Wednesday 25 January 2012

Dating, Tea and W.E.

Hello lovelies.  Sorry for the lack of posts again, not an awful lot has happened and I can’t write about nothing and I’m not about to start making things up!

So, what have I been up to?  Well, internet dating has slowed right down ... and I'm quite relieved actually.  I think when you go on a site for the first time in a while (or the first time full stop) you create a lot of interest and a flurry of activity ensues.  However, when you’ve wheedled your way through all the messages and winks (and let’s face it, all the cr*p!) you start to get fewer and fewer (or maybe that’s just me!).  Anyway, I was having an early tea with my friend, Michelle yesterday (I’ll tell you about that in a min) and I was telling her about my dating escapades (she’s been busy and hadn’t managed to catch up on my blog).  While we were talking, I had a quick look at my inbox and low and behold, this mail was waiting ... as if on cue!

“hellooo ********* (he actually spelt my alias name wrong) from graham i life  (life?) in the country with my gun dog`s (dog's what?) if you wood (ha ha!)like go on to www.************ this me and if you wood like to txt me this (text him what?) on 0*********** graham xx

ps if you wood like i will send you a pic (err, not thanks)  (DELETE) ... NEXT!

No I ‘wood’ not thank you very much!  OMG ... All of my friends’ kids can spell and have better punctuation than that and he didn’t have a photo, which in retrospect is probably a good thing!  I did check out his website though ... appalling and very weird ... even more dodgy actually!  I just checked my mails while I was typing this post and he'd sent me the exactly the same email (he obvious has this as a template ... I mean if you were going to have a template, you'd at least make sure the spelling, grammer and punctuation were right), but he had actually managed to spell my name right ... this time I DELETED and BLACKLISTED). This is what I’m up against folks! 
I also had email another:

“Hi x” (“Hi yourself”)  (DELETE) ... NEXT!

Oh and I’ve had a millionaire Asian guy (yeah of course he’s a millionaire ... no picture either ... well dodgy!!!!) pester the life out of me to ‘Instant Message’ with him.  I mean, every single time I log on he’s there ... waiting for me and pounces.  I’ve had to blacklist him too cos he’s creeping me out!

I’ve had a couple of winks from some lovely looking guys, but not heard anything else from them.  Like I’ve said before, I don’t really get the whole wink thing ... what’s that all about?  If you like someone, what’s the point of winking?  Why wouldn’t you email them?  Ahhhhh I dunno ... it’s a strange old world!

So changing the subject, as I was saying earlier that I had a lovely early evening 'tea' with Michelle yesterday.  We met a 4.00 pm at Hard Rock cafe in Manchester and didn’t stop talking until 6.30!  I didn’t realise we had so much to catch up on (we came up with some fantastic ideas to develop my blog and at some point, my lovely readers, I’m going to need some assistance from you ... so watch this space – better still, sign up for email alerts so you don’t miss anything!).

Well, boy did we eat!  We had one of those platter thingy starters (ie a bit of everything) and for entree’s I had Mac n Cheese with Chargrilled Chicken and Michelle had the Steak Sandwich.  Blimey, I haven’t eaten that much since my holidays ... I had a full on 6 month food baby ... I could barely move!  Also, I had these bodycon leggings on (they go a bit higher on the waist to give you a more streamlined look ... they’re fabulous ladies and only £16.50 at Next ... I have some very similar Spanx ones that were £66 from MyTights and the cheaper ones are every bit as good, if not better!).  I However, I digress (just for a change) ... my belly was so big that the leggings started rolling down ... ewwwwwww gross and extremely uncomfortable!  When I got home, I had to lie down for an hour until my stomach started to go back to normal!  Luckily, I’ve made it to the gym for a couple of hours today and I’m fully back to my usual self!  Phew!

This afternoon, I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about regarding the new film that Madonna has directed, W.E.  It’s been pretty much slated by the critics ... now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a huge Madonna fan, but I do think that people criticise her work unfairly  just because she is who she is (jealousy is a terrible thing).  So I have to say that I went in to the cinema really feeling quite indifferent about it.  However, I have to say that I LOVED it ... I was completely riveted for the full 2 hours ... in fact, I couldn’t believe that the time went so quickly (the sign of a good film in my opionion). 

It’s the story of Wallace Simpson and Edward VIII intertwined with the life of a modern day woman who’s obsessed with their story.  Many reviews I’ve read have said that they didn’t think the two stories worked well together, but I have to disagree.  It’s one of the best films I’ve seen for a while and I’d give it a 4 out of 5.  Definitely worth a looksee.

Tomorrow, I’m off to Manchester for a couple of meetings and then I’m finally catching up with my lovely friend, Mehreen ... I haven’t see her for so long and have missed her loads, so it’ll be fab to catch up.

Anyway, it’s that time again lovelies ... must rush.  Until next time ... be fabulous ... and stay tuned!

Lots of love


PS As I post this I’m just 7 hits off 1,500!!! Wow that’s amazing. I’m so happy ... thank you!

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