Friday 9 March 2012

Another BIG Thank You!

Hello lovelies

This is just another quick mail to thank everyone for following me.  I’m pleased to announce that due to you lovely, lovely people my readership has increased 100% in the last 8 week.  It took 9 months to get to 1000 hits and 8 weeks to double it to 2000. 

The 2000th reader happened to be my friend Glynn, without whom there would be no blog (I’d almost given up last year and he persuaded me to carry on).  Here’s a picture that he took for me to commemorate the moment!
Woooohoooo picture of my 2000th hit - taken by Glynn

Yay!  Whoop Whoop!

Readership continues to grow on a weekly basis – the countries with the highest number of hits are the UK with USA and Russia consistently vying for second place. 

This month, I’ve also had lots of readers from Spain, France, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Malaysia and the Netherlands.  So another huge:


If you think you know of anyone else who’d enjoy my blog ... please feel free to pass it on. 

I also want to remind you of my really quick questionnaire – it really does take less than 5 minutes to complete, so if you can spare a little bit of time, please click on the link below.  Your help is very much needed.

On other things, I’ve had a hugely busy week, but not really had anything exciting/newsworthy happen, which is incredibly strange for me!  However, I’m out with some girlies I haven’t seen for about 10 years tonight (my friend’s Diane’s daughter has invited us round to hers ... the last time I saw Faye, I was babysitting for her!  OMG, where does the time go!)  I’m also out with my beautiful cousin Helen tomorrow afternoon.  We’re meant to be doing some shopping in Manchester, but I can’t see much shopping happening ... not as long as they still sell Champagne in Harvey Nics!!!!!

So there’s plenty going on ... oh and I’ve had such a massive response to my recent Celeb posts that I’m going to start to include some more regular – maybe a once a week round up of the week’s biggest news ... so watch this space for more of that.  Must rush now, cos I’ve gotta do my nails ... I’m ashamed, they’re all chipped and look particularly skanky (not like me at all – I loathe chipped nails!).  So lovelies, have a fantastic weekend and remember, be fabulous!

Thanks again.

Lots of love


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