Tuesday 17 January 2012

Eyebrow Tattoos & On-line Dating

Afternoon lovelies.  Yesterday, I said that I’d give you an update on my eyebrow tattoos and online dating.  So here goes:

Eyebrow Tattoos - Revisted

As you know, before Christmas I went down to Milton Keynes to have my eyebrows tattooed by celebrity eyebrow queen to the stars, Nilam Patel at her wonderful spa, Dermaspa (http://nilam-patel.com/).  It’s such a lovely Salon/Spa, all the staff are wonderful and friendly and really make you feel at home and pampered.  Well, approximately 6 weeks after you have your initial tattoo, you need a booster (as often the skin can heal a little unevenly) ... yesterday, was the booster/top up.

Before my appointment with Nilam, I had a wonderful ‘Wave’ facial with one of the fab Dermaspa therapists; Shell (what a lovely lady ... we had a good old giggle!).  The Wave facial was created by the doctor that carries out the aesthetics at the Spa ... the therapist covers your face in a gel liquid and then rubs over your skin with what looks like a mini heated curling wand (please don’t try this at home with your hair gel and curling tongs ladies ... this is advanced stuff!), the heat produced by the wand stimulates the collagen in the skin so that it re-generates ... my skin looks amazing today ... especially my neck and it apparently will continue to get better over the next few weeks!  Fab!

After that, I had a half hour wait  for my appointment with Nilam (where I caught up on some emails and stuff) while the anaesthetic cream that had been applied to my brows to numb them ready for the tattooing, did its job.  I think I told you before that Nilam is a lovely lady, very funny and bright with a fabulous sense of humour ... we get on so well!  When she called me in, before she did anything, we had another consultation and agreed that I could stand my brows being a bit bigger.  So she drew the outline of what she thought my brows should look like (the first time you have them done, she does them smaller than she intends the finished ones to look because people sometimes freak out because initially, they look REALLY black - BIG Scouse Brows - however, a couple of weeks after the scab has dropped off and they’ve settled down, they look fabulous!).  We agreed the shape she'd done was perfect, she fired up the tattoo gun and got going.  I can't say it doesn't hurt ... even with the numbing cream on, it still does.  However, it hurts more when the cream wears off ... Ouch! (Well worth it though, however, I am looking a bit like Max Wall at the moment! lol)

I think I may have said previously that HD Brows is Nilam’s brand of eyebrow shaping (http://www.hd-brows.co.uk/) which involves a combination of waxing, plucking, threading, dying to get the most amazing brow shape (God I love this stuff ... I love EVERYTHING beauty ... I’m just fascinated by it!) I was telling her again how interested I was and was asking her loads of questions, when she said, “You should come on the course!” ... “Ooooooooooooo, I’d love that!” I said.  We talked about me doing the HD Brow training even if I don’t use it as a business opportunity, she said that if I’m interested in it, I should do the course then I could do HD Brows  for my friends and family! ... I can hear the phone ringing already!!!  Apparently, lots of people do the training even if they aren’t looking at doing it as a business eg Katie Price!)  I think it would be an amazing thing to learn (quite a change from the usual courses/self development I do!) so I’ll definitely give it some thought.  I’m a great believer in self development and continually advocate learning new skills.  So I’ll keep you informed on that one!

Luckily the drive there and back was pretty good ... in fact, I think it was one of the best journeys I’ve done down South, so I definitely can’t grumble.  I left the house at 10.30 am and was back home and dinner on at 7.00 pm ... perfect!

OK, so, next ...

On-line Dating - Third Time Lucky!

I told you that I was having one last-ditch attempt at the on-line dating game (my membership is due to run out on the dating site I’m on and I’m definitely not renewing).  So, this morning, I’ve shifted through the 20 emails I’ve received over the last few days and had a quick shufty at my ‘winks’ and I’m sorry to say, that out of the 20 mails, I’ve only responded to one!  Not a very good conversion rate (if we’re talking marketing terms)!  I’ll let you know what happens with that one, but I thought I’d copy and paste (exactly as I received them) some of the more, erm ... funnier/stranger mails I've had (you seem to have enjoyed reading them when I've posted them previously!):

“I'm Paul I have my own bis 2 and it takes A lot of time and I wod like 2 get 2 no u x” (A good command of the English language is always a winner ... NOT! ... DELETE!)

“What are you doing on this site!!!!” (Well, I thought that would have been obvious! - DELETE!)

“Mmmmmm!” (I replied to this guy saying “What do you expect me to say to that?”  His reply, “Hello” ... I didn’t write back ... DELETE!)

“Nice!” (This was another from Mr Mmmmmmm ... DELETE!)

“were u from bbe and what u looking for hunny xxxx” (Another literary genius ... DELETE!)

A few minutes later, another from the same guy ... who happens to be a Boxer by the way ... obviously had a few too many knocks around the head!

“and by the way ur very good looking thought ad say xxx” (DELETE!)

“how about it then?” (*Sigh* ‘how about what?’ – DELETE!)

“Miaooooooooooooo....” (*Speechless*! – DELETE!)

“I’ve got an itch ... will you scratch it for me” (Er, no, but I’ll get Mr Miaoooooooo to scratch if for you! – DELETE!)

 “I’ve got a big one ...” (Have you really? *yawn* – DELETE and BLACKLIST)

There were also quite a number of messages and winks from men in their 60’s/70's (I definitely seem to be popular with the OAP crowd!) or men with no picture ... don’t like that, I always think there’s an ulterior motive when there’s no picture ie THEY’RE MARRIED!  I’ve also done a quick search and found a couple of blokes who looked interesting and have taken the bold move to mailing them (I’m not bothering with the ‘Wink’ thing ... I think it’s a bit lazy and a cop out!) 

Well lovelies, that’s it for now ... must go and do some work, then it’s off to the gym.  I had some chocolate yesterday (left over from Christmas) and I can’t bear the thought of any of that weight creeping back on.  So until next time ... be fabulous you lovely people.

Lots of love


PS Приветствуйте назад моим прекрасным российским читателям... Я тосковал без Вас!

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