Sunday 22 January 2012

Quick Dating Update

Well lovelies, this is a really quick update (busy day ahead ... my fabulous dad is on his way and we’re going out for lunch, I’ve got to go to the gym and may even go to the cinema later if I’ve got time).  Anyway, I said I’d let you know what happened with the two phone calls I was supposed to be having with men who’d emailed me on the dating site ... well, nothing, nadda, not a bloody thing happened ... neither of them called or even texted to say that they weren’t going to!  Now, what do you think about that then?  I think it’s just downright rude ... some people just have no manners! 

“NEXT”! (That’s my new war cry!)

Good job I have a sense of humour and don’t take it seriously ... could you imagine if I did?  It could really knock a girl’s confidence!  I think I’m starting to see a really good business opportunity here though.  There must be other people like me experiencing this rubbish ... I’m surely not the only one and there must be a better way of doing things ... I’m gonna give it some thought.

So, what’s next?  I’ve tried on-line dating (although I’m a bit bummed as I thought my membership ran out at the end of the month, so I rang them yesterday to confirm.  However, it turns out that because I didn’t let them know that I wanted to cancel in December, I’ve been automatically signed up for another 6 months!);  I’ve tried a really rubbish (but massively expensive) dating agency, with even worse results, so the next I think I’m gonna try one of those dinner dating clubs.  Don't know much about them actually but at least it sounds like I’ll get fed even if I don’t meet the man of my dreams ... and not having to cook a couple of nights a week has gotta be a bonus!

Hmmmmmm I’m going to look into that and let you know.  As for ‘Mr Text Man’, well he seems to have got the message and I haven’t heard from him since yesterday morning.  I also haven’t heard anything again from ‘Preston Man’ although I really don’t think I’ve heard the last from him yet.  Ho hum.  It really is a good job I look on the positive side of life!!!!

Anyway, must rush, so until next time my lovely readers, enjoy your Sunday and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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