Thursday 8 March 2012

Help Required!

Hello lovelies, well, I’ve been warning you for a while that I’m going to need your help with something and that time has come!

I’m doing a bit of research for a little project I’m working on (can’t say too much about it yet though ... sorry) and would really be grateful if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete a really quick survey.

I’ll be doing a series of them (probably about 4 or 5 over a number of weeks) and this is the first.  The surveys are about your on-line dating experiences; if you’ve done online dating before, what you liked about it, what you didn’t like about it, if it met your expectations, how many dates you had or didn’t have etc etc .  I think the results will be quite interesting!

This first one really is quick to complete, has no difficult questions (especially if you’ve never done online dating ... it’ll take you about 30 seconds if that’s the case!) and is completely confidential – you don’t have to leave any details of who you are (unless you want to).  Once I’ve completed the full series of surveys, I will, of course share the results.

I’ll always keep the most up-to-date Survey at the top of the right hand column of my blog so that you don’t have to search to find it and I’d be really grateful if you could get your friends to complete it too.  The more people complete it, the better the results will be.  I know you’ll help me because I really do have THE most wonderful readers in the whole wide world!

Thanks in advance, you lovely people.  Until next time, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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