Tuesday 27 March 2012

Breaking Dawn 2 New Trailer & Update from Angie’s Right Leg

Good morning lovelies and what another absolutely gawjus day!  Love it.  Makes you feel so good, happy and positive.  Well, this may well be a quick post, but I’ve got a couple of fab things to share with you.  So without further ado...

Yesterday (so this one’s hot of the press) the new Breaking Dawn 2 trailer was released.  It’s really quick, (40 seconds quick), but clearly shows Bella Swan in all her vampire glory complete with burning read eyes.  The end of the clip shows her stalking a deer, so she’s obviously got the taste for blood!  I can’t wait for that film to come out, which I believe is on 2 November.  Is that sad?  I don’t care!

Check it out and see what you think...

Secondly, Angie’s Right Leg’s been in the press again today.  Angie herself was being interviewed by Huffington Post (I don’t know if you’ve ever read that online newspaper, but it really is a good read) and she said that she “didn’t respond to it”.  Here’s what she said:

“I honestly didn’t pay attention to it.  You know what I mean? I don’t watch those TV shows and if I go online and see something about myself, I don’t click on it.  And the people I surround myself with don’t really talk about that kind of stuff. [Laughs]  I heard something, but I didn’t pay any attention.  It’s as simple as being a woman picking a dress you like and having a night, and not really thinking about anything else.”

Yeah right!  Like she hadn’t ‘thought’ about how she was going to stand in that dress in order to gain maximum exposure (see what I did there?).  These people think we’re not very intelligent don’t they?  You can read the full article (although it’s not very long) here.

I heard about the article because I’m following @AngiesRightLeg on Twitter and this is the Tweet in response to the article:

“Big Ang says she doesn't pay attention to me. Considering I'm currently as bushy as a botanical garden, no duh.”

Love it.  It’s so funny.

Well lovelies, sorry it’s another quickie, but I really wanted to share the Breaking Dawn trailer with you as soon as possible.  I’m heading off into a very busy day.  I hope you have fun and there’s plenty of sun where you are.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


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