Friday 23 March 2012

Kim Kardashian Gets Flour Bombed!

I just had to share this one ... Kim Kardashian got flour bombed on the red carpet for her own perfume launch yesterday (you can’t say I’m not giving you the most up to date gossip here!) at The London Hotel in West Hollywood and I have a video of it to share!

After the attack by ‘an unknown Asian lady’ she was quickly whisked away and re-appeared 10 minutes later, flour free!  Good for her ... the show must go on eh?  She told E! Online 'That probably is the craziest, unexpected, weird thing that ever happened to me,' 'Like I said to my makeup artist, I wanted more powder and that's a whole lot of translucent powder right there.'

Apparently the ‘Asian lady’ ran off after she’d thrown the flower but was caught by Kim’s security people.  Have you seen the size of Kim’s security people?  They are HUGE!  I wouldn’t wanna be caught by one of them ... she obviously hadn’t planned her escape very well.  Well she made one hell of a mess of the red carpet and two hotel workers quickly appeared with Hoovers to get rid of the mess.

Hhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm great publicity for her don’t you think?  Would you have known she was launching a new perfume if that hadn’t happened?  I wouldn’t.  And how did she manage to look so radiant, as if nothing had happened (especially as she was wearing all black) only 10 minutes later?  Call me cynical but you know what I’m thinking...

It looks like Lindsay Lohan’s may be in trouble again.  A guy (Thaer Kamal) has alleged that she crashed into him and promptly got out of the car (very wobbly) and swapped places with her passenger and says that he has a video to prove it.  If he’s right, that would mean that Lindsay is in violation of her probation and yep, you guessed it, could see her flying back to the clink.  I feel quite sorry for her.  She’s another one of those tragic celebs who seem to surround themselves with hangers on and no-one who really cares about her (including her mother and attention seeking father). Ho hum.

Next we’ve got Victoria Beckham saying that she ran 6 days a week to get her figure back after the birth of Harper.  Right.  That’s it.  I’m starting my running regime today!  I’ve downloaded a training plan from Race for Life (supporting cancer research) and while I’m at it, I’m going to have a look at races for my area and do a 10K (that’s only just over 6 miles) – easily doable.  It’s a cause that’s very close to my heart at the moment as a very close family member has just been diagnosed with the disease (all prayers gratefully accepted), so what better way to get fit and help a fantastic cause.  So watch this space.  If it works for Becks...

Finally, you know I wrote last week about the film John Carter and how awful it was?  Well it seems that it’s set to be Disney’s biggest flop ever.  According to reports, it’s on schedule to lose $200,000,000!  Apparently, the film cost $200,000,000 to make, a further $100,000,000 was spent on advertising and promotion and the film has only made £100,000,000

Like I said last week, it was the screenplay (which was filled with the very worst clichés I’ve ever heard) that was shockingly bad, oh and the male lead was a bit wooden too.  I just kept cringing practically all the way through.  So it just goes to show that if you don’t get the screenplay right, no amount of money, beautiful stars, stunning special effects, brilliant cameramen or visionary directors will make it work.

Right, that’s it for now ... sorry it’s just a quickie but I’m busy, busy, busy today – Mucho business this morning, then I’m seeing ‘The Hunger Games’ this afternoon and am actually quite excited about it!  Is that sad?  Don’t care!  Then it’s dinner with the girlies tonight.  Haven’t seen this group of girls for ages, so I’m really looking forward to it (may have a cheeky drinkypoo too – since I’ve been on a mission to lose weight, not a drop has passed my lips ... honest!).  Small change of plans tomorrow, I’m not taking Devon to Legoland now, we’ve re-arranged for a few weeks time.  We’ll get there one day!

Have a wonderful day lovelies.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


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