Monday 12 March 2012

New Clip from Breaking Dawn 2!

OMG – just had to share this with you ... I’ve just seen the first shots of Kirsten Stuart’s Bella Swan as a vampire in Twilight – Breaking Dawn 2 and I just had to share. Here's the link - Breaking Dawn 2 Preview Clip

OK, so I think I’ve said it before, the acting is particularly dreadful from her and Robert Pattinson, they are equally as wooden as each other, but the books and the films are still wonderful in spite of that.  If you share my view of these two, you really must see Vampire Sucks – it’s a massive piss take on the Twilight series of films and the actress who plays the Bella Swan role takes Stewart off to a ‘T’!  It’s hilarious.  I’m not usually a fan of these teen spoof movies, but this really is worth a watch.  It’s very funny.

In today’s other Celeb news:

Claire from Steps (a fluffy UK pop band – who were/are particularly dreadful if you ask me – and absolutely loved by the gay community) is allegedly too fat to tour with the band that have recently reformed.  Apparently she’s put that much weight on that she can’t perform the steps (no pun intended) of the dance routines and there are fears that she’s not healthy enough to undergo the rigours of a tour because of her weight!  Who cares!!!  Lose some weight love.  Join Jenny Craig ... it did wonders for Scary Spice!

Spoiler Alert (don’t read if you don’t want to find out what happens in Desperate Housewives) – Mike Delfino makes a ‘bloody’ exit from the show and is shot dead by a loan shark on the doorstep of his Wisteria Lane home in a drive-by-shooting.   I rather like Desperate Housewives, although I do think its run its course.

Now, I never thought I’d every find myself agreeing with Ruby Wax (in fact I think she’s quite disagreeable) however, she’s come out and said that the presenters of Loose Women (the UK’s answer to The View) are ‘old cronies’ who are obsessed with Toy Boys!  Go Ruby!  According to The People, the U.S. star made herself heard at a conference for female equality to mark International Women’s Day last week. 'That show is abhorrent. All the ­presenters do is go on about their toy boys like old cronies and I am like: "You are grotesque." I’m sorry, but it is.'  And I really have to agree.  It’s awful ... and don’t get me started on Denise Welsh (one of the Loose Women presenters).  How that woman wasn’t sacked after this year’s Celebrity Big Brother I’ll never know!

Last but not least, I saw the Raven with John Cusak yesterday.  It was quite good (although the beginning was a bit dodge with him grossly overacting, but it did get better) – kind of an 18th century CSI/whodunit. Not the best film I’ve ever seen but defo worth a watch.  There are tonnes of films out at the mo and I really must get my backside in gear and go see them (if only to get the use out of my Unlimited Cinema card!)

Right lovelies, sorry it’s such a quickie (I actually wasn’t planning on doing a post today, but when I saw the ‘Breaking Dawn’ clip, I just had to share!) but I’m busy busy busy!  See you all soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love

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