Monday 23 January 2012

More On-line Dating Tales

Good Morning lovelies!  Well, I’m running with this 'dating' thing for as long as my nerves will take it (gotta be honest though ... they’re jangling a bit more every day and I have to say that it’s starting to affect my positivity button a bit!).  Before I dive back into that .... I bumped into someone yesterday who doesn’t know me very well, but has been reading my blog and she said, “I’m loving your blog, but I can’t believe all that happens to one person ... do you make some of it up to make it funnier?”  Well lovelies I can honestly say that I make NONE of it up.  I relay everything just as it happens and just as it’s said (with my life the way it is, I really don’t need to make stuff up, enough weird stuff happens without needing to!). 

Those of you who know me well, especially if you’ve known me for a long time, will know that this is just my life ... and let me reiterate folks, this is EXACTLY why my lovely friends urged me to start the blog and write about my crazy life in the first place ... and what do I always say, “You can’t make this stuff up!”  One of my lovely cousins, Kathryn (Hi Kathryn!) recently said that I should write a chicklit book, my reply, “I’m fine about writing stuff that happens to me but am totally rubbish at making stuff up” ... I wouldn’t know where to start!

So, with that cleared up ... on to my progress up date...

Yesterday afternoon when I was just on my way out to the gym (I was going with the full intention of venting some of my frustrations from the last couple of day’s on-line dating escapades) when I received a text from one of the guys who didn’t call yesterday...

“Hi – Sorry didn’t get around to ringing you yesterday [Are you REALLY?  Well that’s something I suppose!] but will do today at some point [Oh will you now!?]– later if ok with you?! [No it bloody well isn’t ‘ok’] Hope you had a great day yesterday [Yeah, I did thank you very much - good job I didn’t wait around for you to call isn’t it!] & I’m looking forward to chatting with you & learning more about you later [err yeah, good luck with that one!].  Take care J Simon x”

My reply, “Busy.  Sorry.” 

You’d think that if someone sent you such a curt text, they’d get the message ... apparently not.  When I came out of the gym, there was a text waiting:

“OK well enjoy yourself what ever your doing ! What about tomorrow evening ?”

Incredible!  I didn’t reply.  Then when I got home, I logged on to the dating website and he must have noticed I was logged on because 2 minutes later I got a text from him saying:

“Hi your showing as online – are you busy now?”

Two words sprang to mind but as I try and keep my blog as pleasant and as profanity free as possible, I won’t print them!  (By the way, my typing isn’t worse than usual - please remember that when I’m printing their texts I copy them exactly as they’ve written them.  For emails, I cut and paste them exactly as I receive them ... no doctoring here ... I don’t flamin’ need to!). 
You may think I’m being harsh here, but we’d arranged a time to speak, I made sure I was available at that time and he couldn’t even be bothered to let me know that he wasn’t going to call.  Call me old fashioned, but I like a man who does what he says he’s going to do and if he can’t at least call you when he says he’s going to on your first conversation, what hope would you have if you were in a relationship with him?  You can just hear it, “Sorry I didn’t turn up for our wedding ... you know what I’m like!”  (Bit of an extreme example, but you get the idea!)

I checked my new mails from prospective suitors (I love that term don’t you?  Suitors ... I’ve been watching old Bette Davis films over the last few days and it’s full of quaint terms we don’t use anymore.  BTW, I know I’m digressing, but those films are amazing!  I’ve never seen too many of her movies before – apart from ‘Now, Voyager’, which is in my all time favourite Top 10, but I bought a box set of hers before Christmas and just started watching them ... they’re fabulous!) and low and behold, there was a mail from ‘Preston Man’ (I told you I didn’t think I’d heard the last from him) saying:

“Hi Jx

Just checking that you got the text that I sent you yesterday.  Well?  Am I forgiven?

All my love” 


Then about 8.00 pm, he phoned me!  I didn’t take the call, obviously and luckily he didn’t leave a message.  Geeez, these guys have more front than Blackpool!  I’m sure I still haven’t heard the last from him, his ego won’t let it go and he’ll keep texting for at least a week, going off his previous form.  I guess it does prove the “treat em mean, keep em keen” theory though ladies!

I also got a mail from another charmer...

“Hey you sound like an interesting lady! Looking very red (lobsterish) [Lobersterish! OMG ... what’s wrong with these people! ... Way to go a**hole!] in your photo!! you can't have been in this country when that was taken [another ‘no sh*t Sherlock’ moment]!Anyway if you fancy a chat sometime then let me know [not in this or any other lifetime]...Andy”

Well, you know I usually just DELETE the email and sometimes BLACKLIST (so they can’t contact me again) these kinda people without replying, but this time, I couldn’t resist replying (I’ve gotta be honest, I was quite angry – it must all be getting to me a bit more than I care to admit!)...

“Lobsterish! Are you for real? Good luck with meeting someone with flattery like that.”

I did want to say much more and call him a couple of choice names (cos I’ve got some real humdingers that would suit him down to the ground) but I resisted ... I just sent the mail and immediately blacklisted him so he couldn’t reply ... is that being a coward?  Don’t care, it made me feel better and let’s face it folks, I could do with feeling a bit better about something after the last few days of this nonsense! 

Next I opened a mail from another guy with no picture ... I’ve told you already that I don’t bother with those (usually married) guys ... here’s his email:

“How long have you been single?”

What the hell kind of a way is that to introduce yourself?  (DELETE and BLACKLIST!)

And from another:

“Wanna chat” (DELETE)

*Sigh and huge shrug of shoulders*

So, that's the full update on the on-line dating stuff.  As I say, I'll try and keep it up for a little while longer (for your benefit if for nothing else!), but it really is wearing thin again now! I mentioned yesterday that I was going to look into Dinner Dating clubs ... I still intend to do that, but my lovely ‘Champagne Saturday’ accomplice, Justine, messaged me to see if I fancy Speed Dating. Her exact words were, “If nothing else it is likely to be a good story for the blog!  Well of course I fancy speed dating!  Bring it on!  And as she quite rightly says, it’s bound to keep you guys amused.  So, I’ll let you know what happens with that one.

Well, lovelies, that’s it for now.  Got some business to do, then off to the gym (aren’t I being good!).  Will catch up with you again soon, until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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