Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Christmas Holiday – Part 5

Well, I’ve had a lovely day today.  When I finally woke up (unfortunately, as I’m not formally working at the mo -just loads of marketing stuff - I haven’t really bothered to adjust my body clock from my hols – the bad thing about that is that my jet lag will probably kick in when I go back to work ... nice!) I decided to go into Liverpool, do a bit of retail therapy and watch The Artist.  The film wasn’t on in my local town ... that should tell you quite a bit about my local town!  Anyway, I don’t want to offend anyone so I’ll move on ... 

I bought a fab top/dress type thing from Jigsaw and a pair of fab, flat sparkly rhinestoned sandals for my next hols.  The Film ... well, that was completely amazing, I absolutely loved it.  Very different and I’m sure it will be up for many Oscars and if it’s not, then it’s a travesty.  The film is in black and white and silent, in order for that to work in this day and age, the story has to be fabulous ... and it was.  The only thing that really annoyed me (and this is a mahoooosive pet hate of mine) was that towards the end, in order to really bring dramatic tension to the scene, it was completely silent (the film has a continuous music score all the way through that helped to tell the story, so when it was completely silent, it spoke tonnes) however, what do you think happened just at the most dramatic part of the film?  Yep, you guessed it; an old dear’s phone (who happened to be sitting behind me) went off!  OMG, I could have throttled her (as could everyone else in the theatre judging by the jeers!).  Stupid old bat.  I gave the loudest ‘tut’ I could muster and turned round giving her the most disgusted stare I could muster!  Oh and I only had a diet coke ... no peanut M&Ms and not hot dog!  Aren’t I good!

On the way home, I decided to drop into the gym ... yes, you read that right ... I went to the gym!  I’ve lost 3lbs of the 6lbs that I’ve recently put on over my hols and I’ve not even been back a week yet.  So as I’m on a roll, I thought I’d better go with it!  As it happens, it was lovely cos I bumped into a few people I haven’t seen for a while and had a good catch up.  So all in all, a rather lovely day!

Anyway, enough of all that.  Back to the holiday ... Christmas Eve, we decided to go out for dinner ... twice in two days!!! Molly and Sue had been for a walk into the local town, St Georges, during the day and found a place they said looked wonderful for dinner.  So that night, off we all trooped.  When we got there, I was a bit disappointed (that’s a bit of an understatement, but I’m trying desperately not to over dramatise) the place was a bit of a dive and that was looking at it at night.  Molly and Sue had seen it in the daylight!  We obviously have different standards.  They’d described it as ‘lovely little place’ ... more like ‘horrible little hovel’! Hmmm maybe that’s harsh ... then again ...

It’s really quite small with bar to the left and tables which opened up on the marina, ‘nice’ you would have thought except this was obviously the family’s living room as well as the restaurant as there was an old battered green leather couch and chair in one corner with a baby cot complete with sleeping baby (which woke up at intervals and screamed the placed down – lovely). Molly found it quaint, I found it disturbing!).  The floor was old lino and the walls had been written on by numerous patrons over the years (I’ve seen this done before and it can look really cool ... this didn’t, it just looked like it was done to avoid having to paint).

The food ... worst I had on the island (I’d have preferred to stay at the hotel) ... the cost ... more than the Aquarium.  I’d been warned earlier in the day some people around the pool that they can rip you off and to cheque your bill carefully as they were well known for it.  Rip off indeedy doody!  The name of the place, for your reference, BB’s.  DON’T GO ... it’s awful. 

The one good thing about the place was the rum punch which was quite strong, but yummy and when it came round to ordering desert (I don’t eat desert) I decided to order another.  I think that so far I’ve omitted the fact that I was the only one who drank out of the group.  Never, ever before have I been the one on a singles holiday that drinks the most.  Never!  Now, bearing in mind that I’d only had 2 drinks ... just the 2 and they weren’t massively strong, when I ordered the third, Molly piped up, “Aren’t you loud when you’ve had a drink”!!!! 'Loud’ when I’ve had a drink’!!!!!!  OMG, I’d only had 2 and was fully with it – let’s face it guys, you know when you’re drunk and when you’re not ... I absolutely wasn’t. 

Well, I don't know what hit me (maybe I was more drunk than I thought) but I was bloody furious ... FURIOUS ... This woman, who’d already inflicted all her considerable issues on me is now telling me, on my holiday, that I’m ‘loud’ when I’ve had a drink!!!!  Now I don’t often get angry, but hell, I was angry! Here’s me, come away for a chill, to relax, enjoy the sun/sea and have a few drinks and I’m being criticised after having 2 drinks!  I thought, “Blimey, if you think that’s drunk and loud, you don’t ever wanna experience some of my mates when they’ve had a drink, or me, for that fact when I actually am drunk!”  
She did get to see what loud and leery really was with the group that came in the second week ... they made me look like a nun and her nose was well and truly put out of joint! In retrospect maybe I overreacted a bit, but that was really the last thing I needed to hear, especially from her.  Talk about putting a downer on the evening and prompt removal of the warm glow that rum punch tends to give you!

Christmas day was lovely and I was determined not to let anything else upset me.  Christmas is weird in the Caribbean, apart from a few decorations and the odd tree, you really wouldn’t know it is  Christmas.  Spending Christmas day on the beach is wonderful though ... I really can’t tell you just how fabulous it is!  There’s no hassle, no complaining, no moaning, no arguing (are you getting a view of my Christmas’s before I made the decision to always go away?!) no disappointment over presents, just peace (as long as you manage to steer clear of Molly!).  Bliss!

The meal in the evening was mediocre ... a buffet Christmas meal, Caribbean style.  There was turkey (in a sauce), oh and carrots (they love carrots ... the food of the Devil ewwwwww!) that’s where the similarities to a UK Christmas dinner ended.  I didn’t mind though.  However, I did wake in the night with excruciating stomach cramps (I won’t go into the details!) – I’ve travelled loads over the years and this hotel is the only place I’ve ever had a really dickey tummy (I had it a few times in fact, both this year and last year ... I won’t be going back!).  The entertainment was a bit lame too, so I had another early night ... and I honestly didn’t mind that either!

Well lovelies, that’s it for another day ... still got loads more ... I did warn you that there’d be lots of it ... tomorrow I'll tell you about the quote of the holiday ... “Another ripple in the buttock of life!”
Until tomorrow – be fabulous, lovely people.

Lots of Love


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