Saturday 24 March 2012

Hunger Games & Cantonese

OK, so firstly, The Hunger Games.  I went to see it yesterday afternoon and to sum it up ... “Brilliant” it totally lives up to the hype, which is quite unusual for blockbuster... remember John Carter!!!!  I’ll say no more.  Considering it was 2 hours 20 minutes it went amazingly quickly.  It was like I’d only been in there half an hour (unlike John Carter that I couldn’t wait to end!) and that’s always a good sign.

 I won’t go over the story again cos I’ve done that already, but the film did stay reasonably close to the book.  The differences where that they really skipped over a lot of the back story, especially how she got the mockingjay pin she wears and quite a lot of the stuff about her mother’s illness and what happened to her father and about her relationship with Gale Hawthorne, which is huge in the book.  They also missed out quite a bit around the journey to the capitol, but I guess they have to cut some stuff out otherwise it would go on for hours.

The only thing that was significantly different was the relationship between Katniss and Peeta (they’re the two main characters).  In the book, Katniss reluctantly goes with the story that her and Peeta are in love so that they become popular with the sponsors and therefore get items they need parachuted into the games (apparently the items cost oodles of money, so they have to be popular so that people will pay for them).  However, in the film, it just looks like they’ve equally fallen in love with each other ... that’s definitely not what I got from the book.  From the book, I got that she was in love with Gale and so reluctantly went along with the story that she was in love with Peeta, well in the beginning anyway.

Anyhow, they are just small irks.  The film quite rightly focused on the Hunger Games themselves and I have to say, even though I’d read the book, it was pretty much edge of the seat stuff.  I couldn’t fault it.  And the weirdest thing? The sets were exactly how I imagined them to be, especially the capitol.  They were brilliant as was Katniss’ and Peeta’s ‘fire’ outfits at the beginning of the Games.  Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

So, if you’re planning on watching it or weren’t really sure, take it from me, it’s a must see.  I can’t wait for the next one now, in fact, I may even go and watch this one again next week (now that’s a recommendation in itself)  Although I have to say that when I read the second book I was slightly disappointed as it was practically the same as the first.  Still enjoyed it though.

In other news, I had a wonderful night out last night with some old and brand new friends (not old in age you understand, just old because I’ve known them for a while!  Phew!).  We had a lovely Cantonese meal, we had lots of prawn crackers and hors d'oeuvres (prawn toast, ribs, seaweed, won tons) for starters ... yum (I LOVE starters and sometimes just have a mahoosive plate of those rather than a main) and for the main I had my fav, Special Chow Mein ... has to be thin noodles though, not those horrid fat ones.  The food was as gorgeous as the company and I haven’t laughed so much for ages. 

I was trying to teach everyone to use chop sticks – I’m actually really lucky in that when I was about 7/8 I had a ‘thing’ (like kids do) of eating everything with chop sticks.  I did it for about a year and it’s turned out to be one of the most valuable things I’ve learned (believe it or not!).  So we had a good old giggle and I’m happy to say that a couple of lovely ladies really got the hang of it and ate their whole meals with them.  I think that’s fantastic for a first try!  Oh and we’ve now christened chop sticks, ‘chip chops’ ... well, it seemed funny at the time!

Well lovelies, it’s a stunning day out (looks like spring really is here!) – It’s really lovely to be able to open all the windows in the house and not freeze to death – so I’ll love and leave you to get on with some housey stuff.  I’m going to my friend Diane’s tonight with Debi and Devon, so that’ll be fun.  Debi tells me that Sarah’s got a Karaoke machine hooked up and ready to go.  Now, I must tell you that me and Deb do THE most fantastic rendition of Mariah Carey’s “Can’t live, if living is without youuuuuuuuhooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo” It really is the funniest thing ... we’re both completely tone deaf, which doesn’t stop us blasting it out at full pelt.  Have you ever heard anyone harmonise out of key?  That’s me and Deb that is.  I can’t wait; it should be a real giggle.

So I’ll leave it there for now lovelies.  Have a fantastic Saturday wherever you are and I’ll see you soon.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


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