Sunday 15 January 2012

Champagne Saturday and Round 3 of Internet Dating

Well, I had a lovely day yesterday.  Had my hair done in the morning, then caught a taxi and hopped on a train (yes lovelies, I did public transport!) to meet my fab friend, Justine, for a well overdue ‘Champagne Saturday’ (have I ever mentioned that I LOVE champagne? lol).  I would have liked to get to Manchester a bit earlier and do a bit of pre-champagne shopping, but my hair appointment ran over a bit and actually, when I think about it, I don't know if you remember, but I did that once and nearly left a Louis Vuitton makeup bag purchase in each place we went, post champagne, obviously.  In fact I seem to remember Justine tying the bag to my wrist when I went for the train in case I left it there too!  Still, I got their 10 minutes early and managed to buy some lovely Bobby Brown makeup and I was still right on time to meet Justine.

We went to our usual haunt, Harvey Nichols, however, I got distracted by some fabulous Miu Miu mules (which were massively reduced in the sale) on the way up to the bar on the top floor and when we finally got up there, our usual spec at the bar was gone and a very oddly dressed woman and her partner who were on the escalators in behind us (before I got distracted) had bagged the our spot.  Sorry Justine (don’t think she was impressed!).  Anyway, it was only a couple of minutes and a space cleared and we ordered our champers.

After we'd finished the bottle, we went over to 'The Living Room' for something to eat (I hadn't had a chance to eat anything before then cos I was so busy) - I know I've been dieting, but I decided to blow it all and have a burger and chips (although I can't say they are massive portions there so I'm not feeling too upset with myself).  Justine had the chicken burger ... all very lovely.  Oh, and let's not forget that we had another huge glass of wine each.  Yum.

I can’t say that I have anything much else to report, we haven't seen each other for months, so had loads to catch up on and the whole afternoon went very smoothly actually ... makes a nice change (but isn’t much help for my blog!).  All in all, a very lovely way to spend a Saturday, although I do have to say that the journey home was worse than going ... the train was filthy ... ewwwwwwwwwww what is the matter with people ... can’t they clean up after themselves, it’s disgusting!  It’s like travelling with The Great Unwashed! (Yuck – to my lovely readers who use public transport a lot ... obviously I don't mean you! lol).

Anyway, moving on ... remember back in November, I said that I was giving up the internet dating thing cos my nerves couldn’t hack it, well my 6 month membership of my current on-line dating agency ends on 21st of this month, so I thought I’d give it one last ditch attempt and see what turns up.  It seems, the key to getting your profile read is to log on for 10 minutes, then log off, log on for 10 minutes then log off, that way, you’re always at the top of the ‘Who’s on line’ section ... I tried it last night when I got in and got 40 views, 20 winks and 10 messages!  I think that’s pretty good going, however, the quality of all of that is something else entirely.  Haven't checked any of them yet ... I'll do that later and let you know what I get.

I have checked the site from time to time since I decided to have a break and have had the odd view/message/wink, but you really do have to be on the site quite frequently to get anywhere.  However, I did happen to log in on Friday and one guy had contacted me.  The emails went something like this (it’s not totally accurate cos I deleted his sorry ass):

Him    “Can you send me some more up to date pictures please, because your age doesn’t match your pictures and I don’t like being taken for a ride” 

Me     “They are recent” (short and to the point I thought)

Him    “Well, from your profile you sound too good to be true and I don’t believe that those pictures are recent.  Can we meet up so that I can see for myself, I live near Birmingham and I’m prepared to meet you half way?”


That little incident nearly put me off, but Justine and I were talking dating again and all about how it’s a numbers game yada yada yada, so I thought I’d give it another go, even if it’s only for a week.  You see, I do have a slight issue here in that I haven’t got Mehreen kicking my backside into doing it ... so left to do it under my own steam, who knows what’ll happen – oh and in case you’re wondering, Mehreen and I aren’t working together now, so I don’t have her daily input (miss her loads though, she talks a lot of sense does Mehreen!).  Well, if nothing else, it’ll give you guys a giggle (hits on my blog shoot up when I talk about dating, so you obviously find it amusing, so if nothing else, so it’s worth it just for that!) I’ll keep you informed!

Oh and I nearly forgot ... remember last year when I had my eyebrows tattoo’d and they cancelled my top up appointment, well it’s re-scheduled for tomorrow.  Again, I’ll let you know how I get on tomorrow.

Well lovelies, my dad is due round for a little visit in a bit and then it’s off to the gym for me (I have to work off yesterday’s champers and burger ... boooooo) and I may pop to the cinema this afternoon ... after all, I do have my unlimited film pass!  Hopefully, tomorrow, I’ll have to dating stuff and eyebrow gossip for your amusement, so stay tuned.  Until then, as always, be fabulous you wonderful people!!

Lots of love


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