Sunday 8 January 2012

The Christmas Holiday - Part 2

Hello lovelies, before I continue with The Holiday Story, I just thought I’d have a quick catch up.  Well, you know I told you about my weight gain in my last post ... well, being a bit of a control freak, I most definitely can’t have ‘weight gain’ – not 6 lbs of weight gain anyway, plus my wardrobe's far too big to even think about replacing it cos I can't fit in anything!  So I went back to the gym yesterday for the first time in about a month and guess what ... I can hardly walk!  Getting down the stairs this morning was not a pretty sight.  I never do anything half heartedly ... if you’re going to do something, do it properly I say, so I went for it with both barrels!  Still, no pain, no gain and on the positive side ... I’ve lost 2lbs already, so it’s not all bad!  I'm bloody starving though ... think my stomach must have stretched!
I really should go to the gym today, but didn’t get up til nearly lunchtime due to the fact that I stayed up last night until about 2 am catching up on the Downton Abbey Christmas special I missed while I was away (twas fabulous!) ... life in fast lane folks, that’s me!  I also watched Ab Fab and am a little concerned that the older I get, the more I’m starting to resemble Patsy!!!!  I kid you not ... I found it ever so slightly disturbing!  

I’ve decided that I’ll do some yoga later when I’ve finished catching up with my writing.  Priorities first and entertaining you guys has gotta be a priority!
Anyway, that’s enough of that ... back to where I left off from my last post ...
Once I’d checked in at the airport, I went through security without any hiccoughs and then hit duty free with a vengeance!  Think I lost the plot a bit ... Oooops!  Purchases included:
·        THE most expensive pair of sunglasses I’ve ever bought – gorgeous, blingy, Bvlgari! Yum Yum!  (I am a bit naughty ... I’m a bit obsessed with sunglasses and I usually buy a pair pretty much every time I go away- designer of course, none of your Oakley or Police here!)
·        Chanel blusher
·        Lancome mascara
·        100ml of Issey Miyake (my fav perfume ... I’ve worn it forever)
·        £56 worth of suntan lotion (I was a bit gutted here cos usually boots have a 2 for the price of 1 offer on but just my luck, they didn’t this time ... first time ever!)
·        Sun dress from Accessorize
Yum Yum Yum, my beautiful new Bvlgari's

I probably would have bought more only I couldn’t fit it in my little roller cabin bag and I wasn’t about to carry it!  I’m not gonna tell you how much I spent, but it wouldn’t take too much working out!  I so enjoy airport shopping ... who am I kidding, I enjoy any kind of shopping! 
Once I’d had my fill of shopping, I had a minute until it was time for the flight at 9.00 am.  Actually, the flight went fine without any major events ... in fact, luckily, there was no-one sitting next to me so I managed to sleep for most of it and I had my extra leg room so I was really comfortable.  I think I slept so much due to the lack of sleep the night before (what with me being sick an all), so I guess it was a blessing in disguise especially on a 9 hour flight.
I must say here though that I flew with Monarch ... never again on long haul – NEVER AGAIN!  They may be fine for short haul but definitely not long.  You had to buy all your drinks (pretty much unheard of on long haul) and I bought a bottle of champers with my dinner (£14!!!!!) and there were no TV sets in the back of the seat in front (archaic!).  They played ‘Planet of the Apes’ which you had to try to watch on TV screens every 10 rows or running down the middle of the plane.  That works great when people stop in the aisles to talk to each other ... NOT!  It’s been forever since I’ve been on a plane like that ... in fact, I can’t remember the last time ... there won’t be a next I can tell you... it’s BA or Virgin all the way now!
When we finally arrived, much to a lot of people’s horror, it was raining.  Now, this always makes me smile.  People go on holiday to the Caribbean cos they love how beautiful it is with lush green foliage, beautiful exotic flowers and tropical rain forests.  They key’s in the title people ... ‘Rain Forests’!  The Caribbean wouldn’t be so lush if it didn’t flamin’ rain ... if you want no rain, go to Tenerife!
It rains most days in the Caribbean, although mostly at night I find.  It can obviously rain in the day, but they’re usually short, sharp showers which (as long as you put your Kindle away!) you don’t need to go under cover for.  There was one day on our holiday when I rained all day, but that’s a whole story in itself so I’ll leave it for a later post.
Once I finally exited the terminal, it was then that I got my first glimpse of my fellow holiday makers.  With the travel company that I went with, they usually give you a list of fellow travellers and say that if you want to, you can meet up before the flight, outside Boots in the terminal.  I never, ever do that.  What if you end up sitting next to someone you don’t get on with for the 9 hours? *shudder*.  No, better to meet everyone when you get there.
Well lovelies, must leave it there for today ... you can have too much of a good thing you know! Lol
I’ll post more tomorrow including a rundown of my holiday companions ... you really don’t wanna miss that!  Until then, be fabulous and enjoy your Sunday!
Lots of love

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