Saturday 14 January 2012

The Christmas Holiday – Part 8

Not getting fed up yet?   Well, I am!  So this is definitely the last holiday blog ... although there is still so much to tell you ... but I’ve gotta move on!  I'm just got back from having my hair done and now I’m off to Manchester to meet my lovely friend Justine for a well overdue “Champagne Saturday” so hopefully I’ll have something new to tell you about tomorrow!  So, here we go, The Finale! ....

New Year’s Eve was a bit of a non event.  Fiona and I decided that it was probably better to stay in with everyone else with it being NYE and we didn’t think there’d be many places open anyway.  We had our ‘buffet’ meal which ended about 9.30 pm, after which I was bored to tears.  I kid you not ... I just couldn’t bear to sit there listening to the moaning any more.  I decided to slope off and watch a film on TNT that I wanted to see (well, you know I love films!).  I had a quick word in Fiona’s ear and said I wasn’t making a fuss, but I was going to my room ... I may be back for the fireworks, but not to worry if I didn’t.

Needless to say, as soon as my head hit the pillow, like every night since I got there, I was out like a light.  I was only woken by the sound of the fireworks in the bay at 12.00 ... I didn’t bother getting up though.  Does that make me boring?  Don’t care.  I’m not a fan of NYE even when I’m spending it with people I love, so I definitely wasn’t bothered about spending it with strangers.  Once the fireworks had stopped I promptly fell back to sleep ... that is, until 1.00 pm which I was rudely awakened by the Fairy Elephant in the room above me ... OMG, I could have killed her! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

New Years day night I’ve told you about ... Fiona and I went to Gary Rhodes restaurant.  On the Monday, four of us had booked to go on a catamaran boat trip.  I love boat trips, love love love and also love snorkelling (I’m good at it too .... like a bloody mermaid I am! Lmao).  We had a lovely day with some really nice people.  It was so relaxing ... I felt like I was in that Duran Duran video from the 80s!  In fact, that obviously had to be the song of the trip and was sung many times!  Sailing is also a fantastic way to top up your tan ... especially a couple of days before you go home.

That evening Fiona and I went to dinner at ‘The Victory Bar’ in the Harbour at St Georges.  We had a lovely night ... lots of cocktails, massive pizzas (I don’t usually do pizza ... too many carbs, but these looked and tasted amazing!) and it was very chilled and relaxed.  A really lovely place.  Highly recommended.

The next night, our last night, with everyone else still constantly moaning and bickering, Fiona and I decided to go out again.  Tina, one of the other ladies, wanted to go out with us too ... that was a bit of a wrong move on our part.  A lot of places were closed and we really struggled find anywhere open, so we ended up back at The Victory.  It really could have been a fantastic night; however, Tina did not stop talking about herself ... not for a minute. I’ve never, ever heard anyone talking about themselves so much.  I felt punch drunk by the end of the evening!  She had a strong London accent which was half an octave higher than most peoples and ended up really grating.  Had Fiona and I been on our own, with it being our last night, we probably would have stayed much longer, but neither of us could bear it any longer and made the excuse that we were tired and needed to get an early night in readiness for the long journey home.  Phew!  Such a shame.

The next day, we managed a morning in the sun and were picked up to go to the airport at 1.45pm.  After check in at the airport, I heard my name over the tannoy and headed off to security ... they’d seen something in my bag and they wanted to check it.  For a second, a million things went through my mind (I’ve had my bags checked once before at Manchester and I found that experience totally horrific ... nearly 2 hours of misery ... that’s another story – I think having your bag searched is stressful in itself, even if you’ve done nothing wrong, I find it doubly hard when you’re on your own) ... it ended up fine though, of course!  I think its Catholic guilt thing ... I feel guilty (and look guilty) even when I’ve done nothing wrong, I’ve also got an over creative imagination and think that someone could have somehow got into my case and planted something there! 

Anyway, when we boarded the plane, we were delayed an hour.  Then we had a 15 minute flight to Tobago, had to disembark there and then had a further 2 hour wait before getting back on the plane for our 9 hour flight home!   I had a lovely 9 year old girl sitting next to me.  I’m pretty good at sleeping on a night flight, but I woke up after a couple of hours to find her lying on me with one of her feet in my Ugg (and I still had them on!) ... quite cute really.

Once we landed at 8.00 am, I had a 3 hour wait until my flight to Manchester, which was one of the worst flights I’ve ever had.  I don’t know if you remember, but it was unbelievable windy after New Year (the only flight I’ve had which was worse was when I was in South Africa once and we were on a tiny 10 seater plane and were thrown around like being a roller coaster) I was sitting at the back of the plane hanging on to the seat arms for grim death whilst having to listen to one of the Air Stewardesses throwing up!  Doesn’t give you much hope when the Stewards are chucking up ... shows you how bad it was, that coupled with an obviously very nervous passenger at the front of the plane who screamed (and I mean screamed) every time we hit a particularly bad air pocket!

Phew! There’s always gotta be something hasn’t there ... always!  When I got out of the terminal my wonderful life saver taxi driver was waiting for me.  Luckily the drive home was uneventful and  I was deposited home safe and sound for 1.00 pm.

Since then, I’ve ordered a new suitcases (lovely leopard print ones – no surprise there then) and am just arranging dates etc for my next holiday (I’m going back to St Lucia ... so much less hassle!).  One of the girls I was there with last year, Tanya, is going around the same time so it'll be wonderful to see her again plus it’s so much easier going away or meeting with people you know!  Hopefully, that’ll be sorted this weekend and I’ll have something else to look forward to.
My new luggage!

One thing I haven’t mentioned, which is a top tip, half way through my holiday, I discovered that if I turn data roaming off on my phone and just keep Wi-Fi on, I could still get the internet and therefore, Facebook without my account being charged ie totally free!  Being able to talk to my friends especially Debi, Michelle and Glynn through Facebook meant so much to me.  It wasn’t the easiest holiday I’ve ever had, but even if they don’t realise it, their kind words and support meant so much ... so to them, and all my other friends and family who sent me messages, I thank you ... I love you guys, you mean the world to me.

Well lovelies that’s it for today, I’m off for some bubbles.  Until tomorrow, have fun and be fabulous, you lovely people!

Lots of love


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