Saturday 17 March 2012

George Clooney Arrested! ... and John Carter

Ooooooo them there celebs are keeping me busy this week! Well, it would be rather remise of me if I weren’t to mention the latest story about George Clooney.  Apologies if you’ve already heard this (it was on the BBC and ITV news last night – and probably on different news channels across the world), but George was arrested, taken away in handcuffs and subsequently released after paying a $100 fine.  He was with his father and a number of other protestors outside the Sudanese Embassy in Washington yesterday when the arrest occurred.

After his release, George said, ‘You never know if you are accomplishing anything.  We hope it helps.’  He added, ‘There really is a ticking clock on (the situation),’ and said that he hoped the starving people of Sudan would receive aid before their devastating rainy season begins.

He also said that he hoped it was his first and last arrest and that the charge would be going on his ‘permanent’ police record.  The protestors are accusing Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashire, of provoking a humanitarian crisis and blocking food and aid from entering the Nuba Mountains in the country’s border region of South Sudan.

George also commented that the second thing he was there for, 'is for the government in Khartoum to stop randomly killing its own innocent men, women and children. Stop raping them and stop starving them.'

Good for George ... he’s gone up hugely in my estimation for bringing this issue right slap bang into the public eye.  I think it’s wonderful when people really stand up for the rights of others less fortunate. If you want to read more about what he’s protesting about, click this link.  Here's a clip of a CNN news report about the incident:

In other (much less serious) news, I watched John Carter yesterday – hmmmmmm strange film.  In case you don’t know the story, an ex military man in the 1800s (I think) finds himself in a cave after being hunted down by Apaches.  After a bit of a faff with some strangely dressed bloke that materialised in the cave, his essence ends up being transported to Mars (I kid you not) where his body is cloned and as bone density is different on Mars, he finds he has an extraordinary ability to bound around, leaping great heights and lengths – he also seems to be miraculously stronger than everyone else too.  He then finds that there are warring factors on the strange planet, he falls in love with the princess (obviously) of one of the tribes and helps with the fight against their aggressors.  Phew!  Don’t worry, I really haven’t given too much away ... you could have guessed that he’d have to fall in love with a beautiful princess somewhere along the way.

The Good:

1.   The animation/graphics were fabulous

2.   The costumes were well done (albeit very skimpy with lots of flexing muscles – and that’s just the leading lady!)

3.   The idea was reasonable

4.   The very beginning and very ends were actually pretty good (however, as the film had gone on for so long, I’d forgotten that the whole story was supposed to be a relative reading his adventures in a diary, until they went back to it at the very end)

The Bad:

1.   It went on far too long

2.   The writing was terrible and unbelievable cheesy – I cringed a million times and even flinched a couple of times too!

3.   The main actor Taylor Kitsch was nothing short of appalling (although the cheesy, clichéd writing didn’t help)

4.   There was this CGI thing that I think was supposed to be some kind of dog type animal that was completely ludicrous, annoying and quite unnecessary

5.   It was far too long

Anyway, here’s a trailer in case you’re interested (I’m loving that I’ve found out how to attached YouTube videos ... can you tell?)

So a bit of a 50/50 on that one. It didn’t hate it and I didn’t love it either.

Right lovelies ... another relative quickie, I’m off to get my hair and nails done ... Oh the glamour of it all!  Enjoy your Saturday and I’ll see you soon.  Be fabulous!

Lots of Love


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