Saturday 21 January 2012

Dating Update

Well lovelies, you are gonna LOVE this one.  For those of you who have been reading my blog from the beginning of my dating escapades, you’ll probably remember ‘Preston Man’.  I think that’s what I called him ... he was the guy who I got on with when we spoke, then he made up all kinds of excuses for not meeting me, including having to go to Italy to see his dreadfully ill uncle (a sick relative seems to be a common excuse for not meeting with someone).  If you remember, after that initial palaver (ooooo I love that word ... must use it more!) he ended up contacting me months later saying that he was sorry but he had stuff to sort out with his ex and he didn’t know whether they were going to try and work it out (obviously he was still seeing her when he joined the dating site and contacted me), cut a long story short, they hadn’t sorted it out and he was back on the market (not that he should have ever been ‘on’ the market in the first place if he was still with his girlfriend!)

Anyway, after a long consultation with Mehreen, we agreed that I should give him the benefit of the doubt and give him another go ... after all, I didn’t have anything to lose.  Well, turns out he messed me around all over again regarding when and where we were going to meet (if you remember, he wanted me to drive an hour to meet him, when I said, "No, but I don’t mind meeting somewhere else in between where we both live", he asked me to drive to his home town!  Bloody cheek!  After all that previous messing around, I’d have expected him to be going out of his way to put things right ... so damn arrogant ... one thing I detest, arrogance!). This to-ing and fro-ing with texts went on over an entire weekend.  Why he couldn’t pick the bloody phone up, I’ve no idea ... and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna.  Anyway, I didn’t reply to that last mail (I’d actually got really bored with the whole idea ... it was becoming far too much like hard work) and during the next week was totally bombarded with mails, texts and voicemails from him, to which I didn’t reply and he finally got the message.

Well, yesterday, I was having a quick look at my profile activity on the dating site and low and behold, there he was ... he’d been viewing my profile!  This morning, while I was wading my way through the 15 texts I’d got during last night and this morning from the guy I told you about yesterday (I ended up putting my phone on silent otherwise I wouldn’t have had a wink of sleep!) ... this text popped up:

“Good morning Jx, I hope you are well.  I saw you on *the dating site* last night, I was in a relationship for a while [yeah, while you were talking to me!], can’t believe it’s a year nearly since we chatted.  I think it was a shame we didn’t meet, my fault completely [no shit Sherlock!] but I know we got on when we spoke.  Hope you give me another chance [how many chances do these people expect? ... Blimey he thinks a lot of himself ... either that or he must think I’m desperate!] if not good luck, you are a lovely person and if we did meet I would come near your end [that’s big of him] and even if it’s just for a coffee and a chat to see if I can redeem myself? [Not a bloody chance mate ... you’ve well and truly blown it!] X”

He then sent another text containing a picture of himself!  Unbelievable!

Awwwwww you’ve gotta love it, ain’t ya? ... It’s so entertaining if nothing else!  I’ve got a couple of phone calls booked in for later today, so I may update again later if I’ve got time.  Otherwise, I’ll pick up the story again in the morning ... Until then, have a wonderful Saturday lovelies and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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