Friday 20 January 2012

Internet Dating Update & Films

Hello lovelies, sorry for no post yesterday ... it’s been all go here!

So, firstly (cos this is the stuff I know you really love) I need to update you on the Internet dating stuff.  Well, I’ve waded through countless views/winks and emails and have narrowed it down to a few.  I’ve spoken to one and have arranged times to speak to 3 others over the weekend (so not a bad result really!)  However, I do have to tell you about the one I’ve spoken to. 

His profile looks really good, he’s tall, good looking, has his own businesses (plural) ... almost perfect!  We swapped numbers and chatted last night at 6.00 pm for about 15 minutes and got on like a house of fire.  He was funny, articulate and we have lots of the same interests.  “Great!” thinks me ... “Yippeeeee a bloke who actually sounds normal, is funny and has a bit about him”.  Seems he thought the same, as I got this text off him pretty much as soon as we got off the phone:

“I can’t believe it.  You tick so many of my boxes”. 

 “Awww that’s nice” thinks me, although I didn’t say it ... then I got,

“I think you’re amazing. Do you like to Ski?”

“Never done it, but I’ll try anything”

“Good ... keep these dates free .... You’re coming skiing with me”

“Oh I am, am I?” thinks me ... I didn’t reply.  I then got about 6 miscellaneous texts from him before the last one saying:

“Something a little strange going on in that you are on my mind pretty much constantly – slightly worrying but nice! X”

I didn’t reply.  I then got this...

“If I’m annoying you by texting, please let me know. X”

I didn’t reply.  Got another 8 texts then:

“I have always gone by a sixth sense in business which has served me well but it seems to have moved over to my personal life now where you are concerned. X”

What do you say to that?  I’d only spoken to the guy for 15 minutes ... I heard Iron Maiden’s ‘Run to the Hills’ playing in my head, but decided to reply with a smiley face and 'x' ... well I thought I’d better send something!

Him: “Sorry, that was a little heavy, just always say what I feel”

I then got about another 5 ‘nothing’ texts (I started to cringe every time I heard my phone ping) and at 11.30 pm, I couldn’t bear it anymore and sent him a quick message saying I was tired and going to bed.

7.00 am this morning, I was rudely awoken by, yes you guessed it, a text saying, “I woke up smiling thinking of you x”!  I suppose it’s my fault, I should have turned my phone off ... but really? 7.00 am????? Especially when you’re not working!  Anyway ... he’s pretty much gone on in the same way for the whole of the last 24 hours ... as I’ve been writing this, I’ve had another 3 from him.  So far, I've had just under 50 texts from him ... the last one (received right now ... "Can't stop looking at your picture"!)

OMG ... there should be a law against this stuff ... Oh yeah, there is ... it’s called STALKING!  I’m sure he’ll get tired of the lack of response soon.   I’ll let you know how I get on when I speak to the others.  Fingers crossed that at least one of them is normal!

So, what else have I been up to?  Well, I went to the cinema yesterday and watched a film called ‘Haywire’ ... it was rubbish.  It was spy film and I’ve gotta be honest, I didn’t really follow what was going on ... I kinda missed bits cos it was boring and my mind was wandering (could  be a blonde thing ... could be just shear boredom!).  All I can remember is the amount of totally unrealistic fight scenes there were in it.  Shockingly bad.  I had thought that at least I’d be able to ogle Antonio Banderas, but he had a full on, long beard ... not attractive, even on him!

A 'beardy' Antonio Banderas'

Today, I went to see ‘Underworld: Awakening’ (and no, I don’t mean the factory on Coronation Street!), the fantastic sequel to all the other Underworld films with Kate Beckinsale as a major Vampire!  I absolutely love all the previous films and this is no exception.  It was fantastic.  I LOVE anything vampire (and werewolf) especially when it’s full on Vampire v Werewolf (not like Twilight – I love those films too, but I love the hardcore Vamp/Wolf stuff more!).  There were lots of blood and guts and (this time) fantastic fight scenes.  Totally loved it.  You know you’ve really enjoyed a film when time goes by ridiculously quickly and you feel like you’ve only just walked in when the end titles go up!  Oh and there was some pretty damn good eye candy in there for the ladies too, in the form of Theo James (picky below) ... ooooooh he made a lovely vampire!
Theo James ... Yum!

Anyway, that’s all for now folks ... wine is calling.  I hope you all have the most wonderful weekend!  Be fabulous!

Lots of love


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