Thursday 12 January 2012

The Christmas Holiday - Part 6

Busy day, so I'm positing early ... gym first (yes, again!) then I'm off to watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ... blimey, it's all go here! Back to the story ...
One evening, sorry can’t remember which; we went to a place for dinner called ‘The Dodgy Dock’ ... dodgy by name dodgy by nature.  Now, we went there a couple of times for dinner last year and it was lovely (was being the operative word).  The restaurant is built out on to the marina was really rather lovely.  However, what a difference a year makes.  Although the food was good, the surroundings had seriously deteriorated and what used to be a reasonably chic restaurant had turned in to a pile it high, knock it out cheap.  A bit disappointing really ... still not as bad as BBs though!

We got a newbie the next day, who came on her own on the Tuesday after Christmas, Fiona ... she was another ‘normal’ person and I’m glad to say that Fiona and I got on really well and as Cordelia was due to go home the next day, I was glad to have someone else on the same wavelength. Cordelia, Molly, Fiona and me all decided to go into the town the next day to go to the supermarket and get a few supplies as well as visiting the local touristy Spice Market. 

Good job we’d decided to do something other than sunbath, because it was clear that it was going to be quite a dull day weather-wise.  We hopped into a cab and trundled off.  Did our supermarket stuff then trotted off to the market which was quite a walk along a really beautiful beach called Grande Anse ... really white beach with the most amazing blue sea.  However, just as we got to the beach, the heavens opened and we dived into what looked like a very uninspiring beach bar.  How wrong can you be!  It was fab inside the food looked amazing.  We all ordered soft drinks and settled in to ride out the storm.  In case you’re interested the name of the bar, Umbrellas.

The rain lasted for about an hour, then started to clear, so we made our way again towards the market.  When we got there, Fiona and I whistled around the market (it’s really small and neither of us bought anything ... I know, I know ... bit of a shocker!) and sat waiting for the other two.  I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m not good shopping with others.  I’m a really quick shopper and hate waiting round, especially if they can’t make their minds up. 

We were both getting a bit bored, so I had a really inspired idea ... “Fancy a rum punch?” I asked Fiona ... blimey, her feet didn’t touch the ground!  We told the others what we were doing and where we were going (back to Umbrellas) and off we went ... walking a whole lot quicker than we had on the way there.  When we were three quarters of the way there, the heavens opened.  Caribbean rain isn’t like our rain.  It’s like turning a bucket upside down ... it was torrential.  Luckily, Fiona had an umbrella (how organised) and we made quick work of getting back to Umbrellas.

We decided to order a rum punch each and wait for the other two before ordering lunch.  We finished those drinks and ordered more.  By 2pm, the other two hadn’t materialised and as we had two large rum punches floating around our decidedly empty stomachs and had been watching the most amazing looking food being delivered to the tables around us for over an hour, we were ravenous.  I said, “Let’s give them til 2.15pm, then we’ll order”.  Within 5 minutes, they’d arrived, together with their purchases and we all ordered the most fantastic food ... Oh and Fiona and I had another rum punch!  Yay!  Molly’s face was a picture and I really didn’t care by then!

I had sweet potato fries and a fish sandwich ... I’ve never had sweet potato fries before ... OMG ... they were to die for.  Cordelia and Fiona decided that they wanted desert ... Chocolate Brownie desert.  I’ve never seen a desert so big ... and it was meant for one, I think? (I’ve put a picture below so that you can see what I’m talking about!).  When it came, Cordelia came up with the quote of the holiday:

“Another ripple in the buttock of life!”

Pmsl, I don’t know if it was the rum punch or what, but I found that totally hysterical!  I can’t really remember much about getting the taxi back to the hotel, but do remember that when we got there, the new people had arrived.  Can’t imagine what they must have thought ... Fiona and I were at bit worse for wear at this point ... afternoon drinking does that to you I find!  However, it didn’t stop us from ordering another rum punch from our less than friendly barman.  Can’t really remember much about the rest of that day/night.  However, I do recall having a steaming hangover when I woke up the next day.  However, it soon subsided after breakfast and I was out again in the sun at 9.00 am. 

Well, it’s that time again lovelies ... I really must get to that gym!  Tomorrow I’ll tell you about our trip to Gary Rhodes restaurant, amongst other things - got some fab pictures too.  It was fabulous!

Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love.


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