Friday 13 January 2012

The Christmas Holiday – Part 7

Well, what a busy day yesterday turned out to be ... I went to the gym and did 2 hours ... that’s TWO hours people! (I'm having trouble walking again today ... getting down the stairs was a bloody killer this morning!)  And did a bit of shopping (bought a second pair of Easytone gym leggings from Reebok ... amazing ladies ... amazing!  Make your bum seem nice and taught!, even if it's not ... just like magic they are ... magic!) and I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with Daniel Craig.  Given that I’m on a health kick I decided to walk to the cinema.  Yes, you read that right, WALK, which actually, sounds more impressive than it is ... it’s only 10 minutes from where I live, but hey, that’s an extra 20 minutes walking = about 120 calories so that’s not to be sniffed at!

When I got my ticket I was sooooo tempted to have my usual Peanut M&Ms and Hot Dog, but again, I resisted (how good am I?  I’m feeling so self righteous at the moment!) and just stuck to an extra large diet coke.  The film was excellent, really good, however, a word of warning ... if you’ve seen the original, it’s pretty much exactly the same, just without the subtitles.  (They remade ‘Let me in’ - remake called ‘Let the right one in’ - that was the same, an unnecessary remake, exactly the same just without the subtitles.) Worth seeing all the same, however, word of warning, it is very graphic and nasty in places ... if you’re squeamish, it isn’t for you.   Shame that they have to do that really, just cos a film is in another language, but I guess they have to do that for the same reason as some towns aren’t showing The Artist.  Gonna leave it there.... again, I don’t want to offend anyone, cos I have quite strong views on that stuff! 

When I got home I made the most enormous warm chicken salad with barbecue seasoning cooked with coconut oil ... getting a bit sick of chicken salad now ... don’t know how longer I’ll be able to do it for, but I’m determined not to turn to the old M&S 'Fuller for Longer' ready meals!
Anyway, back to the story...

The second week (yep, I’ve only covered the first week so far ... told you there was lots!), Sue, Jean and Cordelia had gone and were replaced by a few others ... I know it’s shameful, but I can’t even remember their names ... I didn’t really speak to them much, the only ones I did were:

·        Theresa – a short, squat, rather butch woman who had the room above mine.  She was loud, leery and really quite aggressive.  She woke me up each morning stomping around her room.  Bang bang bang scrape, something dropped ... bang bang bang back across the room, scrape bang, toilet flush ... bang bang bang, scrape – anyway, you get the idea.  I had various names for her including   Fairy Elephant, Lightfoot and Sugarplum.  Is that mean?  You tell me after you've been woken up every morning for a week by someone stomping around above you!

Now she liked a drink and stock piled them each evening during ‘happy hour’ (two for the price of one).  We would usually meet around 7.15 pm for a drink before dinner, she, however, was always at the bar for about 6.30.  I could see her from my room.  This was until towards the end of the week when she found out that ‘happy hour’ was only applicable to local drinks and she’d been drinking cocktails containing Curacao! Pmsl ... She looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp when she found that one out!  One night when Fiona and I were going out for dinner, we saw her at the manager’s cocktail party (which involved free cocktails for the duration of the party) way before anyone else and was already stockpiling!  So funny!

·        Tina – who seemed reasonably normal until Fiona and I invited her out for dinner one night (I’ll tell you about that later) and she never stopped talking about herself all night ... unbelievable ... me, me, me, that’ll be me, me me me, I love me I do and a bit more me then!  Flamin’ nightmare!

As for the others, I think there were 4 of them, I really can’t remember ... is that bad?  I don’t really care! After the first week, I was keeping myself to myself, just couldn’t bear the thought of someone unburdening themselves to me again, luckily, they pretty much left me alone too.  Although I did share my place around the pool with Fiona and Theresa (and I had to endure Theresa’s ill fitting bikini’s ... ewwwwwww had a bit of vomit at the back of my throat then at the thought of it ... it was not a pretty sight!) there weren’t any repeats of week one.  Of the original group, that left Molly, Alvin, Cordelia (however, she was leaving the next day) and me.

Well, what a load of moaning minis ... OMG, did they moan ... about EVERYTHING.  It was painful ... I won’t go into detail about their moans her cos I can’t bear to re-live it, but suffice to say it was about service, food availability, food delivery times, the rooms, the drinks, what was ‘all inclusive’ and what wasn’t etc etc etc ... in fact just about every thing you could moan about, they did.  My answer to this was to pretty much stay as far away from them as much as I could.  They might have been really nice ladies, however, as I said in my first post about the holiday, my main aim was to re-gain my positivity and balance (lost during the last few months) and I wasn’t going to do that around so much complaining and negativity.

During the first night at dinner when they were complaining, I said “The alternative, if you don’t like it here is to go out for dinner; we did it a few times last week and pretty much every night when I came last year”.  Well, you’d have thought I’d suggested some heinous crime!  The response, “Why should we go out when we’ve paid all inclusive”, “I can’t afford to go out, I haven’t brought any money with me” (this from a woman who already had her next 2 Caribbean holidays booked).  Why the hell would you go on holiday and not take money with you?  Also, even if you are all inclusive, don’t you want to go out and see a bit of the island/place you’re staying in, especially if you’re travelling for 9 hours to get there!?  That’s all a bit weird to me.

Anyway, I did get what they were saying ie “Why should we go out when we’ve paid for our meals”.  However, when the alternative is to stay in and moan/not enjoy yourself, knowing it wasn’t going to change no matter how much complaining you do to the hotel or the rep ... Well, I’d rather cut my losses, go out and at least enjoy the rest of my holiday and not let it get to me, rather than get wound up every dinner time and complain constantly.  Granted, you shouldn’t have to, but I’d rather enjoy my holiday thank you very much.

Other than that night and New Years Eve I think Fiona and I went out every night for dinner.  It was quite amusing the next morning at breakfast after each night out, hearing them moaning about their meal from the night before, this was EVERY morning without exception!  I really don’t get that ... as I always say, "If you’re not happy, do something about it!"  So you can see now why I chose not to spend much time with these new people ... negativity oooozed out of every pore and I can tell you that it wasn’t just at breakfast they moaning ... they moaned none stop (at least each time I did come into contact with them!).

We did all go out for dinner one night ... back to the Aquarium.  They didn’t moan about the food or service then ... although they weren’t too chuffed with the bill!!!  I had the same as I had last time ... warm bread with garlic/herb butter, seafood salad and an enormous lobster with garlic butter (and I’m wondering why I put 6lbs on! Lmao).

So, where did Fiona and I go out for dinner?  Well, New Years Day, we’d pretty much had enough of the hotel so we decided to go out.  I asked the receptionist, Stacey, to try and book us in a couple of places but they were closed with it being NY Day.  I asked her where she would recommend and she said she’d try and get us in Calabash.  I asked her if it was good ... she said it was VERY good.  “Great” says me, “That’s good enough for me”.  She booked us in and said that our ‘complimentary’ taxi would pick us up at 7.00 pm (early, I know, but that’s how it is in the Caribbean).  “Complimentary?” I said, “Complimentary, yes” she said.  “Oooooh”, I thought, “this is looking good!”

Taxi picked us up at exactly 7.00 pm and took us to the restaurant ... when we got there; it was only Gary Rhodes restaurant!  Oooooooo and how lovely it was ... absolutely beautiful!  Bloody loved it!  A lovely bit of 5* luxury ... I was in heaven!  We had a couple of rather yummy cocktails in the lounge before being taken to our table.  We had the customary warm, homemade bread with garlic/herb butter and I ordered a shrimp (prawn) starter which was to die for and again, the lobster (fabulous!) for my main.  We also had a bottle of bubbles ... although not champers ... I looked at the price of a bottle of Veuve Clicquot (a rather lovely little champers that I have quite often at home.  It’s usually around £30 in supermarkets, cheaper if you buy a box) they wanted $160 that’s £103 for a £30 bottle of bubbles!!!  Bloody cheek!  All followed by the best cup of black coffee I’d had since I’d been on the island.  After we’d finished, we went outside and waited for our complimentary taxi back to the hotel.  All in all a rather lovely night!

Gary Rhodes Restaurant - view from the bar area ... beautiful!

My gorgeous shimp starter

The most amazing lobster - not a shell in sight!

The next morning at breakfast when asked where we’d been the night before, you could cut the atmosphere a knife!  It seems that they’d had more problems at dinner ... no surprise there then and some where more than a little bit upset that we hadn’t asked them to join us!  For goodness sake, you can’t flamin’ win! Lol 
I’ll tell you about our other nights out; including the lovely Tina and her “I love me, who do you love?” obsession in my next post ... so stay tuned folks!  Off to the gym for yoga now to see if I can stretch some of the pain out of my aching muscles!  Until then, be fabulous you lovely people.
Lots of love


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