Wednesday 14 March 2012

Bel-Ami/This Means War!

Well, I just have to share this.  I started writing today’s post whilst sitting in a hotel reception  waiting for a meeting with a friend of mine (now, I can almost hear what you’re thinking ... and no it’s not that at all, that’s your dirty minds that is!) ... this is what I wrote ...

There’s this dodgy, 50 something guy in a cheap suit and non-matching shirt and tie who has positioned himself right opposite me and keeps staring at me whilst shouting loudly into his mobile phone (I get the vague feeling that he’s trying to impress me with his wit and repartee ... “Got news for you sweetheart, you’re impressing no-one!”) who is now sitting in that crotch display pose that I absolutely detest from men (if you haven’t read my other blogs, that’s the one where the man puts an ankle over the opposite knee to display his crotch ... now this pose in itself is OK, it’s when it’s pointed directly a me that I have a problem with it) – I know it’s a subconscious thing for the man (men tend to do this pose when they are feeling all virile and want to tell you so – ewwwww), but really, it is most offensive!  Guys, PLEASE watch your body language if you find yourself ogling, I mean attracted to a woman, watch what you’re doing with your body language  ... that whole crotch display is not attractive and is most off putting!

OK, rant over.  Moving on...

I’m having a super busy but really productive, enjoyable week and yesterday decided to be a bit cheeky -  I’d been into Manchester for a couple of meetings and on my way home about 3.00 pm, decided to divert to the cinema ... well I didn’t have any more meetings that day, and was just going home to write (did you see what I did there?  That’s me trying to justify – to myself - going to the cinema in the afternoon when I’m busy and should be working!).  I’ve been really wanted to see Bel-Ami with Robert Pattinson. 

The film is a ‘steamy period drama about a soldier who seduces his way into Parisian high society’ (I pinched that bit from the promo stuff, in case you think my writing’s getting better) and is actually quite entertaining.  At the beginning, he’s really down on his luck after leaving the army some years previous and we find him in a rowdy bar in Paris when he bumps into an old mate from the army.  That mate tells him to come to his house the next day to meet his wife.  Pattinson has no decent clothes (it was all about the clothes in those days) so his mate gives him some money to hire some.  When his mate leaves, Pattinson promptly uses some of the money to purchase a prostitute ... nice!

It kind of goes on from there in quite a twisty turny way with him working his way through a small circle of bored Parisian women.  I’ve got to say that it was really entertaining and could have been REALLY good, however, he is such a bad, wooden actor that it was actually quite cringe worthy in places and I keep seeing glimpses of that kind of ‘embarrassed/strained’ face his does a lot in the Twilight films (a bit like he’s constipated). 

The other actors I couldn’t fault with and considering the fact that two of the female cast Uma Therman and Christina Ricci were American (and let’s face it, American’s sometimes can get the English accent soooooo wrong – especially the o’s, they tend to pronounce them ewww instead of oooooo ... quick apology to my American readers here, but English actors can be equally as terrible at American accents, think Ray Winston and Jason Statham ... appalling!).

Kristin Scott Thomas was absolutely brilliant as a middle aged woman totally besotted (and slightly deranged it has to be said) with a man half her age – however, look out of the scene where she eats a pear, OMG that was the most cringe worthy part of the whole film!  All in all, if you can get past Pattinson and his atrocious acting, it really is a great film that’ll keep you hooked - really worth a watch.

Well, after that had finished, it was about 5.20 pm and as I was walking out of the cinema, I noticed that ‘This Means War’ had just started.  I’ve really wanted to see that, so quickly got my ticket and got sat down just as the adverts were finishing.  I absolutely LOVE Tom Hardy (yummy yummy yummy) and also quite like Chris Pine (although I think he has the tendency to be a bit ginger in some shots ... not that I’m ginger phobic or anything – he can also look quite smug sometimes and that annoys me).  I’ve got to be honest; I’d heard mixed responses about the film and went in not really expecting too much but OMG, it was fab!  Really enjoyable ... in fact, I totally loved it (although in retrospect, I can’t really decide whether I just really enjoyed ogling Tom or the film itself ... it’s a close call). 

(This bit I wrote when I got home ...)
The premise, in case you’ve been living in a cave, is that two guys (who happen to work as spies for the CIA – yeah right!) both meet and fall for the same woman, Reese Witherspoon.  She has to decide which one she wants.  Meanwhile, they declare war on each other and try to scupper each other’s chances of her choosing him.  Lots of adventure and action ensues and it’s actually hugely entertaining!  Oh, and make sure you stay to very last bit ... near the end, when they’re all on the flyover (don’t worry, I’m not telling you who she ends up with), you think it’s all over.... but it’s not!  So don’t rush off ... if you’re bursting for the bathroom (as I usually am ... too much information?) hold it in!

This week, there are loads of films out that I want to see, not least of all John Carter, so I’ll keep the reviews coming.

In other news, remember I mentioned in a previous post about that ‘large’ girl, Claire Richards out of the pop band Steps and how allegedly she was too fat to keep up with the dance routines on tour, well, I had to laugh, I’ve noticed in the press today that she’s now the face of a new competition to find Britain’s Best Cake! Lmao ... sorry, that’s probably quite mean but she’s said, “I’ll be the fattest girl on stage and I don’t care!”  Well, obviously not cos she’s apparently judging the cake competition!  “You go girl!” ... good for her.  It must be quite liberating to not worry about your weight (that’s of course if she doesn’t worry about it, but I’m guessing that’s not quite the case, after all she did make a hell of a lot of money out of a weight loss/fitness DVD she did a couple of years ago!)

Awwwww do ya know what?  I could go on and on today, but sadly with all that talk about food ... I need dinner.  See you very soon lovelies, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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