Monday 5 March 2012

2012 Oscar Special - The Worst Dressed List

Well, lovelies, this is going to be quite a short post because running around a bit today.  However, as I was on a bit of a roll yesterday with my Oscar review, I wanted to at least give you the rundown of my worst Oscar dresses.  NB I haven't included Kelly Osborne here, cos I did that yesterday.

So, without further ado, here goes ... In reverse order ... hmmmm on second thoughts, these are all so awful, that I can’t really pick a worst ... so, in no particular order:

Voila Davies in Vera Wang ... I don’t really know where to start with this – one person was overheard to say “She looks like Poison Ivy”!!!  This is not a good look.  Apparently, she was boasting on Twitter that she had decided to go back to her roots (literally) with her hair, remove her weave and go au natural.  My advice, "Love, go back to the weave ... GO BACK TO THE WEAVE!" What was she thinking?  And that dress, OMG what on earth is going on around the bust?  Vera Wang usually makes THE most amazing dresses ... this; however, is a real miss.  Maybe if the ‘V’ at the bust wasn’t there and that booby bit was covered over and it was in a different colour and a different fabric ... then maybe it would work, but then again, it would be a different dress!
Viola Davies in Vera Wang - Looking like 'Poison Ivy'

Next, sadly, I have to mention Sandra Bullock, not one I would usually put on a worst dressed list, but this is a must.  She was wearing a two tone Marchesa dress, which looked fabulous from the back, but really ill fitting at the front ... maybe she should have walked around backwards all night!
Sandra Bullock - Business in the front, party at the back

Anna Faris is next ... she wore a dress which was akin to an oil slick.  In fact, not to be too nasty about it, because it may have looked nicer in real life, it had an air of bin liner about it.  It was a black, heavily sequinned Diane Von Furstenberg dress.  Actually, it did look a bit better from the back (there wasn’t too much back to it) but still, it just sadly really missed the mark.  I'm not sure I'd have gone for DVF (like I'd ever have the opportunity!) for the red carpet ... it's not what they're known for, so it's always gonna be a risk.

Anna Faris in DVF - Oil slick come bin liner
Finally, we have Melissa McCarthy and I have to take back what I said earlier, this really is the worst dressed.  She’s wearing a Marina Rinaldi gown with a jewelled neckline detail which looks all the world to me like my Nan cobbled together a frock from an old 1970’s nylon bedspread (for those of you old enough to remember life before duvets – yes there was a ‘before duvets’, in fact, I think I'll now refer to anything pre-1980 as 'BD' Before Duvet – we had nylon bedspreads that were quilted on top with gathered sheer nylon around the sides that went over sheets/blanket to make the bed look prettier - well this dress looks like it was made from that kind of nylon).  It looked like if she walked too quickly, she might charge herself up and become a real, bonefide fire risk!  Now, don’t get me wrong, this is not an attack on her size (if you look at Octavia Spencer, another larger lady, well she looks amazing and actually, I think I should have had her in my best dressed list) but Melissa’s was a truly awful dress and my advice ... sack the Stylist!
Melissa McCarthy wearing a fire hazard (my Nan's nylon bedspread)

Octavia Spencer in Lanvin - Looking totally amazing

Well, I said it would be a quick one; I’m off to have fun!  I haven’t forgotten the Angelina Jolie stuff; I’ll have that for you tomorrow.  So have a wonderful day lovely people and be fabulous!

Lots of love


PS I hope you appreciate how much research went into getting all the designer names right for the two 'Oscar Special' posts!  Thank God for Google is all I can say.

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