Monday 16 January 2012

Singles Holidays Explained

I’m going to do a bit of an interim post here ... I haven’t had a chance to look at my internet dating messages and I’ll be out for most of the day (as I’ve said, I’m having my eyebrow tattoo top up in Milton Keynes!) so I thought I’d use the opportunity to clear up some confusion around Singles Holidays.

Glynn my lovely friend (without whom there would no longer be a blog), asked me to explain what a ‘Singles Holiday’ entailed.  I wrongly presumed that everyone knew, but I've had quite a few questions about it from various people and someone else asked me today too, so I thought I’d better clear things up.  I can’t believe that there are so many misconceptions! It seems that a lot of people think they’re knocking shops!  OK, so here goes...

1.   Singles holidays are holidays designed specifically for single people (so that you don’t have to go on holiday completely on your own)

2.    There are typically no single supplements and are usually quite easy going

3.   They are mixed holidays with both male and female singles

4.   The purpose (for me anyway) is NOT to meet/flirt/date someone I meet on a singles holiday (although, that does happen with other people) but to have a nice holiday with like minded people.

5.   Age ranges can vary massively (unless you go with a tour operator who puts age limits on their holidays eg Solos) and can be anything from early 30’s to 70’s.

I think it’s a massive misconception of singles holidays that people only go on them to meet/flirt/date someone ... if you book yourself on one with the specific goal of meeting your ideal partner (or for that matter, even meeting someone to have a flirt with, if you know what I mean) I think you’ll be sorely disappointed.  If you read my holiday blogs (this latest one and the previous one I did in June ‘11), you’ll know that men are very few and far between on singles holidays (this holiday there was only one man, Alvin and around 14 women over the 2 weeks and the last was about the same, one man to about 20 women) so you get my point.  However, I do have to say that from what I’ve heard (although I’ve definitely not experienced this myself) the European singles holidays have a bit more of that flirty stuff going on ... they tend to be cheaper than the Caribbean or long haul holidays, so tend to have a lot more people (men and women) on them, therefore, the possibilities of meeting someone are way higher - we're talking up to 50 people on a European holiday as opposed to anything between 5 and 20 for a long haul.

So what do I like about singles holidays?  Well, I’d be happy going on holiday completely on my own, however, I know I’d be fine in the day (I like to spend my days on holiday predominantly on my own as I’m usually exhausted by the time I go away and need the peace), but would get a bit lonely having dinner on my own every night.  For me, the good things about these holidays are:

1.   You tend to meet like minded people 

2.   You have someone to have dinner with (like I say, I’m fine in the day, however, like to have someone to have dinner and a chat with)

3.   No-one cares what you do eg if you want to go to bed early ... go to bed early, if you don’t want to have dinner ... don’t have dinner.  No-one really cares or pressurises you.  You can completely please yourself without upsetting anyone ... Can you say the same when you go away?!

4.   You meet some fabulous people.  I’ve got some real ‘forever friends’ that I’d never have met if not for singles holidays (that’s you, Justine, Cordelia, Tanya and Mary ... love you guys!)

That said, there are, so I'm told, some people who do go away looking for, hmmmm how can I put it nicely, love?!  If that's you and you’re a woman seeking a man (although I've not done it myself, these are just my observations from doing quite a few of these holidays and from speaking to others) if you are looking to flirt/date/meet someone on a singles holiday, these are my top tips:

1.   Don’t get your hopes up!  Women far outweigh the men on EVERY singles holiday I’ve been on or heard of and by many to one usually and if you are lucky enough to have a half decent man on the holiday, then the competition with other women is fierce!  (Oh, who could be bothered?! *Shudder*)

2.   Don’t go long haul – try the more busier European BEACH holidays – I say ‘beach’ holidays, because you get very different people on the walking/activities/touring type holidays than you do on the beach ones

3.   Try the weekend breaks.  Lots of tour operators that do singles holidays also do weekend breaks at UK hotels ... I’ve never been to any myself as I really don’t fancy it (not my style at all) ... I hear that they’re real cattle markets.  I’ve also heard that some women don’t even book a room because they know that they’ll pull ... Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww self respect ladies ... self respect!)

4.   Don’t be choosy

5.   Be desperate – you’d have to be to compete with other woman for a man you wouldn’t look twice at when you’re at home!  (Is that harsh?  Don’t care!)

However, if you’re a bloke and at least half decent looking ... fill ya boots!  I have heard some stories when I’ve been talking to other holiday makers who’ve been on those European holidays (although it must also happen on long haul, although I can't remember witnessing it) ... one told me of a guy who was (how can I put it delicately) erm, ‘having initmate relations’ with 4 different women at the same time and they all found out about each other on the last day!  In fact, I’ve heard quite a few stories like that.

However, maybe I’m being a little bit too harsh ... Justine did tell me about a couple she knew that met while they were away and are still together, but she also told me some other stuff that I don’t want to repeat here without her permission!

I must hasten to add, that not all the European beach holidays are like that ... Like I said earlier, it’s just a bit more likely due to the increased numbers on them.  However, I must point out that where it does happen, people are generally pretty discrete about it and you sometimes don’t find out that anything’s gone on until the end of the holiday.  So don't let this put you off such a holiday!

So, who are the main Singles Holiday tour operators?  Here you go:

Solos - They are the biggest operator and have the most varied range of holidays.  They also have age ranges for some holidays.  Their Representatives stay with you for the whole holiday (which personally I don’t like – I’ve met some really weird ones ... one in particular - a very nasty, cocky little man called Gary - really ruined one of my holidays, but that’s a story for another day) –  As a result, I won’t EVER travel with them again.

Solitair - I haven’t tried them, they don’t go to that many places and haven’t had any holidays that I fancied at the times I’ve been looking to go, although I’ve had good reports about them.

Friendship Travel – My favourites by a long way.  I think they’re excellent, their customer service is fantastic and you aren’t governed by what the Rep wants to do when you’re there.  The Reps pretty much leave you alone but are there when you need them.  The only criticism is that they don’t have a massive choice and they can be quite expensive (although there’s an argument for doing a few holidays really well ... which is what they do, rather than pile ‘em high and sell ‘em cheap)

Just You – I’ve used a couple of times eg when I did America’s Gold Coast and a Nile Cruise, however, they mainly do touring type holidays which do tend to attract an older crowd.

Of course there are many more operators who cater for singles, it’s just that those are the main ones.  As for the price, well, they say that you don’t pay a singles' premium, but of course you do, it’s just built into the overall price.

Singles holidays are what you want them to be – if you want to have a ‘relationship’ with someone and there’s someone on your holiday that fits the bill, great, but I wouldn’t go away expecting it, you could be sorely disappointed.  I do remember when I went on a singles holiday to Antigua – there were a few more men than usual on that holiday and one of the blokes told me that on the first night, one of the other men asked him, “When does it all kick off then?” He said, “What do you mean?”  The other guy said, “When does everyone, you know, pair up?” “What the hell are you on about?  I think you’ve got the wrong idea mate!”  The guy had come away expecting sex, sex and more sex!  He was thinking it would be more like an 18-30’s holiday. Poor guy ... he spent the whole holiday VERY disappointed and I wouldn't doubt, a bit frustrated!

Well, hopefully I’ve cleared some stuff up there.  Oh and in case you’re wondering, considering the amount of holidays I’ve been on, have I ever met anyone I found even remotely attractive?  Not a one!  And would I ever expect to? Nope!  And do I book holidays in the hope of meeting someone special? Never!  If it happened, well that would be nice but totally unexpected.

So that’s it on singles holidays lovelies.  Any questions on this or anything else, either leave me a comment below or mail me and I’ll try and answer!  If you’re thinking of going on a singles holiday ... my advice ... DO IT!  You won’t regret it and you’ll meet some fantastic people to boot.  What’s the alternative, stay at home and watch everyone else go away, or worse still, wait until someone asks you to go away or tag along with another couple ... no thank you!

Hopefully, I’ll post tomorrow with news of my new tattoos and internet dating update.  Until then, as always, be fabulous you lovely people!

Lots of love


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