Sunday 11 March 2012

Update & Celeb Round Up

Hello lovelies, I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend.

Well, change of plans this weekend, I did see more long lost friends on Friday (I’ll tell you about that in a mo) but didn’t get to go to Manchester with my beautiful cousin Helen yesterday afternoon.  I started coming down with yet another cold on Friday which was ten times worse yesterday (happy to say it seems to be abating this morning) and Helen wasn’t feeling too bright either (hope you’re feeling better today lovely!), so we’ll need to re-schedule that one.

So, back to Friday night ... my mate Debi texted me a couple of weeks ago to say that the daughter, Faye, of one of our friends, Diane, had asked us round on Friday night.  Now, bit of background, I haven’t seen Diane or Faye (or their husband/dad Trevor) for oooooh must be at least 10 years.  My biggest memory of Faye (bearing in mind my memory is shocking) is when I babysat for her and she stayed at mine ... that’s got to be at least 13 years ago. 

As you can imagine, I was really looking forward to Friday and boy did we laugh!  Going back to what my school friend Sharon said when we met after 25 years, “it was like going to the loo and coming back years later!”  It was like we’d only seen each other last week.  Faye’s gone from a beautiful, funny child to a beautiful, funny woman who is full of so much fun and energy that I couldn’t catch my breath!

When we hadn’t been there long Faye decided to put a dancing competition on the Xbox (at least I think it was Xbox – but what the hell would I know!)and we all proceeded to take it in turns to have a ‘dance off’ in pairs.  So bloody funny ... I haven’t laughed so much in ages.  It was brilliant.  It was fabulous to catch up after so long and to have such a laugh to boot.  We’re definitely not going to lose touch again – like I said to Faye, “you’re not going to get rid of me now” – her reply, “you’re screwed cos I’m gonna stalk you!” lmao

I can’t believe how many people have come back into my life since Christmas ... it’s amazing how you let life get in the way of things.  Having all those lovely people back in my life again is so wonderful ... I can’t believe how much I’ve missed them.  Awwwwww I’m getting a bit gooey now and that just won’t do, so I’d better move on.

As Saturday didn’t happen I haven’t got much else to tell you about regarding my mad life.  I’ve had a hugely busy week and I’ve got some fab projects I’m working on, but most of them are ‘work, work’ so not appropriate for here.  Therefore, in order to keep you guys entertained and moving back to the dating thing (by the way, I’ve cancelled my membership for on-line dating ... it takes far too much effort for too little gain) I saw a story in The Mail Online today about a woman in her 50s who had registered with an over 50’s dating site and got absolutely no response, so decided to add a picture of her in ‘a £35 red swimming costume’ and got 900 responses in 48 hours!!!! Lmao ... now I know where I was going wrong!

However, based on the responses I got when I was fully clothed, you can only imagine the types of responses this poor woman’s received?  Apparently, she’s now sifting through them – I hope she’s got a strong stomach is all I can say!  You can read the full article in The Mail Online, which also includes pictures of her in said swimming costume.  The only comments I have about those pictures are that she has a great bod, especially for her age, but she should have either had false tan on her legs or turned the heating up ... they’re the colour of corned beefy.  Good Luck to her though and fair play, at least she’s getting out there after the death of her husband and you’ve got to give her huge credit for that.

Now moving on to a quick summary of the week’s top (I use that term loosely – cos who really cares) Celeb gossip:

The latest ‘look at me’ stunt pulled by that terrible Imogen woman I mentioned in a previous post was to scrawl ‘CMON WALES’ across her boobs and tweet the picture in a further desperate attempt to get noticed further.  For God’s sake, this woman has no self respect whatsoever.

Next we have Jennifer Aniston and her current beau Justine Theroux.  She’s allegedly issued him an ultimatum to ask her to marry him before the end of the year or it’s over.  Apparently, they have a pit-bull cross which they are using as a test run for having children!  What a load of rubbish ... where the hell do papers get this drivel from ... Utter utter sh*te!

Then we have Tulisa and Mark Wright (don’t worry if you don’t know these two, I only know them cos their faces are always across the UK tabloids – they’re ‘famous for being famous’ types) who allegedly spent the night together in Miami ... Who cares?!

Then we have celebrity smokers - Miley Cyrus was caught smoking in her gym gear as she left a yoga class, classic ... bet her parents are so proud (then again, they do say it helps curb your appetite and when you’re under that much pressure to stay slim ....) and Stacey Solomon who has caused a mahoooosive uproar due to the fact that she’s been caught smoking whilst being heavily pregnant.  I was quite surprised at that one, especially as she protrays herself as so wholesome (I also believe, so I'd better say allegedly that her deal with a large supermarket has been withdrawn as a result ... she can no longer be classed as family friendly!)  Not to get too serious or political about the whole 'smoking whilst pregnant' thing, I only know two women who smoked throughout their pregnancy ... both of their babies were born underweight and with respiratory problems – is there a link??????  Go figure.

Gerard Butler’s just come out of rehab for alleged addiction to pain killers.  It seems every ‘star’ has an addiction to something these days. 

Celeb Big Brother and Kill Bill star, Michael Madsen has been charged with felony child endangerment after 'fighting with son' whom he caught 'smoking marijuana' – not sure if I should add an ‘allegedly’ here ... so I think I will, just to be on the safe side ... allegedly, Michael Madsen has been charged with felony child endangerment after 'fighting with son' whom he caught 'smoking marijuana'.

Lindsey Lohan’s gone back to her natural colour, ginger and looks much better for it.  No ‘allegedly’ about it ... she really does look better!

Kris Humphrey’s, Kim Kardashian’s estranged hubby is allegedly asking for $7m to ‘leave the marriage quietly’ ie go through the divorce without selling his story ... aw that’s nice, how kind of him (that’s meant sarcastically!).

Britney Spears has allegedly rejected $10m to be a panelist on this year’s X-Factor and is said to be holding out for $30m.  Another one I care nothing about!

And finally, as if by magic, pictures of Rachel Zoe have appeared in the papers this week of her eating ... yes, actually eating and there’s no allegedly about it ... the pictures don’t lie!  This little outward display of eating comes hot on the heels of the pictures that appeared last week of her looking incredibly fragile (I mentioned it in a previous post so she must have looked bad).  Her publicist probably recommended that she did that so that she didn’t appear to be so ill (this is my view by the way folks – no one else’s!)

Well I think that’s all for today lovelies, except to mention just how fabulous Goldie Hawn is looking at the mo.  She’s been doing the rounds of all the chat shows in the UK and I have to say that she looks truly amazing.  I love her!

Right, now I’m definitely going ... off to watch ‘The Raven’ so I’ll let you know what it’s like.  I haven’t been to the cinema much in the last couple of weeks, but there are tons on at the moment that I want to see, so I’ll have to remedy that.  Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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