Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Christmas Holiday – Part 4

My kindle was a life saver on holiday!  Bloody love it.  Definitely a best buy and the cover I got for it matched my leopard print covered minx toes!  Lovely!  I read 8 books in all – I finished the Hunger Games trilogy (you’ve got to read those, they’re amazing and I believe there’s a film of the first book coming out soon), a couple of chick lit books not worth a comment and started on a series of books called “Spooks” – Wardstone Chronicles by Joseph Delaney.  Fabulous!  Like Harry Potter but with much darker themes and a whole lot scarier!  Set (I’m guessing) around the 1600, the Spook goes round the county ridding it’s inhabitants of dark nasties such as boggarts, ghasts, ghost and various types of witches, especially Pendle Hill witches.  He takes on an apprentice and the story follows his apprenticeship ... fabulously entertaining. 
Matching Toes and Kindle!

Amazingly good books ... my hairdresser recommended them and I’ve downloaded and read 6 now ... I highly recommend them!  I didn’t read most of the stuff I’d downloaded before I went ... I just kept downloading the next Spooks book in the series.  That’s the beauty of the Kindle; as long as you have WiFi you can download different books depending on your mood ... love it!

OK, so back to the story ... the first evening was pretty uneventful as far as I can remember.  I was pretty tired, so I had an early night (not to mention the fact that we were now 4 hours behind the UK so it was pretty late).  The next day, having had a wonderful night’s sleep in one of the comfiest beds I’ve ever slept in, I had an early breakfast and was on my sun bed, by the pool for 9.00 am.  I always like to get up early on holiday ... well, actually, if you stick to getting up early, cos the UK is 4 hours ahead, it actually helps with the jet lag when you get home and as the main reason I go away is to relax and chill from my lack of work/life balance at home, I don’t usually stay up too late.  Is that boring? I don’t really care!

Anyway, I was looking forward to a peaceful day, by my own, sunbathing (I know it’s wrong, but I am still a massive sun worshipper ... I know, I know, I’ll pay for it in the future, but I just love it ... I’m a real technical tanner too *see below!), reading and a bit of swimming.  I know I don’t really talk about personal stuff here, but let’s just say that I’d had a particularly difficult few months before I came away ... in fact, they were VERY difficult and all I wanted was to chill and regain a little of the positivity I’d lost through travelling too much and working too hard ...anyway you get the idea. 

Mid morning, Molly comes and plonks on the sun bed next to me and starts to talk.  Now, anyone with a modicum of self awareness would have recognised that I wanted to be on my own, the signs are really not that difficult to spot ... when someone doesn’t look up from their book when you start to talk to them, you can pretty much guess that don’t wanna talk!  Not Molly ... she launched in to her life story.  Within 10 minutes she’d told me all a multitude of quite horrific things that had happened to her throughout her life culminating in a very serious, life threatening illness together with sepcific details of the surgery she'd undergone.  I did originally write about it in a bit more detail in this post, but decided better of it.  I didn't want to hear it so it would made me as bad as her if I wrote it down here and inflicted it on you guys.

I’ve gotta be honest ... it really upset me, I mean, REALLY upset me.  Here was me trying to get away from my troubles and re-instate my full positivity gene and here was this woman who I didn’t know from Adam trying to burden me with all her, really heavy issues.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I will always be there for my friends and will always listen to them and try to help them with any problem they have ... I also support my clients to the hilt, however, I just don’t want to do it when I’m on holiday and with someone I don't know and who has such deep issues.  I was also genuinely pleased that she'd come through the other side, however, the whole point of the holiday was to get away from having to deal with problems for a while.  Nightmare! 

So that, my lovelies, was my first morning!  You can imagine what I was thinking ... "Great!"

The next couple of days went by without any event.  Molly pretty much left me alone after that and I spent a glorious time basking in the sunlight and practically reading a book a day.  The Friday before Christmas Eve we went to watch a steel band at a place called Prickley Bay ... it was lovely!  We then went for dinner in one of my favourite restaurants in the whole world “Aquarium” (my idea of course) – the restaurant is built into the rock at one side and from decking, opens on to the most amazing beach on the other side ... totally amazing.  If you every planning to go to Grenada, it’s an absolute must and was every bit as good as I remembered.
Prickly Bay Steel Band (perfect partner with Rum Punch!)

Once we’d ordered dinner, they brought the most amazing homemade warm assorted bread roles with the tastiest garlicky/herby butter I’ve ever tasted.  For dinner I had a beautiful seafood salad and for entree had Lobster.  Don’t know if I’ve ever talked about my love of lobster before.... but I do love it ... it’s my favourite food ever ... love love love it!  I’m that sad that I even took a picture of it!
Yum Yum Yum ... Lobster, my favourite

So, a really lovely evening had by all!  The wine was good too ... the first half decent wine I’d had since I got to the island!

Anyway, more tomorrow my lovelies ... I tell you about my little ‘run in’ with Molly and about me being loud when I've had a drink!
Until then ... as always, be fabulous.

Lots of Love


Note - * Technical Tanning – is where you use different factors for different parts of your body ie 30 on the face, chest and knees (yes knees ... for some reason they can have a tendency to burn!) and a lower factor for everywhere else ... in my case, usually 15. 

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