Wednesday 21 March 2012

Weight Loss & Dev's Dating a £150 ph Escort!

OK guys, I’ve got to apologise here, it’s been an amazingly quiet week both in relation to my life and in the world of Celeb and film.  However, that’s due to change this weekend.  Friday sees the release of Hunger Games (yay!) and I’ve got a fun packed weekend as follows:

Friday afternoon - Hunger Games (which I’ll review for you afterwards)

Friday Night - Out for Cantonese food with the girlies (yum)

Saturday Morning - Legoland with Devon

Saturday Night - My lovely friends Sarah is cooking for a of us (yum ... again!)

Sunday - Out for a curry with another friend of mine I haven’t seen for ages

Wow, it’s all go and I’ve just realised something while I’ve been writing that, my whole weekend pretty much centres on food!  Good job I’ve lost 5lbs in the last couple of weeks.  Remember my previous post when I mentioned the phone call I made to Jenny Craig (the weight loss people who were rude to me ... Oooops, cat’s out the bag!), well I decided to take matters into my own hands and read Paul McKenna’s ‘I can make you thin’ ... and he has!  I highly recommend his books.  I haven’t really had to do much and the weight’s dropping off.  I’m well on target for my bikini bod now ... double yay.  Give it a go; it’s pretty cheap on Amazon and worth every penny.

Actually, I recommend any and all of his books, especially Change Your Life in 7 days (marvellous stuff and it really works)  ... I’ve even done a couple of seminars of his too.  Love him.  He’s AMAZEBALLS!  I bought his ‘Stop Smoking’ book for my next door neighbour and guess what ... she’s stopped smoking and said that she didn’t even try very hard.  She just read the book and listened to the CD the comes with it a few times and she hasn’t smoked or felt the need to smoke since – that was over 2 month’s ago.

Anyway, enough of promoting Paul McKenna and his virtues ... I’ve seen possibly THE most cringe worthy thing I’ve ever seen today.  There’s a well known daytime TV programme in the UK imaginatively titled, This Morning who today did a segment on post 70s sex (that’s not sex in the 1970s, in case you were wondering, it was about people past 70 and how they can accommodate their various ailments such as hip replacements and still have a fantastic life).  Now, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing whatsoever against the more mature person having sex – good luck to them I say – I just don’t want to see an article on daytime TV about it which included 2 OAP’s cavorting (well, sort of) on a bed in their PJ’s!!! EEEEEEEEEwwwwwwww wrong, wrong, wrong!  Now before you think I’m being really ageist, I’m not ... I’d think the same if they were any age.  If nothing else, that’s a further reason for not watching daytime TV.

Apparently, the ITV twitter feed to the programme went crazy after the article aired with comments like:

not everyday you wake up turn the tv on to two old people on a bed in a sex position on this morning hahahaha.”

“Old people simulating sex on This Morning right now” <<< just see this - #cringe”

“Eating a chocolate bar then two old people start demonstrating sex positions on this morning. #rathernothavethoseimagesthanks”

Here’s a link to an article about it in The Mail Online... see what you think about it.  I’d leave until after you’ve eaten though!

In other news...

Reese Witherspoon is pregnant again with her third child and her first child with second hubby actor Tim Roth.  Oh how I love a bit of good news.

Kim Kardashian’s ex Ray J (remember him?  He’s the one that touted a sex tape that they’d made together, which incidentally is attributed to making her famous) is allegedly thinking about selling sex tapes and numerous erotic pictures he has of Whitney Houston.  Apparently, according to UK newspaper The Star (so actually, there’s a real chance this story isn’t true) her family are currently begging him not to sell the pictures/video.  He’s ‘conflicted’ about what to do with them. ‘Conflicted’!   Allegedly (again) he’s been 'stalling' to sell them, knowing he's 'sitting on a gold mine' but knowing that he should hand them over to her family.  Oh God preserve us. 

Oh and here’s another you’re going to love ... Coronation Street star,
Jimmi Harkishin who plays shopkeeper Dev (just about the worst actor on TV) in the long running soap, has allegedly upset his co-stars by missing a press night to go on a date with a £150-an-hour bisexual escort and porn star, Kat Lee.   Who knew!  I always remember listening to a Manchester based radio station that used to do a competition called ‘Celeb’s in Sunglasses’ where listeners would text or ring in with what celebs they’d see wearing sunglass, when and where.  The DJ would then award points something like this:

1 point         Outdoors sunny day

2 points       Outdoors dull day

3 points       Outdoors rainy day

4 points       Indoors during the day

5 points       Indoors at night

Dev consistently got 5 points.  Pretty much every week someone would ring in and say that they’d seen him in this restaurant or that night club wearing his shades!  I think I’d better move on before I say something I’ll regret!

Russell Brand’s got himself a new love and yep, you guessed it.  She’s a leggy model Hungarian model.  I don’t have anything against Russell actually ... I think he’s quite funny!

Jason Donovan’s done a Rooney and had a hair transplant.  He was apparently being grilled by Piers Morgan when he fessed up ... Doesn’t make him anymore attractive though.  Sorry!

Jason Statham is the latest in a long line to take a swipe at Kim Kardashian and her lack of talent, calling her a ‘Brand’ ... I best she’s really upset - NOT.  He’s got room to talk anyway, have you seen any of his films ... not an ounce of talent near them (and don’t get me started on his dreadful American accent *cringe*).

Well lovelies, there’s tonnes more I could talk about, but I’m in the middle of lots of stuff at the mo, so I’ll leave it there for today.  I hope you’re all having a wonderful week.  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


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