if you haven’t heard of them) stuffing, gravy ... I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything. 

Following that, we had the largest cheese board I think I’ve ever seen.  I can honestly say that I can’t remember ever eating so much in one sitting.  Granted we ate it over a few hours, but still, I amazed myself!  Thanks so much Sarah ... you’re a total star and a gorgeous person.

Sunday evening, I had dinner with another long lost friend of mine and we had a fab Indian meal (poppadoms, chutney, chicken tikka masala for me and I think Jalfrazi for him).  Yum.  All washed down by oodles of wine (Bud for him).  Following that, we trotted off to my cousin’s bar and had a couple more drinks.  A very lovely night and I have to say I was totally spoiled and I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much!  Hugely enjoyable.

Now, when I got up this morning, I was feeling a bid dodgy.  It wasn’t a full blown hangover, but I certainly wasn’t right.  I saw a client this morning and had to do a ton of work this afternoon.  When it got to about 6 pm this evening, I started to feel seriously wobbly and rather strangely I was ravenously hungry (I think your stomach grows when you’ve eaten lots and lots).  It wasn’t a normal hunger, it actually hurt.  So I’m afraid beans on toast just wasn’t going to cut it, so I’m ashamed to say that I went to the Chippy (chip shop) and got Fish, Chips (fat fries) and mild curry sauce – yum.

 I very, very rarely eat that stuff (it’s all deep fried) but for some reason, I just couldn’t resist and practically ate the lot (I never do that ... usuually I get half way through, come to my senses, feel repulsed and stop eating ... not this time ... I virtually ate the lot!).  I’m feeling a bit sick now actually and more than a little disappointed in myself.  Ho hum ... I’ll definitely have to go running tomorrow to try and make up for it a little bit!

Well that was my lovely weekend.  I hope yours was as equally filled with fun.  Moving on ... I’ve got to share this with you.  As I’ve been typing away writing this, a commercial has just come on the TV with Jean Claude Van Damme adverting Coors Lite.  I’m not sure if these ads are shown outside the UK but I laugh out loud every time I see them, that I thought I’d share (it’s always good to share laughter).  Here you go ... Jean Claude and his hard nipples and hard underpants!  Enjoy...

Well I’ve scoured my usual sources for some juicy celeb gossip for you and unfortunately come up empty handed (unless you count Kloe Kardashian in some very unflattering pale blue jeans ... I’m really scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one) so I guess I’ll leave it there for today.  I hope you all have a wonderful week lovelies and remember, be fabulous!

Lots of love


Saturday 24 March 2012

Hunger Games & Cantonese

OK, so firstly, The Hunger Games.  I went to see it yesterday afternoon and to sum it up ... “Brilliant” it totally lives up to the hype, which is quite unusual for blockbuster... remember John Carter!!!!  I’ll say no more.  Considering it was 2 hours 20 minutes it went amazingly quickly.  It was like I’d only been in there half an hour (unlike John Carter that I couldn’t wait to end!) and that’s always a good sign.

 I won’t go over the story again cos I’ve done that already, but the film did stay reasonably close to the book.  The differences where that they really skipped over a lot of the back story, especially how she got the mockingjay pin she wears and quite a lot of the stuff about her mother’s illness and what happened to her father and about her relationship with Gale Hawthorne, which is huge in the book.  They also missed out quite a bit around the journey to the capitol, but I guess they have to cut some stuff out otherwise it would go on for hours.

The only thing that was significantly different was the relationship between Katniss and Peeta (they’re the two main characters).  In the book, Katniss reluctantly goes with the story that her and Peeta are in love so that they become popular with the sponsors and therefore get items they need parachuted into the games (apparently the items cost oodles of money, so they have to be popular so that people will pay for them).  However, in the film, it just looks like they’ve equally fallen in love with each other ... that’s definitely not what I got from the book.  From the book, I got that she was in love with Gale and so reluctantly went along with the story that she was in love with Peeta, well in the beginning anyway.

Anyhow, they are just small irks.  The film quite rightly focused on the Hunger Games themselves and I have to say, even though I’d read the book, it was pretty much edge of the seat stuff.  I couldn’t fault it.  And the weirdest thing? The sets were exactly how I imagined them to be, especially the capitol.  They were brilliant as was Katniss’ and Peeta’s ‘fire’ outfits at the beginning of the Games.  Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

So, if you’re planning on watching it or weren’t really sure, take it from me, it’s a must see.  I can’t wait for the next one now, in fact, I may even go and watch this one again next week (now that’s a recommendation in itself)  Although I have to say that when I read the second book I was slightly disappointed as it was practically the same as the first.  Still enjoyed it though.

In other news, I had a wonderful night out last night with some old and brand new friends (not old in age you understand, just old because I’ve known them for a while!  Phew!).  We had a lovely Cantonese meal, we had lots of prawn crackers and hors d'oeuvres (prawn toast, ribs, seaweed, won tons) for starters ... yum (I LOVE starters and sometimes just have a mahoosive plate of those rather than a main) and for the main I had my fav, Special Chow Mein ... has to be thin noodles though, not those horrid fat ones.  The food was as gorgeous as the company and I haven’t laughed so much for ages. 

I was trying to teach everyone to use chop sticks – I’m actually really lucky in that when I was about 7/8 I had a ‘thing’ (like kids do) of eating everything with chop sticks.  I did it for about a year and it’s turned out to be one of the most valuable things I’ve learned (believe it or not!).  So we had a good old giggle and I’m happy to say that a couple of lovely ladies really got the hang of it and ate their whole meals with them.  I think that’s fantastic for a first try!  Oh and we’ve now christened chop sticks, ‘chip chops’ ... well, it seemed funny at the time!

Well lovelies, it’s a stunning day out (looks like spring really is here!) – It’s really lovely to be able to open all the windows in the house and not freeze to death – so I’ll love and leave you to get on with some housey stuff.  I’m going to my friend Diane’s tonight with Debi and Devon, so that’ll be fun.  Debi tells me that Sarah’s got a Karaoke machine hooked up and ready to go.  Now, I must tell you that me and Deb do THE most fantastic rendition of Mariah Carey’s “Can’t live, if living is without youuuuuuuuhooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo” It really is the funniest thing ... we’re both completely tone deaf, which doesn’t stop us blasting it out at full pelt.  Have you ever heard anyone harmonise out of key?  That’s me and Deb that is.  I can’t wait; it should be a real giggle.

So I’ll leave it there for now lovelies.  Have a fantastic Saturday wherever you are and I’ll see you soon.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


Friday 23 March 2012

Kim Kardashian Gets Flour Bombed!

I just had to share this one ... Kim Kardashian got flour bombed on the red carpet for her own perfume launch yesterday (you can’t say I’m not giving you the most up to date gossip here!) at The London Hotel in West Hollywood and I have a video of it to share!

After the attack by ‘an unknown Asian lady’ she was quickly whisked away and re-appeared 10 minutes later, flour free!  Good for her ... the show must go on eh?  She told E! Online 'That probably is the craziest, unexpected, weird thing that ever happened to me,' 'Like I said to my makeup artist, I wanted more powder and that's a whole lot of translucent powder right there.'

Apparently the ‘Asian lady’ ran off after she’d thrown the flower but was caught by Kim’s security people.  Have you seen the size of Kim’s security people?  They are HUGE!  I wouldn’t wanna be caught by one of them ... she obviously hadn’t planned her escape very well.  Well she made one hell of a mess of the red carpet and two hotel workers quickly appeared with Hoovers to get rid of the mess.

Hhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm great publicity for her don’t you think?  Would you have known she was launching a new perfume if that hadn’t happened?  I wouldn’t.  And how did she manage to look so radiant, as if nothing had happened (especially as she was wearing all black) only 10 minutes later?  Call me cynical but you know what I’m thinking...

It looks like Lindsay Lohan’s may be in trouble again.  A guy (Thaer Kamal) has alleged that she crashed into him and promptly got out of the car (very wobbly) and swapped places with her passenger and says that he has a video to prove it.  If he’s right, that would mean that Lindsay is in violation of her probation and yep, you guessed it, could see her flying back to the clink.  I feel quite sorry for her.  She’s another one of those tragic celebs who seem to surround themselves with hangers on and no-one who really cares about her (including her mother and attention seeking father). Ho hum.

Next we’ve got Victoria Beckham saying that she ran 6 days a week to get her figure back after the birth of Harper.  Right.  That’s it.  I’m starting my running regime today!  I’ve downloaded a training plan from Race for Life (supporting cancer research) and while I’m at it, I’m going to have a look at races for my area and do a 10K (that’s only just over 6 miles) – easily doable.  It’s a cause that’s very close to my heart at the moment as a very close family member has just been diagnosed with the disease (all prayers gratefully accepted), so what better way to get fit and help a fantastic cause.  So watch this space.  If it works for Becks...

Finally, you know I wrote last week about the film John Carter and how awful it was?  Well it seems that it’s set to be Disney’s biggest flop ever.  According to reports, it’s on schedule to lose $200,000,000!  Apparently, the film cost $200,000,000 to make, a further $100,000,000 was spent on advertising and promotion and the film has only made £100,000,000

Like I said last week, it was the screenplay (which was filled with the very worst clichés I’ve ever heard) that was shockingly bad, oh and the male lead was a bit wooden too.  I just kept cringing practically all the way through.  So it just goes to show that if you don’t get the screenplay right, no amount of money, beautiful stars, stunning special effects, brilliant cameramen or visionary directors will make it work.

Right, that’s it for now ... sorry it’s just a quickie but I’m busy, busy, busy today – Mucho business this morning, then I’m seeing ‘The Hunger Games’ this afternoon and am actually quite excited about it!  Is that sad?  Don’t care!  Then it’s dinner with the girlies tonight.  Haven’t seen this group of girls for ages, so I’m really looking forward to it (may have a cheeky drinkypoo too – since I’ve been on a mission to lose weight, not a drop has passed my lips ... honest!).  Small change of plans tomorrow, I’m not taking Devon to Legoland now, we’ve re-arranged for a few weeks time.  We’ll get there one day!

Have a wonderful day lovelies.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Weight Loss & Dev's Dating a £150 ph Escort!

OK guys, I’ve got to apologise here, it’s been an amazingly quiet week both in relation to my life and in the world of Celeb and film.  However, that’s due to change this weekend.  Friday sees the release of Hunger Games (yay!) and I’ve got a fun packed weekend as follows:

Friday afternoon - Hunger Games (which I’ll review for you afterwards)

Friday Night - Out for Cantonese food with the girlies (yum)

Saturday Morning - Legoland with Devon

Saturday Night - My lovely friends Sarah is cooking for a of us (yum ... again!)

Sunday - Out for a curry with another friend of mine I haven’t seen for ages

Wow, it’s all go and I’ve just realised something while I’ve been writing that, my whole weekend pretty much centres on food!  Good job I’ve lost 5lbs in the last couple of weeks.  Remember my previous post when I mentioned the phone call I made to Jenny Craig (the weight loss people who were rude to me ... Oooops, cat’s out the bag!), well I decided to take matters into my own hands and read Paul McKenna’s ‘I can make you thin’ ... and he has!  I highly recommend his books.  I haven’t really had to do much and the weight’s dropping off.  I’m well on target for my bikini bod now ... double yay.  Give it a go; it’s pretty cheap on Amazon and worth every penny.

Actually, I recommend any and all of his books, especially Change Your Life in 7 days (marvellous stuff and it really works)  ... I’ve even done a couple of seminars of his too.  Love him.  He’s AMAZEBALLS!  I bought his ‘Stop Smoking’ book for my next door neighbour and guess what ... she’s stopped smoking and said that she didn’t even try very hard.  She just read the book and listened to the CD the comes with it a few times and she hasn’t smoked or felt the need to smoke since – that was over 2 month’s ago.

Anyway, enough of promoting Paul McKenna and his virtues ... I’ve seen possibly THE most cringe worthy thing I’ve ever seen today.  There’s a well known daytime TV programme in the UK imaginatively titled, This Morning who today did a segment on post 70s sex (that’s not sex in the 1970s, in case you were wondering, it was about people past 70 and how they can accommodate their various ailments such as hip replacements and still have a fantastic life).  Now, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing whatsoever against the more mature person having sex – good luck to them I say – I just don’t want to see an article on daytime TV about it which included 2 OAP’s cavorting (well, sort of) on a bed in their PJ’s!!! EEEEEEEEEwwwwwwww wrong, wrong, wrong!  Now before you think I’m being really ageist, I’m not ... I’d think the same if they were any age.  If nothing else, that’s a further reason for not watching daytime TV.

Apparently, the ITV twitter feed to the programme went crazy after the article aired with comments like:

not everyday you wake up turn the tv on to two old people on a bed in a sex position on this morning hahahaha.”

“Old people simulating sex on This Morning right now” <<< just see this - #cringe”

“Eating a chocolate bar then two old people start demonstrating sex positions on this morning. #rathernothavethoseimagesthanks”

Here’s a link to an article about it in The Mail Online... see what you think about it.  I’d leave until after you’ve eaten though!

In other news...

Reese Witherspoon is pregnant again with her third child and her first child with second hubby actor Tim Roth.  Oh how I love a bit of good news.

Kim Kardashian’s ex Ray J (remember him?  He’s the one that touted a sex tape that they’d made together, which incidentally is attributed to making her famous) is allegedly thinking about selling sex tapes and numerous erotic pictures he has of Whitney Houston.  Apparently, according to UK newspaper The Star (so actually, there’s a real chance this story isn’t true) her family are currently begging him not to sell the pictures/video.  He’s ‘conflicted’ about what to do with them. ‘Conflicted’!   Allegedly (again) he’s been 'stalling' to sell them, knowing he's 'sitting on a gold mine' but knowing that he should hand them over to her family.  Oh God preserve us. 

Oh and here’s another you’re going to love ... Coronation Street star,
Jimmi Harkishin who plays shopkeeper Dev (just about the worst actor on TV) in the long running soap, has allegedly upset his co-stars by missing a press night to go on a date with a £150-an-hour bisexual escort and porn star, Kat Lee.   Who knew!  I always remember listening to a Manchester based radio station that used to do a competition called ‘Celeb’s in Sunglasses’ where listeners would text or ring in with what celebs they’d see wearing sunglass, when and where.  The DJ would then award points something like this:

1 point         Outdoors sunny day

2 points       Outdoors dull day

3 points       Outdoors rainy day

4 points       Indoors during the day

5 points       Indoors at night

Dev consistently got 5 points.  Pretty much every week someone would ring in and say that they’d seen him in this restaurant or that night club wearing his shades!  I think I’d better move on before I say something I’ll regret!

Russell Brand’s got himself a new love and yep, you guessed it.  She’s a leggy model Hungarian model.  I don’t have anything against Russell actually ... I think he’s quite funny!

Jason Donovan’s done a Rooney and had a hair transplant.  He was apparently being grilled by Piers Morgan when he fessed up ... Doesn’t make him anymore attractive though.  Sorry!

Jason Statham is the latest in a long line to take a swipe at Kim Kardashian and her lack of talent, calling her a ‘Brand’ ... I best she’s really upset - NOT.  He’s got room to talk anyway, have you seen any of his films ... not an ounce of talent near them (and don’t get me started on his dreadful American accent *cringe*).

Well lovelies, there’s tonnes more I could talk about, but I’m in the middle of lots of stuff at the mo, so I’ll leave it there for today.  I hope you’re all having a wonderful week.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


Monday 19 March 2012

The Hunger Games

Well, I’ve got to say that I’m pretty excited about the release of the Hunger Games movie this week.  If you remember, I read all three of the Hunger Games books (by Suzanne Collins) before Christmas and absolutely loved them.  It’s the first series of books I’ve read one after the other, virtually without putting them down, since I read the Twilight books.

They’re totally absorbing.  In case you’ve been living in a cave and don’t know what all the fuss is about, the book first book introduces sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen who lives in a post-apocalyptic world in the country of Panem where the countries of North America once existed. The Capitol, a highly advanced metropolis, holds absolute power over the rest of the nation. The Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged 12 to 18 from each of the 12 districts surrounding the Capitol are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle in which only one person can survive.

The Games are a punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol 75 years ago in which a 13th district was destroyed.  The story follows 16-year-old Katnis who volunteers for the 74th annual Hunger Games in place of her younger sister, Primrose and her friend Peeta Mellark as they fight for survival.

I’ve got to be honest, the books are gripping and I’m hearing really good things about the film too.  Curently, Flixster, whom I use to get all my film ‘intelligence’ ie I look at their reviews to see whether something’s worth watching or not – they’re fab cos they split reviews down between critics and users.  I don’t really care what critics think, the important reviews are the ones from the ordinary viewers like you and me, however, in this case, critics have given it 100% and 98% of regular humans want  to see it.  So that bodes very well.  I can’t wait – so I’ll definitely be there on Friday and will give you a full review afterwards.

The film stars Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark and Liam Hemsworth as Katniss’ other love interest (she has two) Gale Hawthorne.  Got to be honest, I haven’t heard of any of them but that’s not a bad thing (hmmmm on second thoughts, it was for the Twilight films, those actors are as wooden as my office floor).  The actors I have heard of are Woody Harrelson (I like him, especially in the role he played in Zombieland ... love that film) who plays Haymitch Abernathy, Katniss and Peeta’s mentor who won the games years ago and is now an old drunk.  Also in it is Lenny Kravitz and Stanley Tucci (love him, especially in Julie and Julia) ... Kravitz should be interesting, I don’t think I’ve seen him in anything before.

So, until Friday and my review, you’ll have to make do with a couple of trailers ... enjoy!  (Sorry you can’t play them from here, but whoever posted them on YouTube won’t let me add the code I need to add – hope it doesn’t spoil your enjoyment too much!

Have a wonderful week my lovelies.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


Saturday 17 March 2012

George Clooney Arrested! ... and John Carter

Ooooooo them there celebs are keeping me busy this week! Well, it would be rather remise of me if I weren’t to mention the latest story about George Clooney.  Apologies if you’ve already heard this (it was on the BBC and ITV news last night – and probably on different news channels across the world), but George was arrested, taken away in handcuffs and subsequently released after paying a $100 fine.  He was with his father and a number of other protestors outside the Sudanese Embassy in Washington yesterday when the arrest occurred.

After his release, George said, ‘You never know if you are accomplishing anything.  We hope it helps.’  He added, ‘There really is a ticking clock on (the situation),’ and said that he hoped the starving people of Sudan would receive aid before their devastating rainy season begins.

He also said that he hoped it was his first and last arrest and that the charge would be going on his ‘permanent’ police record.  The protestors are accusing Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashire, of provoking a humanitarian crisis and blocking food and aid from entering the Nuba Mountains in the country’s border region of South Sudan.

George also commented that the second thing he was there for, 'is for the government in Khartoum to stop randomly killing its own innocent men, women and children. Stop raping them and stop starving them.'

Good for George ... he’s gone up hugely in my estimation for bringing this issue right slap bang into the public eye.  I think it’s wonderful when people really stand up for the rights of others less fortunate. If you want to read more about what he’s protesting about, click this link.  Here's a clip of a CNN news report about the incident:

In other (much less serious) news, I watched John Carter yesterday – hmmmmmm strange film.  In case you don’t know the story, an ex military man in the 1800s (I think) finds himself in a cave after being hunted down by Apaches.  After a bit of a faff with some strangely dressed bloke that materialised in the cave, his essence ends up being transported to Mars (I kid you not) where his body is cloned and as bone density is different on Mars, he finds he has an extraordinary ability to bound around, leaping great heights and lengths – he also seems to be miraculously stronger than everyone else too.  He then finds that there are warring factors on the strange planet, he falls in love with the princess (obviously) of one of the tribes and helps with the fight against their aggressors.  Phew!  Don’t worry, I really haven’t given too much away ... you could have guessed that he’d have to fall in love with a beautiful princess somewhere along the way.

The Good:

1.   The animation/graphics were fabulous

2.   The costumes were well done (albeit very skimpy with lots of flexing muscles – and that’s just the leading lady!)

3.   The idea was reasonable

4.   The very beginning and very ends were actually pretty good (however, as the film had gone on for so long, I’d forgotten that the whole story was supposed to be a relative reading his adventures in a diary, until they went back to it at the very end)

The Bad:

1.   It went on far too long

2.   The writing was terrible and unbelievable cheesy – I cringed a million times and even flinched a couple of times too!

3.   The main actor Taylor Kitsch was nothing short of appalling (although the cheesy, clichéd writing didn’t help)

4.   There was this CGI thing that I think was supposed to be some kind of dog type animal that was completely ludicrous, annoying and quite unnecessary

5.   It was far too long

Anyway, here’s a trailer in case you’re interested (I’m loving that I’ve found out how to attached YouTube videos ... can you tell?)

So a bit of a 50/50 on that one. It didn’t hate it and I didn’t love it either.

Right lovelies ... another relative quickie, I’m off to get my hair and nails done ... Oh the glamour of it all!  Enjoy your Saturday and I’ll see you soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of Love


Friday 16 March 2012

Ken Barlow's 1000 Lovers & Carol Vorderman's Bum!

Well before I move on to telling you about Ken Barlow and his antics, I just have to say another huge thank you ... my blog had the most hits ever in a single day yesterday ... wooooohooooooo!  Thank you so much!

OK, without further ado, here we go...

I read about this yesterday and just had to share it with you ... There was a story in the Daily Mail Online that alleges that Bill Roache aka Ken Barlow (he’s a character in the UK’s longest running soap, Coronation Street and has been in it since is started 50 years ago) has claimed that he’s had over 1,000 lovers *shudder* - ewwwwwww I had a bit of vomit at the back of my throat when I read that.  According to the paper, he’s said in an interview with Piers Morgan, 'I didn't have any control over my sex drive'.   Oh dear God in Heaven above, that’s the most vomit inducing thing I’ve ever heard!

79 year old Ken Roach admits to 1,000 lovers!

He’s had countless affairs and marriages on screen, but off screen, as well as two wives; he’s had countless flings and affairs and admitted that he regularly cheated on his first wife.  What a lovely man!  Apparently, some of his lovers have referred to him in bed by his character’s name, Ken – ewwwww can you imagine shouting “Ken Barlow, Ken Barlow!” in the throes of passion!  The mind boggles.

 ‘Looking back, I didn’t know any better,’ he said about affairs in a TV interview due to be screened next month.  ‘Didn’t know any better’!!!  What a load of bloody rubbish.  ‘What?  You didn’t know that you were committing adultery/cheating on your wife/wives?’  What a horrible little man!  He added: ‘But what I did find out is it does not bring you happiness and it is not the way to be’ – no sh*t Sherlock!

‘I had the opportunity, I indulged it and I can tell you this: It’s not worth it.’ ‘The pain that it caused, and there’s all sorts of dangers.’  What?  Like STI’s, stalkers, bunny boilers not to mention the hurt it must have caused his family.  Shame on you Bill Roache, shame on you.  I feel sorry for his children (he has four).  Can you imagine finding that out about your dad?  It’s appalling behaviour.

I’ve been reading Piers Morgan’s tweets about it and they’re hilarious (especially the re-tweets from his followers).  Apparently, since Piers broke the news #BillRoache has been the single most talked about man in the world on Twitter!  Apparently, Bill also hinted that he slept with a star of the show that was in it for 25 years, but denied (unconvincingly) that it was Bet Lynch.  Piers' twitter feed went mad then with the favourite guesses, Ena Sharples, Hilda Ogden, Hayley (pre or post op) – So funny!  If you fancy watching it, the interview with Mr Roache airs on ITV1 on Friday 13 April at 9.00 pm (I know that I’ll be watching, if only so I shout at the TV!).
OK rant over (sorry, to be so judgmental ... I’m not very understanding when it comes to ‘affairs’).

Oh and here’s another, anyone getting sick and tired of seeing pictures of Carole Vorderman’s (she used to be a presenter on a UK daytime TV programme) ample backside?  Bloody hell woman ... put it away!  It’s everywhere that bum.  I’m surprised it’s not got it own TV show as it seems to have a career all of its own.  I’m really struggling to see what’s so wonderful about it.  Now don’t get me wrong, she looks amazing for someone who’s 50 something ... but her arse?  Really?  She took it for an outing again yesterday at the races (the strap line from the paper I read this in was ‘Place your butts’!!!) and she’s obviously posing for the ass shots.  Oh dear, well I suppose whatever gets you through the night and I guess you could be famous for far worse!

In other, rather lovely, news ... Charlize Theron has adopted a baby boy named Jackson.  Charlize has previously spoken out about adoption when she said, ‘There are so many unwanted children on this earth and it's our job to care for them. And if we don't we're doing the world a disservice.'  Totally agree ... good for her, it’s nice to hear some good news.

Katy Price has been awarded Celebrity Mum of the Year 2012 by Foxy Bingo.  Love her or hate her yyou can't argue with the fact that she loves those kids.  She apparently stormed out of the Hunger Games premier a couple of nights ago because they wouldn’t allow her in with her phone.  The article I read made her sound like a real drama queen and a bit of a diva.  However, I saw her tweet later on that night that said that she decided to leave because as a mum of 3 children (especially a child with a disability) she couldn’t ever be in a position that she was not contactable.  Seems very reasonable to me, its interesting how the press turn things around.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a massive fan of hers, but I can only admire someone who has such obvious love for her kids and such a brilliant business sense.

And finally, I’m gutted ... my beautiful Tom Hardy has grown a grisly beard.  I’m devastated.  My lovely dad has a beard and it suits him, but not my lovely Tom!  Hopefully, it’ll just be for a new role and he’ll be back to his beautiful, clean shaven self really soon (or should that be ‘swoon’ *groan*).
The lovely Tom Hardy & his horrible bushy beard!

Right lovelies, that’s me for another day.  I’ve got meetings this morning, then I want to watch The Devil Inside later (or John Carter ... not really too fussed which).  So Happy Friday everyone ... the weekend’s nearly here and that means wine!  Be fabulous.

Lots of love
