Monday 26 March 2012

Update & Jean Claude Van Damme's Hard Underpants & Hard Nipples!

Hello lovelies.  Well, I don’t know what the weather has been like where you are, but the sun shone all weekend and it’s been lovely and warm here in the UK and the weather people are saying that it’s likely continue for the rest of the week (very unlike the UK at this time of year, in fact, this time last year I think it was snowing).  Just to put it in perspective for you, it was 20C/68F at 6.00 pm today (usually it would be around 8C/46F!  How lovely.  We also had the clocks move forward yesterday in readiness for summer so it was still light tonight at 7.30 pm.  *Sigh* I LOVE the summer time.

I’ve had a fabulous weekend, filled with far too much food and tonnes of laughter.  I’ve been fuller than a full thing.  Friday, I told you about in my last post, I went for a Cantonese meal with some lovely friends.  Saturday, I went round to my friend Sarah’s house for dinner with Debi and Devon and Sarah’s friend Sally-Anne (and lovely she is too!  I love meeting new people, especially particularly lovely and courageous ones ... Sal’s one of those).

Sarah (also an amazingly wonderful lady) cooked the biggest meal I think I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much food together in one place outside a wedding buffet!  For starters we had spicy chicken wings, onion rings, garlic bread, prawns and spring rolls ... that was just for starters!

 Then we had a full roast dinner which included chicken, roast and mashed potatoes, cauliflower cheese, sprouts, carrots (though I don’t eat those ... carrots are the food of the Devil), Yorkshire puddings (you’ll have to Google those if you haven’t heard of them) stuffing, gravy ... I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything. 

Following that, we had the largest cheese board I think I’ve ever seen.  I can honestly say that I can’t remember ever eating so much in one sitting.  Granted we ate it over a few hours, but still, I amazed myself!  Thanks so much Sarah ... you’re a total star and a gorgeous person.

Sunday evening, I had dinner with another long lost friend of mine and we had a fab Indian meal (poppadoms, chutney, chicken tikka masala for me and I think Jalfrazi for him).  Yum.  All washed down by oodles of wine (Bud for him).  Following that, we trotted off to my cousin’s bar and had a couple more drinks.  A very lovely night and I have to say I was totally spoiled and I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much!  Hugely enjoyable.

Now, when I got up this morning, I was feeling a bid dodgy.  It wasn’t a full blown hangover, but I certainly wasn’t right.  I saw a client this morning and had to do a ton of work this afternoon.  When it got to about 6 pm this evening, I started to feel seriously wobbly and rather strangely I was ravenously hungry (I think your stomach grows when you’ve eaten lots and lots).  It wasn’t a normal hunger, it actually hurt.  So I’m afraid beans on toast just wasn’t going to cut it, so I’m ashamed to say that I went to the Chippy (chip shop) and got Fish, Chips (fat fries) and mild curry sauce – yum.

 I very, very rarely eat that stuff (it’s all deep fried) but for some reason, I just couldn’t resist and practically ate the lot (I never do that ... usuually I get half way through, come to my senses, feel repulsed and stop eating ... not this time ... I virtually ate the lot!).  I’m feeling a bit sick now actually and more than a little disappointed in myself.  Ho hum ... I’ll definitely have to go running tomorrow to try and make up for it a little bit!

Well that was my lovely weekend.  I hope yours was as equally filled with fun.  Moving on ... I’ve got to share this with you.  As I’ve been typing away writing this, a commercial has just come on the TV with Jean Claude Van Damme adverting Coors Lite.  I’m not sure if these ads are shown outside the UK but I laugh out loud every time I see them, that I thought I’d share (it’s always good to share laughter).  Here you go ... Jean Claude and his hard nipples and hard underpants!  Enjoy...

Well I’ve scoured my usual sources for some juicy celeb gossip for you and unfortunately come up empty handed (unless you count Kloe Kardashian in some very unflattering pale blue jeans ... I’m really scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one) so I guess I’ll leave it there for today.  I hope you all have a wonderful week lovelies and remember, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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